chapter fifteen: Chloe knows it all

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Y/n's POV

"Don't you love Jihyo? Why not tell her?" Chloe said and I scoffed before rolling my eyes.

"what good will it do? She's straight and have a dickhead of a boyfriend. Pretty sure I know which one she'll choose between us." I said and chloe rolled her eyes.

"Atleast give it a shot." She said

"When I'm ready."

"When is that?"


"Depends on what?" She asked teasing me.

"On my mood." I shrugged

"Besides I know you still love me chlo." I said and I caught her off guard.

I chuckled. "Chloe, I still love you. But not as much as I love Jihyo. She stole my heart the first time I laid my eyes on her. But she has a boyfriend and You don't..." I said my sentence leading no where.

"Y/n don't... Don't give me hope." She said looking away.

"Chloe.. I'm not leading you on. I do love you-" I tried to hold her arm but she gently shrugged my hand away.

"Please... I can't. I love you so much but I know that you don't feel the same." She said holding her own tears aback.

"Chloe." I called out for her and she still hadn't face me.

"I love you... I never stopped." I whispered and she turned around I met her watery eyes. I sighed and held her cheek.

"I don't think I will stop." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

I pulled her close to me and took my chance to kiss her lips. She froze at first but gave in.

I do love her. But my emotions with Jihyo and our relationship with each other is confusing me. She hates me and I don't know why. I love her and chloe which makes my head hurt and so does my heart.

She pulled away quickly like she did something wrong.

"fuck... Y/n don't do this." She whispered and I let our foreheads touch.

"Don't do what?" I asked

"You Love Jihyo. As much as it hurts me, you love her. I don't want to get hurt and believe you would love me one more time. Don't lead me on. Because if we kiss one more time I won't let Jihyo take you away from me. I love you so much y/n. But I want you to be happy and you need to be with Jihyo than me." She said and I was frozen.

How... how could she have self control? How can't she just take advantage of me and just take me like that and she'll be happy? She's always the most caring and honest one between us. I didn't know she could be this caring.

She chuckled bitterly, I heard the pain in her voice making my heart sink. "I know... You love me too. But not as much as Jihyo."

"I won't take your happiness away from you
Y/n." She whispered one last time and stood up leaving me.

I opened my eyes and felt water on my cheeks. I was crying. And I don't know why. My heart hurts. And I know exactly why.


"I have suspension for a month chaeyoung. I can't even move around the house since I don't have anything to do." I said over the phone and she sighed.

"Want me and Tzu to skip and we can drown our sorrows together?" She asked and I laughed before declining.

"As much as I love the idea, I won't let you and Tzuyu become me. So decline this phone call and go to class chaeng." I said and I felt her roll her eyes over the phone.

"Since when did you get so responsible?" She asked and I laughed bidding goodbye. I ended the call and continued tying my shoelace.

Since I can't distract chaeyoung I can do well on sehun.

I picked up my Jacket and phone on my way out the house. I planned on taking my old car since I don't have the mood to drive my bike.

I want to talk to chloe but she needs space. I get it. I totally led her on and it hurts her. I love her but not as much as Jihyo.

I put some music on while I drove all the way to sm entertainment.


"You're in deep shit y/n." Sehun said and I whined.

"Yah you're no help." I pouted and he laughed.

"It's not my fault you got suspended for a month. What do you want me to say? That the girl I like is gay and girls are all over her but she doesn't realize it?" He said sarcasm written on his face.

"I just need your honest opinion, jeez." I said and Sehun's face turned serious.

"Y/n, Chloe sounds like a nice girl. Too nice if you ask me. You're perfect for her but like you said, you love Jihyo more. So go what your heart yearns for. Follow what your heart wants and everything will turn out okay than you expect it to be." He said and I felt more relax.

"I really want to confess to Jihyo but she won't even look at me."

"Then start from there. Make her notice you again."


"Hey Ji..." I said over the phone and I was smiling brightly.

"Y/n I have class to attend to." She stated and I sighed disappointedly.

"Meet me on the beach after class. I want to tell you something. If you don't come... If you don't... I'm sorry." I said my hands fidgeting and she let's a few seconds pass by when she finally talked.

"I'll go... See you later."

She hung up and I sighed in relief. I was already at the beach ready to tell her everything. My feelings for her, my pain and how sorry I am. I'm ready for it all.

One more class of Jihyo and she's free to leave the school. So I just have to wait an hour or two before she gets here. Seems simple enough.

This time I won't wait. I'm ready to tell her everything If it gets her to accept my love for her.


Jihyo's POV

A few days earlier.

I wanted to talk to y/n. Daniel did something terrible and I just need to talk to y/n even if it's late at night.

I saw a car leaving her house but I was too absored in my feelings that I didn't care. After parking my car I quickly jogged towards her front door seeing it half opened. That's weird because she never let's her door open.

I held the doorknob but I was nervous. Why am I nervous? I took a peek in y/n's house to see her talking to someone.

I probably shouldn't intrude. But I can't help but to watch them. Y/n looks furious and confused. The girl looks familiar.

She said her name and It was chloe. I held my mouth to cover any sound I was making. I shouldn't be eavesdropping but It's chloe. The woman who left her to rot.

Y/n closed her eyes hurt and Chloe leaned closer to kiss her. When their lips met my whole world shattered. I don't know why I'm feeling like this. Like she betrayed me. My whole heart aches especially when I saw Y/n kissing Chloe back with the same inentsity.

I backed away and run towards my car feeling my tears drop continuously. It hurts to see Y/n kissing someone. I felt betrayed so much that I forgot about Daniel

But at the same time this pain is mixed with anger. My emotions are getting the better of me than I expected that I avoided her and even took Daniel's side on that fight, even though I know full well that she was innocent. I got her suspended because I'm an idiot. An idiot who likes her.

When she called me to talk I was ecstatic. My mood swings are the worst. I want to be with
y/n but At the same time I don't. Because she kissed chloe. Fuck My head hurts by thinking of this.

I really do love her...


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