Chapter 16: Help Is What Friends Need

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Paris informed Miriam and Genevieve to meet with her during the evening,at the rooftop where privacy and a lot of empty wide space is all theirs. The typical thing is,almost no students occupy the rooftop as their hanging-out spot during daytime,but there were several,many of them at night. Some are just ordinary chit chat groups and some are gangs of girls chilling high on drugs. Paris didn't understand why the faculty never forbade students from using drugs while in the dormitory or in school,but she must've suspect that these thug females has smart minds of sneaking cocaines and such hyperactive items into the boarding institution area.

"You're planning to take Harriett on a friendship reunion hang out?" Miriam ask a bit sarcastic-annoyingly,feeling like Paris just said that all of a sudden. Breathing in and out and looking at the sunset a second before turning to look at her friend again. "Yup. I mean,we can't just chill around the school grounds,can we? It's boring,so...we should go somewhere. Some place that was entertaining. Just the four of us."

Genevieve had her arms folded and nod tentatively. "I understand." She tilts her head a bit slightly. "Actually,I agree with your decision on taking Harriett out but from what I perspected,she's so docile around public people."

Paris quirked nervously. "Public people?" Miriam points out her index finger up towards the sky,as though she's a smart mastermind who just got a bombarded idea. "And that's why she need to wear a mask to keep her identity a secret."

The other scoffs. "Guys,stop daydreaming. This is not New York,we're in Las Vegas now. Nevada people had no idea who she is."

"But what if there was?" Genevieve ask in a friendly mocking tone. Blonde bastard. Miriam nods in agreement. "Yeah,dude. Everybody in school knows her. Hell,they even saw you carrying her bridal style all the way to the major dormitory. With me escorting you up,of course!"

Paris struts back. "Students in here doesn't matter. But the outsiders won't know. Come on. I feel bad for her,I can't let her be isolated now and then. She's a rich kid,she also needs personal time!" Her two buddies look at each other with their eyebrows cocked. If hanging out with the sole Osborne heir would not be a bullshit situation,then these three just need to act as bodyguards so uncomfy vibes won't get in their way. Paris was too confident,she was never unsure of anything.

"So...what are we going to do? Where are we gonna go?" Miriam ask,making questionable hand motions while looking at both of her friends. Genevieve perks up. "There's a mall downtown not far from this school. We can hang out there and I'm pretty sure Harriett will be okay with it since there's not really many crowd."

"Brilliant," Paris stage-mutters,carving her usual cool-ass smile that Genevieve hadn't seen yet. "I'll call Harri tonight to tell her about hanging out this Saturday." Miriam raises her eyebrow in utter surprise.

"Wait,you got her number?"

Paris batter up a nod. "Yeah. And she got mine. It's easy for us to get in touch now." Genevieve was internally thinking like,that Osborne girl was on a depressed suicidal breakdown and tried to jump off from the roof few days ago and now,she just impressively gave Paris her phone number. Wow,alternate universe divergence.


Her hand shook slightly as she placed the glass on the dining table before tipping slowly backwards,positioning herself at a suitable distance where it's safe. She nervously brings her palm facing the empty glass.

Harriett tries to concentrate well. The furnitures in her dorm is quite a distraction,but she's gotten used to it. She felt no disruptions,she feels all alone.

The girl focus so deeply on that glass,as if her last chance of hope depends on it. She's trying to put her telekinetic powers to good use,but every hesitation she feels is always impossible. She's always so clingy to people that she trust, that includes Paris Parker.

A small vibration surges through her arm,before a small tint of green air produces itself into the wind. Harriett watch as it invisibly grasp around the glass,which resulted in the transparent object moving. That thing had a mind of its own.

Then it happened.

The glass slowly starts to rattle and a line of panic started electrifying around her back,making every hair on her body stand up.

Oh,no. Please don't. Please,I can't...

The rattling and battering gets stronger and stronger and it's awfully scary,and a few seconds later,the object breaks. Harriett lets out a pathetic small shriek and she hated it, seeing the broken pieces of glass scattered on the floor. Great,now she needs to clean these shards up.

She was worried if the other rich students from their dorms heard her shrieking,she would feel embarrased. She hated it so much that people are surrounding her and ask if she's okay. Moreover,she didn't like seeing strangers' frantic concern faces.

Her scared expression eventually dies down a bit when the rich beat-like ringtone of her phone rings,startling her half to death. She really wished she could die right here,right now.

The girl was a bit hesitant when she pick up. "Hello?"

"Hi,Harri." That familiar voice. "Paris? Is that you?"

"Of course. I told you I would call anytime,duh." She heard a smirk,so she ķnew Paris was being sarcastic at this moment. The semi brunette female rolls her eyes and smile. She was relieved Paris called her. "So,what is it? What's up?"

"Let's meet outside the school this Saturday,at 7:30 pm. You said you're free,right?" Paris ask,eager and happy tone filling her voice. Harri can't describe it. That Parker kid was always so persistent.

"I don't want to repeat that a million times but yes,I'm free."


"Just cause I'm hanging out with you doesn't mean I'm always impressed. I'm not used to being around strangers."

"Yes,Har. I know. We picked out a perfect place to hang out so don't let your shaming worry get to you."

Harriett quirks her eyebrows narrowingly at the statement. "Is that a joking insult,Parker?"

"No! Man,I was only giving you a form of comfort. You're so down lately,I know that."

The younger rolls her eyes again. "Well,now I'm not since you're contacting me. And I'm not making a sulk face right now so don't ever think I'm a damsel in distress."

She hears Paris laughing from the other line. "Yeah,yeah. I wouldn't be this pleased if you never exist."

Harri smiles mockingly. "Dorky retard."

Paris laughs again. "It's nice to see you again,dude. I missed you."

She smiles at the statement. Harri knows she's weak,but that doesn't mean she can't do anything. She knows Paris would always be with her. She just know it.

Perhaps,she is the person that Paris loved all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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