Chapter thirty-eight: Ending

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No one's pov

"You better wake up when your done with the surgery.. I'm counting on you y/n." Jihyo said to the still asleep girl on a hospital bed.

"I know you can hear me.. Please wake up when all of this is over." She pleaded to y/n.

'I will...'


"The surgery takes hours for it to finish Jihyo. don't stress." Chloe said but Jihyo shook her head.

"I'm not.." The tired girl said and leaned on the chair waiting for the surgeon to come out.

"The way you keep turning your head on the sliding doors says otherwise. Calm down." Nayeon said and Jihyo felt like she couldn't breathe anymore.

"I'm going outside for a while." She stood up and ignored the voices telling her to come back.

"Let her be.. She just needs to get fresh air to breathe." Eli said tired for all the sleepless nights she experienced.

Everyone wanted to go and gollow Jihyo. But it would only make her feel the pain she doesn't want to feel. It would make her feel worse than it already is.

Jihyo slammed the door open and locked the door behind her. She went to the roof to get fresh air and hope that it would ease her feelings.

"Don't touch my drink!" The still sober girl said takimg the glass and shoving the alcohol down her throat.

"It's your fifth glass already! Ease up." Jihyo said laughing at y/n for drinking too much.

"I don't care. Who are you? My mom? Hello?? She died a few years ago." Y/n said it as a joke and chuckled.

"Yes now who is going to take care of you now? Me. Who's going to love you? Me ofcourse. Now stop drinking before you hit your head on the counter." She scolded and
y/n shook her head.

"I'm not going to hit my head on the counter." She counted and ordered another drink.

"I'm the one who's going to bash your head on the counter if you don't stop acting like a child."

"Make me stop then." He girl challenged and Jihyo rolled her eyes.

"You two have been non stop bickering. Stop it. I've heard enough." Chaeyoung said who was too sober to have fun.

"Booo, Chaeyoung wants to kill the fun. Boo." Y/n acted like a child and earned an eye roll from her.

"A child really.." Chaeyoung whispered and jihyo agreed.

"You love this child." Y/n addressed to herself and stuck her tongue out.

"How old are you? Really?" Chaeyoung asked and y/n laughed.

"Younger than you but still taller."

Chaeyoung twisted y/n's ears and the girl complained dropping her drink on the counter.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch! Stop it! You're violating me! Jihyo help me!" The girl shouted but chaeyoung didn't stop to teach her friend a lesson.

"Your fault anyways y/n." Jihyo said and drank y/n's drink before smiling.

Jihyo threw a flower vase on the ground, shattering it into thousands of pieces.

Tears were flowing down her cheeks.

"Y/n! Don't leave me! Not at this time!" She shouted on the rooftop loudly as she could.

"Don't you fucking leave me! I will hate you forever.. I already hate you for being in that bed so don't make me dug a deeper hole!"

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