Chapter 1: A Beginning

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The mysterious person looks around to make sure nobody is witnessing of a single movement she makes. The area around her was clear,as she struggles to unlock the security pad system to a secret private room that actually;no one is allowed to go in there except for the adults. It seemed like the security cameras were hijacked before she even try to break in,cause strangely,there are no sounding red sirens indicating that there's a thief inside the building.

The grey-hooded young girl let out a small breath as she successfully hacked the password of the pad system to the room behind the sliding metal doors. After it opened,the robber never hesitates to run inside,and started going after the jewel-like valuables. Sounds of jades and rubies were heard being tossed inside the black bag,and the thief girl laugh.

Thinking that no one could stop her. She was wrong though.

She almost dropped the small white-crystal amulet to the ground cause she got startled by the familiar sounds of security sirens. Her face was torted to a panic-terrified expression as beads of sweat stream down her face. She's caught;for good.

The second figure step inside the red-lighted room;black sneakers,dark blue pants,red hoodie...and a slight showing of her demon nails.

As the room got a little bit red-brighter,her mysterious complexion reveals slickly. Red veins was showed popping from her face,starting from her neck. When she finally opened her eyes,they were maroon red with sharp slit black pupils.

The robber girl starts screaming in horror,dropping the bag now filled with the stolen jewelleries. She widen her eyes as she tries to defend herself;the dark brunette fiercefully lunge at her,raising her leg up before bringing it down again,in a super-hard motion.

"Robber student in the diamond room! I repeat! Robber student in the diamond room! Send security now!"

The voice in the speaker alerts the students,and the bodyguards in black comes running...

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