Chapter 9: We Could Have Had It All

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Paris had made it official.

She plastered an aforementioned smile on her face while jotting down Genevieve's name on her friendship list in her notebook. Now so far,she only got two. But suddenly,a thought shoot towards the back of her head making her to take back what she had said.

Had she forgotten already?

She's trying hard to resist from thinking about the semi brown haired girl with those pair of bright blue eyes that almost could look like it will shine. The thought of the young girl appearing in her field of vision tear her vitalarity apart like a knot being cut off by a pair of scissors.

But hey,Paris had rescued her,so she should be okay,right?

She hoped really hard that the younger girl that she saved is just an unknown girl and not the best friend she spent time with four years ago.

Ugh,why think about that anyway?


"Heyy,the hero's already here," Miriam said just as the door slide open where she heard it,bringing up her black eyes to look at Paris who enters the room casually like any other days. Only,she's one time casual than ordinary. She just stares at her friend who starts babbling.

"We have loads of shit to talk about,ya know? School crimes that always go wrong,that chaos in the chamber lounge room,and students breaking rules and properties just to be sent to have a good case of whiplash. Though we don't know how much they can survive-"

For a pretty good reason,she had her sentences cut off when she saw the blonde haired girl with jade eyes walking in like she owned this place,and by the look of her existence,Miriam's smile drop dead. "Hi."

The ravennette slowly turn her head back to look at Paris. "Who the fuck is that?" She sounded unpleasant. The dark brunette didn't reply,instead gazing at Genevieve welcomingly.

"You can take a seat. Wherever you want," she gestures, pointing to the empty unsittable office chairs. She will choke Miriam if she refuses to let the blonde sit. Genevieve nods before choosing the place on the left side.

"Miriam,that's Genevieve Stanley." Paris sits down at her usual place,across from where her new friend had been. "Genevieve,that's Miriam Davidson."

Miriam took her time to look at Genevieve again. "Are you new to the student tolerance council? There's many more spots left." Genevieve was about to reply but Paris cut her off. "She's our new friend now."

A glare.

"She's from class D-1,so if you have any problems,just ask her whenever you want to. She's technically intelligent, not like me."

The raven haired and the blonde looks at each other again, this time with expressable smiles. "Well then,you're welcome to join us."

"Thank you." They bring up their hands to shake. Paris just watch with a shit-eating smirk,as though one of her solutions had just been receded. Hell,she would've prefer if both of them just hate on each other.

"So now,as I was saying-"

"The Ferocious Four was taken down to punishment by the headmistress so that they could never harm anyone again, but let's just be sure here that they're strong enough to take what they're capable of."

Genevieve raise her eyebrow in confusion. "Who's the Ferocious Four?"

Paris lean back on her chair with a quiet sigh. You should know,she thought.

Miriam tries thinking hard,when a thought of rememberance strikes her. "Do you mean the four teenage girls that caused the riot in the chamber lounge room?"

The dark brunette nods. "I already confronted them."

Genevieve had her orbs narrowed,still never getting the information. Paris can see that she was heavily curious. "Do you know Harriett Osborne?"

"I heard about her but I never see her." Paris tilts her head a little slightly,biting her lower lip. "What about her?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing,it's just that...Whenever I heard her name being mentioned,I was actually wondering how her life's had been. What she's like..."

Worst lie ever,Paris.

"I don't know. I feel like...Her journey was way more than complicated,we don't know for sure." A grin appears on her face after that,shrugging her shoulders to get her friends off the mindset of the situation. Miriam knew she was lying. She is the only one who knew Paris's secret so far. If she let out to Genevieve that both of them are best friends,she's gonna get screwed.

"I think you're talking about Osborne Future Tech."

Paris could've sworn her brain is gonna stop functioning. Genevieve is a top student,but does that also have to mean that she knew everything about OFT? Way more better than Paris does?

"From what I have seen,the founder and the president,Emanuel Osborne was deceased from drug addictions and his wife,Noreen Osborne had took over the company. But...she was ruthless."

Paris and Miriam looks at each other.

"I heard from my cousin that she's going to plan to build some type of humanoid robot that can do anything a sexist does. can take raping to a whole another level."

"Eeewww!!" Miriam exclaims. Her whole body felt entirely cringed. Paris can feel her form boiling.

"That's what I heard. Noreen is a type of woman whom anyone might've carelessly land their hand on,and by a second later,they're gonna be dead," Genevieve states,pointing out her index finger. "Just from her techs,they're dead."

Paris nodded repeatedly. "Which only leaves her only child, Harriett Osborne."

"You're right. She's the sole heir to the company,and if she is,things could get more worse even after Noreen Osborne died. You get what I'm saying,right?"

Miriam quirks her eyebrows,her jet black orbs narrowed slightly. "She's still too young,unfortunately." Paris wants to kick her leg from under the table. "Paris knew everything about Harriett Osborne from the very beginning."

"Miriam!" The dark brunette scolds,her dark chocolate eyes widens in shock and anger. Genevieve eyes her tentatively. "Really?"

Paris couldn't help it. She gave up resisting. She had no choice but to let it out. Her secret of four years ago is gonna slowly get spilled. And Genevieve will never believe it.

"Harriett's here. She's in the major dormitory section. It's a long story,I don't know how to explain. I don't know where to start,you will never believe me."

Genevieve pulls off an unexpressive smile. "Of course I will, because we're already friends. It would be shocking if our friendship ended pretty quickly." She grins tilting her head to the left. "Am I right,Parker?"

Paris nods once,her doubt of belief is burning away. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."

"So let's chill like nothing happened and tell us the story. One by one."

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