chapter sixteen: Get away

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Y/n's POV

It's been an hour but I could wait. If it means getting to talk to her again I would wait and eternity.

I sat on the hood of my car just watching the sun getting lower and lower into the horizon, watching the sky turn into a shade of orange until it becomes night turning the whole sky black and the moon shining against the cold ocean water.

I looked at the time and it was already 6:37 at night. It's been three hours, my eyes threatening to close. I looked around hoping to see Jihyo but she's not there. No one is.

I'm starting to lose hope she'll ever come.


It's already 10 at night. My eyes red because of me crying for hours. I came to the point she won't come. why would she? She's angry at me for something I don't even fucking know.

Does she even remember that I asked her to go here? Or does she not care at all?

I sighed and took one last glance of the dark sky and walked to the drivers' seat. I weakenly turn on the ignition and drove to the airport.

I need a release. for atleast a year or two. I need to disappear for a little while. I don't care how it affects anyone, I just want to go to somewhere where no one knows me. No one can judge me.

I just hope chloe would understand my situation.


Chloe's POV

"What the hell is this?" I asked putting my phone up. Chaeyoung looked at me and the phone before panicking.

"Where the hell is she going?" Chaeyoung asked and I put my phone down.

Y/n sent me a text. Saying goodbye and thanking me for everything. My eyes were swollen because I was crying for the past few minutes.

"I don't know you tell me. I called her and thankfully she answered. She told me to ask you." I said getting pissed off. Not at chaeyoung because of how lost she looks also.

Chaeyoung thought about it for a second before the realization hit her like a truck. "Y/n asked Jihyo to meet her by the beach. Jihyo might've forgot, fuck." Chaeyoung slammed her locker shut.

It's night and the rest of the students is gone. I wasn't because I don't have anywhere go but here. The student council is preparing for this months' activities that's why chaeyoung is here and probably Jihyo.

"Come on, We need to talk to Jihyo." She said and I followed her trying to keep my rage in. If Jihyo's the reason behind this then I'm not going to let go of Y/n that easily.

We searched the whole campus until the last classroom. It was supposedly Jihyo's last class. It's out last hope to find her there so she better be.

I opened the door to see Jihyo talking with her Boyfriend like they are in a serious conversation. I clenched my fist, seeing the two of them makes me mad.

"Ji." Chaeyoung called for her. Jihyo looked to see us two and held Daniel's hand telling him something before standing up and walking towards us.

"What is it?" Jihyo asked somewhat disappointed and tired.

"Did you go to y/n?" I asked and chaeyoung waited for an answer.

"I was about to." She checked her watch to see it was quarter to mid night. Her eyes widen in shock and I could've sworn I heard her cursed.

"I need to go." She said and walked past us.

"Jihyo it's too late." I said stopping her in her tracks. She turned around and asked.

"What do you mean? too late for what?" She asked nervously.

"Y/n sent me a text a few minutes ago... She's leaving, Jihyo." I said and I could barely hold my tears in. Just the thought of y/n leaving like I did makes me want to just cry. So this is what she felt when I left.

Jihyo's face turned dark and her tears threatening to spill. Before it could do so she turned around and ran.

Chaeyoung called her name out and followed her. I stand my ground and cried. Who am I to follow them anyways. I leaned on a wall supporting my weight, tears flowing non stop. After all the things I confessed and said to her she just left. I want to understand why she did it but I can't. I'm too hurt to fucking process my brain.

I collapsed on the floor and I hugged my knees feeling so drained. Who knows when she'll be back. It could be months or a few years. I just came back and she left me. Like what I did.


Jihyo's POV

"...She's leaving, Jihyo."

My whole world stopped just like that. I could barely function properly. My eyes starting to water but before It could hit the ground I turned away and ran. I didn't care where but I needed to get out of there.

I heard someone calling my name behind me but I ignored it and ran towards my car and drove before the voice reached me. My tears kept falling uncontrollably. I was driving while crying but I didn't care at this point.

I should've went there. I should have been. But I was too busy with my duty that I forgot y/n. Too busy trying to think of a way to break up with daniel that y/n slipped in my mind.

The streets were empty so I was fine. I closed my eyes for a second but heard a loud horn and bright light in front of me. I gasp and swerved to the right hitting my brakes. thankfully I got out the road and unlucky of me I hit my head on the wheel.

I breathed heavily and realized I was alone. My head bleeding, blood dripping down my cheeks. I didn't care at all. I need y/n to be here for me. I want her. I love her.


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