Chapter 5: Saving Harriett Osborne

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"Hey. There's no need to be angry,eh? We're just gonna have some fun. Don't you like that?"

The medium brown haired girl was standing in the middle of the room,her expression,scared. Trying to defend herself from the four older girls who's trying to get closer to her. They're trying to do something.

"Come here~ We just want to play with you," one of them said. Apparently,the chamber lounge room is already a wreck. The walls and floors are heavily destroyed,objects were broken and shattered everywhere. Two of the older females were injured from the psychokinetic impact given by the younger,cause she's literally in the middle, panicked but unharmed. Just two other remained.

One of them,probably a brunette,tries to go after her,but was soon thrown away by an invisible force,her back crashing against the wall,and the girl raise her hand upwards,her telekinesis giving out green small mist. The brunette was dragged all the way to the top.

"Stay away,please..."

The remaining opponent was the girl with long coral blue hair. And smiling evilly,glaring deep into the other's soul. She was scared,really scared. With her telekinesis,she made all of the objects float in the air,and with much anger in her body,started throwing one by one,hoping it would give her enemy a big karma.

She run around the room dodging all of the scruning objects controlled by the younger,but a stab to her shoulder by a knife was enough for her to get wounded. The brunette screams as she landed a fall with a big thud,having to be released from the force.

The younger female uses her ability to make the sapphire haired girl gets thrown to the wall,having to hear a resulting scream from the impact. None of them dares to fight her again.

Until Paris yelled out her name.

Their eyes met.

Dark chocolate and cerulean blue.

Only,that's when Paris changes afterwards.

She was angry,breathless and shocked. The younger reverts to her scared expression.

Paris takes a step forward,and the other raise her hand in defense. All of the girls outside were wanting to see what comes next.

"Hey,hey,hey. Calm down,alright? Just...Just calm down."

The girl slowly raise her hand down,but still scared and shocked. Why is that so?

"You don't want to hurt anybody,and I don't want to hurt you. So,just relax. Calm yourself down." Paris was trying to control her demon form at will,afraid she's going to be the next invisibly attacked by the other's telekinesis. She won't be having that,none of the crowd doesn't want that.

"It's going to be okay,just don't raise your hands again. You're going to be alright." Paris never see the younger as a point of evil,or villian. She knows her.

"It's okay..."

The medium brown haired female was so focused on the dark brunette,that she never realize the injured coral blue haired girl had a gun aimed at her from a distance,ready to shoot her at any moment.

Paris saw it,and immediately ran towards her,and instead takes the gun in her hands,points upwards and shoot the huge glass chandelier hanging in the center.

The younger female gasp in fear as she look up to see the chandelier coming down slowly,knowing that she'll die as soon as it encounters the ground and pierce her with the shards of glass,leaving her body with blood.

However,before that could happen,Paris dash forward in a second and push the younger away,hugging her fragile frame as they fell to the side,the decoration finally crash the floor,the shatterings sounded deafeaning. Broken glass of small and big sizes were scattered all over the place. The crowd of students chanted cheers.

Paris tries to catch her breath,her arms still wrapped around the young girl's body. Slowly lifting herself off the cold floor,but realizes the other was...

Unconscious. Great.

The mess was horrid. Not to mention that this room is huge, it'll take ages to clean up.

"Oh my goodness! What happened here?!" One of the teachers exclaims,as soon as they entered the scene. They were shocked,and Paris felt screwed.

Miriam ran in,almost stepping onto the shards of glass. Her eyes widens. "Holy mother of God,what happened here?" She slowly approach Paris who is still sitting next to the unconscious girl. "Don't tell me you got into a battle again."

The dark brunette shakes her head. She was just trying to save a girl from troubles,that's all.

"Lucky she fainted. Probably scared and traumatized by those guys." She points towards the four older females getting scolded by the teacher,for disturbing a girl and made her to get into this.

Paris stares at the fainted body frame. Her eyes fill up with deep concern. But now she has to tell Miriam the truth. "Is that the Osborne-" She was cut off.

"I'll explain everything to you later. But for now,please help me to escort her to the major dormitory. You know,the one for rich kids," Paris said,carrying the younger in a bridal style,making sure she haven't wake up. Miriam was dead lost.

"Whaa-? You know us minors are not allowed in there, you choco dork!"

The dark brunette gives off her demonic glare. "Not if we get a proper permission. I had a fainted girl in my arms and that's enough evidence. Now let's go!"

"Fine,fine. Whatever you say."

Both of them walk out of the wrecked room,passing through the girls who started whispering.

'Isn't that Harriett Osborne?'

'Oh my gosh. Paris is carrying her.'

'That's so sweet.'

Paris ignores what they're saying and keep on walking. Her maroon slitted eyes are still there,along with the red veins, but she just kept quiet. She doesn't want those shitty compliments get to her.

More or less,the girl in her arms becomes a new issue to her...

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