Chapter three: Party

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Y/n's POV

"I left my phone here somewhere, did you see it?" I asked rummaging through her couch, practically throwing every single piece of pillow down to the floor.

Nayeon had her eyes glued to her phone and a smile on her face. I had a feeling she was texting Jeongie and I just rolled my eyes.

"Unnie can you ring my phone? Someone might be contacting me and I badly need it." I said begging to her and kept trashing her room.

"Such a cry baby y/n~ssi." She said in a good mood and rang my phone. I thanked her and heard my phone from her pillow.

I clicked my tongue and ran towards it practically throwing myself to her bed just to reach my phone.

It's half past noon and Jihyo and some other students helped her in preparing the party. Jihyo sent me tons of messages like she usually does.

I ignored it all when I saw "Get here now!" It was too early to go to school. I saw an unknown number text me. I frowned and opened it.

Hey! It's sehun. I got your number from Mina and hope I didn't freak you out or something

I smiled. Not because I felt noticed and adored that he remembers me. Because he didn't act like an asshole and try to scare me off. Most people would do that so I don't give out my numbers. Only to specific people in my life.

Not at all Sehun what made you text

I closed my phone and saw Nayeon calling someone with a smile on her face. It might be Jeongyeon so I didn't asked. I stood up and left the room to go back home.


"Drinking in two p.m?"

I went back home but went straight to our mini bar in the house. Somi- Our bartender said.

"I really need it." I said and she gave me my usual.

"What fair drama did you get yourself in to?" She leaned on the table waiting for me to talk, like usual.

"Nothing, I just needed the drink." I lied and she saw me crunch my nose. That's what I apperantly do when I tell a lie.

"You know I saw that right?" She referred to my nose and I sighed setting my drink down.

"It's Jihyo isn't it?" She asked and I shrugged. Whenever We do this she tries her best not to push the subject. But mostly she fails.

"What'd she do now?"

"She said she got herself a boyfriend in the summer." I gritted my teeth as I said that. Somi's eyes widen in suprised.

"Jinja? What the hell why?" Somi thought that me and Jihyo liked each other ever since Jihyo visited my house. She met somi and somi always reminded me that Jihyo likes me. Ofcourse I never believed her because Jihyo is straight.

"I don't know the story, but she said she'll introduce me to him later at the party." I shrugged and down my drink in one sip.

"But she likes youu" Somi whined like a child and I shook my head.

"Why would she even like me?"



Yo what's up?

Want to accompany me later tonight?
I've got no schedule

I don't think I'll be able to come. Sorry sehun :<

It's not a problem :> Just text me
If you're coming


I put my phone down and started my motorcycle. I drove to the school within minutes.

I could hear the blasting music from the parking lot. The gym is like a mile away from the parking lot. It's just 5 p.m and everybody's already there.

Jihyo tried to call me through my phone but I was too busy talking with somi That I didn't even notice it.

I wore pants and a white shirt. Just normal and even wore my glasses.

I heard someone calling me from behind and looked to see Mina

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I heard someone calling me from behind and looked to see Mina. I frowned and stop at my tracks as she ran towards me with a smile.

"Hey unnie.. What are you doing here?" I asked and she pants while holding onto my shoulder.

"Don't you know? I'm the special guest for tonight" She flashed her gummy smile everyone loves and adore.

"I didn't even know we have a special guest." I said and Mina chuckled as we walk together to
go to the gym.

"Are you going to sing or what?" I asked

"Just singing mostly. Maybe I'll even call you up there for a duet?" She asked and I laughed shaking my head.

"I suck at singing."

"No you don't! You're better than me, I don't get why you didn't train to be an idol like your sister." She said and we both laughed.

"No I'm not good at it. Trust me." I said with a smile hearing the music getting closer and closer.

"If I accidently slip your name up there I'm sorry." She raised her hand for a peace sign and I rolled my eyes. She must be joking.

"Go through the back stage. If students see you go in the main entrance they'll lose their mind."

She pouted and I laughed showing her where the back entrance is. She thanked me and I went on ahead by myself again to the doors.

As I walk in everyone was dancing in the middle with the lights off, Music blasting and people eating.

But what caught my eyes was Jihyo in the corner with a few people around her. I was bout to walk towards her But then a person walked away making me see someone holding her waist.

I stopped dead in my tracks and saw him kiss Jihyo on the head making her smile. Some of them squealed in delight and I just crushed down. I felt my heart ache and I shook away the feeling. The same feeling my father gave me when I was a child.

I took a step backward and ran back outside.

I pulled my phone out and texted him right away.

Want to go to a party with me?


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