chapter eleven: Cries

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Y/n's POV

I keep driving and passed all the cars swiftly. People keep honking as I pass by but I didn't stop and just kept driving to where I always feel safe. Where nobody could tear me off my humanity. Where no one would judge and hurt me.

I hopped off my bike and quickly walked to where I would go normally. Nobody has ever found me here and I don't expect anyone to.

When I reached her grave It was filled with flowers I never saw before. My mom's picture is beside making me want to just break down and cry.

I checked the flowers and realized who it was from. My father would give it to her when I was younger. So you I still couldn't walk to that age. But I would always picture my mom with the brightest smile as my dad would give her the flowers. I would cheer and giggle at them whenever they hug.

That was the past. It was done.

My dad visited here... why? I shook away the thought and just sat down on the grass with her headstone in front of me. I couldn't help it. I cried while hugging my knees. It's the first time I came here crying. Thinking about my family and Jihyo at the same time hurts. How we fought earlier. How I saw my mom die is like relieving the same pain over and over again. No one wants me to take a break. It's like Somebody up there is punishing me. My life is shit and I should be gone. Everyone would be happy.


Nayeon's POV

"She did what?!" I asked over the phone and Jeongyeon looked at me worriedly.

"Jihyo's no where to be found also. those two won't talk. Y/n can't be found everyone's no help unnie. We need your help." Chaeyoung said through sobbing.

"I'll be there to pick you and Tzuyu up. We're going to search for her don't worry." I said and hung up.

"What's wrong?" Jeongyeon asked holding my hand.

"It's y/n." I said and stood up from the bed wearing my clothes while Jeongyeon did the same.

"She left again?" Jeongie asked and I nodded and tried to be calm but when Chaeyoung described what happened... Fuck.

"Can you drive? My hands are shaking." I said and She nodded.

I almost tripped when I walked to the bathroom for my phone. I walked back to the bedroom and looked for my shoes. I'm shaking badly. I'm so worried for y/n I just want her to be back again.

"Hey hey." Jeongyeon held both sides of my shoulder trying to calm me down. I cried in front of her and she sighed immidiately hugging me for comfort.

"Shhh... Don't worry we'll find her. She promised she won't do it again."

"She wants to Jeongyeon. I know she does. Based on how she acts all time you know she wants to." I said in between sobs and I felt jeongyeon carefully looked at my eyes.

"I know... It's why we need to be there for her. Let's go she's got to be in Han river like last time right? If she's not we'll keep searching. She can't go far." Jeongyeon said making me calm. I nodded.

"We'll find her." I said and we both head to my car.


Chloe's POV

Y/n was angry. So angry she disappeared. I saw the whole fight and That girl Jihyo was suppose to be on her side. When y/n saw how Jihyo sided with Daniel... Hurt was all over her eyes. I can even see it from feet aways surely Jihyo could see it. Behind all the pain in y/n's eyes I could see how much she loves Jihyo. More than a friend.

It hurts me to know she found someone better. the way we kissed last time isn't the same. She might still love me but not as much as she loves Jihyo. I want to disappear again. But I would be a coward to do so. I want to fight for y/n but what's there to fight for? She loves someone else. And I'm not okay with it.

I'm not angry with Jihyo. It's not her fault. It's mine and I know it. If only I didn't disappear and left Y/n, she would be here beside me like old times. If only I didn't find her she would be happy like old times. It hurts that she's in this state because of me. She's pushing me away and I know it. I'm not blind and stupid. But I just want to talk. not argue.

I'm in my car trying to find y/n. Her friends and Nayeon are surely doing it also. Y/n has love around her but she doesn't realize how big the group of people loves her. I need to open her eyes and ler her see. If I can't do it Jihyo can.

There's one place where y/n could go but i'm not sure. It's the only place I could think about since I just arrived here so why not give it a shot?

I drove fastly to the cemetery hopefully to find her there.

I parked besides a bike that I'm familiar with.

'She's here' I thought and quickly turned off the engine and left my car jogging through the grass.

I passed by a couple who were crying over something or someone. My eyes searching for her and only her.

I found her by her mothers' grave, hugging her knees tightly and shaking a bit. I stopped in my tracks, my heart aching at her state. Knowing full well I did this. I caused her pain and probably years of it.

I walked slowly towards her, debating whether or not to comfort her. I would be the last person she wants to console to. But I've got nothing to lose anyways so why not.

I took a deep breath and kneeled by her and she looked up. Just seeing her sad hurts me. Now she cries and it breaks my heart.

She should be asking why am I here and would be telling me to leave. Instead she burst in tears and I held her closely to me. I hugged her trying to comfort her. And she let me. My whole shirt is probably wet and I don't care.

She's too important than a bloody shirt.


Nayeon's POV

"We're here-" I didn't let jeongyeon finish and I just opened the car door and ran through the cemetery.

My breath is heavy and my mind is all over the place. If she's not here then where the hell is she?

I ran quickly as I could and saw two figures by... by mom's grave. I haven't visited it ever since the funeral...

I saw chloe comforting y/n. It made me angry but sad at the same time. Angry, because chloe might be hurting her again. Sad, because it's the first time I saw y/n cry ever since we were in the funeral.

I was frozen and couldn't move. Then I realized she doesn't need me. Chloe's here. She's all that she needs. Jihyo should be here. But Jihyo IS the reason y/n is crying.

I sighed and turned around to leave.

'You have so much drama on your plate


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