Chapter 3: Damsel Distress...Or Pressure?

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The Damsel Pressure Boarding School.

Yeah,almost everyone wants to talk about this. We would've known if it's a normal school just like any other, but unfortunately,it is way more far than normal.

The rules are quite strict,not as simply strict as it seems. It is more like every law is a lock system for each barrier to keep the students from getting away. They must fill up an honest permission slip before they can actually go. However,wherever they went,a tiny security camera will be tucked inside the pocket of their clothes for the teachers in charge to easily watch over them. If they try to run away, the tiny object will beep and they'll be paralyzed invisibly on the spot.

The school faculty is not simple too,there are even bodyguards and security guards aside from teachers. But considering this is a girls' boarding school,all of the faculty are female adults.

The teachers never minded the students' fashion style,but did mind of their belongings. They are not allowed to bring dangerous objects or weapons,unless they had a reason of why they had it. Laws are to said that violence are not tolerated.

The students has have pressure and burdens put over them. Not only by studies,but by punishments given by the headmistress herself. It was miserable it could drive them crazy.

"This is my suggestion. If the security cameras were hijacked,the culprit's fingerprints will be scanned and it's easy for them to get caught. That way,the faculty won't be considered stupid." Miriam said her words as she really is serious,for she was part of the student tolerance council. Paris was part of it as well,but it wasn't the security and laws that she was concerned about. She was concerned of the students' lives and what they're doing. Yeah,she was like the ultimate hero of Damsel Pressure.

The dark brunette girl rocks side to side on the office chair while spinning the pen around her fingers,like a president wanting to hear a report. "I agree. Security cameras are easy to be hijacked. It need to have some sort of a secret ability inside it so that it'll catch the culprit easily,like an anti-hack chip technology thing. It'll keep the cameras from getting hijacked."

"That is what I was talking about!"

"But you didn't add the 'anti-hack' thing. If you did,it'll make your sentence sounded more obvious,and straight on the point. You can't just say 'fingerprints' and 'scanning'," Paris explains,making small motion with her fingers.

Miriam Davidson is the leader of the council,and Paris was the assistant. They were best friends,though totally opposite from each other. Miriam obeyed all of the laws just to save her life from getting miserably punished,but Paris sometimes was stubborn and just secretly break the rules everytime she was bored. She wished to escape from this tormenting education sooner,but tries to control her desires from doing so.

"Ugh! Fine,you win." The black haired girl slump back rapidly on the office chair,rolling her eyes. She was jealous that Paris was smarter than her,but in a friendly way. She hates getting into a fight.

The other girl grins. "Glad to hear you admitting defeat again."

"Shut up,you moron."


Paris throw herself on the white bed of her dorm room after a relaxing shower and wearing her comfy new clothes. The seasonal rain is going to start in a few days ahead and everyone are told to wear warm clothing.

She hadn't had her dinner yet. She would wait for Miriam to call her so they could meet at the cafeteria to pick up their dinner meals.

Paris's dark brown hazel eyes glued on the sight of her green crystal bracelet that's around her wrist,with a small silver nameplate in the middle with the cursive words carved into it:

'Paris Parker,my dearest best friend. Forever.'

She smiles but decides not to think about it, considering that friend of hers is now in a different place,probably still in her home,already gone to another private school,or already moved out. But Paris still has the bracelet with her.

Waiting for what's next to come,tomorrow or the next.

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