Chapter twenty-one: Happy and pain

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Y/n's POV

"Miss Im Y/n? The doctor would like to see you now."

I heard my name and I stood up, following the nurse. The memories from last night keeps coming back to me from time to time and I can't help but to space out. The way Jihyo looked at my eyes when I touched her was too... Too not real. Like I was just imagining what I want. But it can't be. I saw it.

Skip the formalities in introducing me and the doctor.

"Says here on your record back In Japan, You are suffering from atrial septal defect (ASD). And I also checked some of your records here in Korea when you were still a child. Have you ever been here before Miss Im?" She asked me and I thought about it for a second.

"I don't really remember much of my childhood." I said.

"Do you know who Ms. choe is?" She asked and I nodded.

"She was the one who tried to save my mother from dying." I said and asked what's the connection about ms. choe and me about.

"I'm miss choe's distant relative.. more like I'm her niece. She told me a lot about you, especially the part where you were so devastated on loosing your mother." She said with a bit of a sad tone in her voice.

"I once remember my aunt telling me that you came in the hospital with your mom. She wanted to check if you were alright because you keep having heart problems. These are your record from years ago Before when your mother passed." She handed me an old piece of paper with, I'm guessing Ms. Choe's hand writing.

It confirmed my sickness. Years ago I had this disease and my mother knew.

"So when I was a child I already have asd?" I asked to confirm and she nodded.

"When you were a child it said that you were still young to be operated on and my aunt was planning on doing it until you reach the age of 18."

"I didn't get operated on because no one knew except my mom, Who died before I reached the age of 18..." I said sadly and leaned back on my chair.

"Didn't my father knew?" I asked her and she stopped momentarily.

"He knew... Your mother told him."

I scoffed silently realizing that my own father won't let me have a surgery to save my life.

"What medications should I use now?"


"Sorry I'm late." I said to Solar and she just nodded.

"It's fine, it's only three minutes. You ready to shoot the trailer?" She asked and I can't do anything but to just nod while having a forceful smile.

"Okay everyone!" The director shouted making everybody's eyes on him.

"This is just the trailer we'll be shooting from today but next week we should finish atleast 2 or 3 episodes, so this should be easy. Everyone's acquainted with everyone so shall we start?" He asked and we all nodded in agreement.

"Miss Y/n and Miss Park to the shooting scene please." The director's assistant led me to where I got drunk last 5 years ago. The day my father came back and ruined my life.

I cleared my throat and stood by the camera. I saw Jihyo coming towards me but avoiding my eyes. Guess both of us don't know what happened yesterday.


After a very uncomfortable and awkward interaction, we decided to call it a day. Jihyo didn't even look at me after the shoot and just went straight home. Which I understand but It still hurt when she didn't even acknowledge me.

"Hey I'm heading home." I said to Solar and she nodded telling me to be safe while driving.

I thanked her for the day and went out with my phone in my hand.

I clicked the keys to open my car and hop in with my eyes on my phone. I turned on the engine and drove off the parking lot.

I dialed my phone to call Chloe which she didn't answer, which was weird. She always answers my calls.

'Wonder what's going on with her.'


Chloe's POV

"Where's Y/n?" Nayeon asked me again. She kept asking me the same question all over again which Is getting annoying.

"Nayeon, I don't know. I didn't even know she's back until now." I lied and tried walking away but she blocked me.

"I know that you know so let's cut the bullshit Chloe. Where is she?" Nayeon asked me again and I sighed.

"I really don't know what you're talking about. Now let me go." I said my voice serious and stern.

"Are you not mad? Angry that she left without explaining everything?"

I scoffed. "Are you kidding me? Ofcourse I am. But I once was that kind of angry too. I left without explaining everything. Like she did. Don't get angry at Y/n when you don't know the whole story Nayeon. Don't ask me where she is. Find her yourself." I spat and walked past her.

"Do you still love her?"

I stopped in my tracks. Without turning to face her I answered her without hesitating.

"Who wouldn't love her?" I whispered loud enough for her to hear and continued walking. The familiar tears are threatening to spill any second before I reach my car.

As soon as I closed my car door I cried. All my emotions are coming back to me And Nayeon let me realize that I still have unfinished business with my emotions with y/n.

I do love her... But I knew deep down I don't have a chance because she loves Jihyo. Jihyo Loves her too I'm not fucking blind. All that hate Jihyo surrounds her, deep down I saw the love she has for y/n. Even if I was far away, Or picture even, I saw it. Through her eyes and It couldn't deny. Her love is as strong as Y/n. It's not match for me. And I know it.

As much as I want to loathe Jihyo I can't... For one, What's there to loathe? She is gorgeous and perfect. Perfect girl for Y/n to love. I can't hate Jihyo... I'd be just hating myself.

That's why I will get them back together. No matter the consequences. I just want y/n to be happy. And that's what I'll do and I'll disappear again. But this time for good and I'll be far away from them. I won't be a bother anymore.

As much As I love y/n, I still love her to be happy with someone. Even if it's not me.


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