Chapter 14: Gorgeous Even From A Distance

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The semi-brown haired little girl let out a helpless crying whimper as she stare down at her left injured knee,it bleeding profusely and stings so much tears were beginning to form in her cascade blue eyes.

She was ashamed,helpless and doesn't know what to do. Her parents would be mad if they saw her coming back with blood on her skin.

She should've watch where she was going,but was so focused on playing by herself that she didn't see the huge rock in front of her and trips,landing forward with so much pain that it hurts. Terribly.

She looks around frantically for help. There was literally no one in her vision,her being the only one in Valleytown Park, quiet and lonely. There was no one she can play with. She never had any friends,let alone having to deal with her powers all by herself. Her father was busy,and her mother hadn't showed her any love. Clearly,this child was left out of everything.

"Hey,are you alright?" She heard a voice say,that tone mixtured in softness and concern. The little girl look up, only to be met in the dark chocolate eyes of another kid older than her,dark brown long hair decorated with several small black ribbons,and wearing a frilly white dress with a dark brown hoodie jacket,and hazel coloured sandals.

The little girl shakes her head sadly,tears flowing out from her sapphire orbs. "I injured my hurts."

The older little girl looks down at where the bleeding was,and nod her head. Clearly,she takes out something from the pocket of her hoodie,and speak of the devil,it's a pure white bandage.

"Wait here,okay?" She begs,receiving a nod from the younger kid,before she sprint off,gone to God knows where.

It was only when she returns with a water bottle in her hand, the little girl have no idea where she got that from, probably from a shop nearby. But this older kid looks poor,did she even had money at all?

"Here,I'll help you."

She open up the cap of the bottle before bending it forward slowly,and carefully not to cause a huge flow and wetting the younger's expensive light blue pinafore. The blue-eyed girl wince as the water rinse down the small amount of blood from her knee,before a small handkerchief were put into wiping the two mixed liquids,and finally,the bandage already placed to cover up her scraped knee. She look up to see that the older little girl is smiling,looking back at her with a friendly happy expression.

"T-thank you," she stutters,voice still sad but shy. "You're welcome," the dark brunette replies.

It was quiet for a moment,before she manages to speak again. "What's your name? I'm Paris. Paris Parker."

The younger girl blinks a few times and Paris thinks it's cute. Deep down,she was speechless that this rich kid has beautiful ocean coloured eyes.

"Harriett. Harriett Osborne."

"Well. Hi then,Harri."

Her orbs widen at the short calling of her name. This was the first time she ever hear somebody calling her name in an informal style,not fear or awkwardness. Her parents just keep on calling her 'Harriett' and it's pissing her out. But this older kid was different. She sounds down-to-earth,friendly, kind and respectful. Harriett didn't know if she wants to keep on having this conversation.

The two little girls talk for several moments,before calling it off as them being friends,no matter where they are.

Of course,Harriett was feeling comfortable now that she has someone to talk to,someone to trust her,help her and never leave her side.

Paris? She was caught off guard by how gorgeous this kid looked. She had the most beautiful features ever,and even from a distance,she is like a little angel lost in a lonely paradise,only to be accompanied by a young hero who's always there for her.

That is,until things are gonna get complicated now.

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