chapter thirteen: Meeting

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Y/n's POV

"Yeah she's coming with us." Nayeon said and Chloe stuck her tongue out to me.

"Such a child chloe." I said and she pouted making me laugh.

"You were the one who kept teasing me a minute ago." She said and I rolled my eyes and we both laughed.

"I swear I'm like your mother." Nayeon said and I rolled my eyes.

"A mother? More like grandma." I said and nayeon glared at me.

"My fault." I smiled innocently and Jeongyeon laughed.

"After I drop you three off the campus I'll head straight to jype?" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon and she nodded.

"I don't even undestand why I'm coming." Chloe said as we got in the car.

"You were the fucking one who kept begging me to let you come with us." I said and she laughed.

"eh you won this time."


"Bye Jeongyeon." I waved and she left.

"So where's the dean's office?" Nayeon asked and I led the way with Chloe beside me.

"Why is the dean even calling you? I've been behaved this past few months." I said and Nayeon looked at me historically.

"Y/n you skipped half you class almost everyday and beat someone yesterday. Remind me how We're related?" Nayeon said and Chloe chuckled beside me.

"Geez and you thought you were the mother type." Chloe said to Nayeon and they just chuckled together.

"We're here." I said and knocked before opening it.

"Polite huh?" Chloe said and entered the room following behind was Nayeon and me.

"Good morning miss Im." The dean bowed respectfully and Nayeon did also.

I want to laugh but I need to show manners. "Stop smiling like an idiot." Chloe beside me whispered and I stopped smiling.

I looked behind the dean to see Jihyo and Roseanne and chaeyoung. Okay my smile definitely faded by now.

The fuck are they doing here? Nayeon seemes tense upon seeing rosé. Roseanne just looked at her, almost seeing sorry. Like hell she cares.

"Please sit." he said and all three of us sat down with me in the middle and nayeon on my left.

"I'm guessing you already know why I called for this meeting?" He asked and Nayeon nodded.

"I'm just clarifying things. Stop me if I'm wrong Y/n." He cleared his throat and read on a piece of paper the following.

"Y/n andrea Im. Sister artist. Mother deceased. father, businessman. oldest sister, unknown. (caitlyn)" He stopped and checked if everything was right. I looked to see Chloe hurt but kept a smile. I sighed and nodded.

"Y/n Im activities for the past two months-" I stopped him

"Wait wait wait. You keep tabs on what I do?" I asked and he nodded.

"Every student." He said and I leaned back on the couch feeling uneasy.

"Missed most of her class almost up to... 58 of her class." I hold in a laugh and so did chloe. Nayeon hit my shoulder. God I'm like a kid.

"Had a few arguements with Jihyo Park and Chaeyoung son." He said and I stole a glance from Jihyo to see her expressionless.

I cleared my throat and listened attentively.

"Two major fights. First is you almost beat Kim Seokjin to the point he'll pass out." Nayeon looked at me in disbelief and I sighed.

I looked at chaeyoung, she looks guilty. I shook my head telling her it's fine.  It's not even her fault.

"Second was yesterday, Kang Daniel. Students say he bumped into you and your phone broke. Some say you started to throw the punch-"

"Bullshit." I said cutting him off.

"Y/n." Nayeon said warning me. I rolled my eyes, pissed.

"-Some say you started to throw the punches and was hit one time. Mostly Kang Daniel is the most damaged."

I scoffed. "serves him right that dick." I said and Jihyo heard me. She could only glare at me.

I saw it written on her face. she believes all the paper was saying. She believes that dickhead of a boyfriend instead of me.

The dean cleared his throat. "Miss Im, I appreciate you coming down here to talk about what we could do to y/n. But me and Miss Park are down to three options. One is we could make y/n do some community service. two is detention for like a month or two. three is suspension. Normally it would be for a week. But again y/n missed almost a hundred of her class and got into two major fights. It would be a month of suspension. I could expel her but her position here in campus is too important being the student body vice president. You could pick whatever best suits y/n's punishment." He said and Nayeon looked at me first.

I just looked at Jihyo and absorb into her angry and longing eyes. It was obvious she's furious. 'bout me.

"Suspension it is y/n." Nayeon said and I didn't even react. Jihyo made a sign of relief.

Is she happy that I won't be here for a month? Or is she happy I won't show my face everyday?

I stood up angry and opened the door aggressively not caring if it closes. I'm too angry at Jihyo. How could she? She should be apologizing. Not the other way around.

"Hey." Chloe held my arm softly and I stopped in my tracks. I breathed out and turned around to meet chloe's worried eyes.

"I'm fine. It's just Jihyo. I've handled worse." I said and She smiled warmly.

"I saw how roseanne looked at you and Nayeon back there." She said as we sit on a bench close to the office.

"Did you guys have a past or something?" She asked carefully not wanting to hit a sensitive topic.

I laughed. "Yeah we three kind of did." I confessed and she looked at me curiously.

"Care to share?" She asked and held my arm. It was nice to have someone to talk to. Someone who knows my past too well. and someone I could rely on.

"Later back at home. It's kind of a long story." I said and chloe nodded.

"You owe me a story." She winked and I chuckled.

"I owe you everything."


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