Chapter 7: One Vengeful Confrontation

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Paris feels her brain sulking,trembling anonymously back and forth in concern just after Miriam left. Throughout the afternoon,she'd been pacing around and about in her dorm,and just as evening came,a sentence of decision shoots right through her.

They attempt to hurt her childhood friend,so now she's going to fight back with a merciless confrontation. Okay,not that merciless.

Paris felt a bit anxious soon after she leaves her dorm, afraid that some random student passing down the hallway will run up to her and keep on praising about the riot several hours ago,and how she had came to the rescue and all those shit. She won't want to hear it.

The dark brunette casually made her way to the lecture room,where it's located next to the staff room where all the teachers are working their ass off. The lecture room was used for the disciplinarian to lecture the students who made huge troubles,and decides the best punishment for them,or a detention,to impress the school's most strict headmistress.

Paris breathes out in nervousness as her orbs lock on the light grey metal door in front of her. Her fingers intertwine around the handle before gathering a small source of energy to push open the door,visioning the business going on inside.

She was met with the disciplinarian ringing her voice out in anger towards the four older girls whom was the real rioters and not the Osborne girl.

"Your gangster-like acts are not heavily tolerated in Damsel Pressure! Moreover,you are disturbing the privacy of a rich student from the major section! Do you understand that you four are causing the trouble and not her?!" The whole room was quiet. The four teenagers didn't say anything,nor answers. They just keep their heads down in guilt,but also a little bit of rage.

Paris let out a sound of 'ehem' to catch the disciplinarian's attention,and when the teacher turns around,her expression transforms into glee.

"Ah,Paris Parker! I'm sorry,I didn't know you were standing there in the first place." The dark brunette pulls out a small smile before shaking her head.

"No,Mrs Garretson. I arrived here just a second ago."

Mrs Garretson nods,still eyeing the young girl gleefully like she's a hero someone would fanaticize. Come on,all the teachers in this school had a respect for her as an even student. Stops students fighting,help to reduce school crimes, has almost good academic studies and a one time rescuer.

The disciplinarian turn back towards the four older girls who still had their heads down,her hazel eyes structures in rage as she grit her teeth.

"These girls just couldn't stop with their thug acts! They're getting on my nerves everytime they made trouble,and... I really feel like giving them each a whiplash," she said,her voice sounding angry and maturely irritated. Paris can see that the woman's hands are slowly clenching into fists,so then decided to do something before things could get worse.

"Um,Mrs Garretson...Would it be okay if I'll help you to strictly lecture them? You can decide the punishment, I'll just go with...harsh words to make them shut up." The girl twirls a few strands of her hair nervously waiting for an answer. She hates to hear the word 'no' as she would threaten the person if she could,but this time,she will have to hold in.

"That would be helpful,Paris. Thank you. I knew I would really need an assistance in lectures." Paris laughs unbeckoningly to replace her inner sigh of relief as she watch Mrs Garretson standing up from her chair,but gives them off a glare of pure hatred.

"You girls will not know what's coming for you. Parker here is going to give off a mad maintenance and if I hear from her that you four deject recklessly,you will be sent to see the headmistress,now or never! Got my words?"

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