Chapter 8: Meet Genevieve

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For the past few days,Paris couldn't believe that she got herself stuck in between the battle of the four thug teenage girls who she assumed called themselves the Ferocious Four,when even themselves had their own weak side of being scared. She hardly believe that 1). She had rescued Harriett Osborne,her long-time best friend,from a dramatic chaos and from a near-death experience,and 2). She gave them a hard confrontation and defending the Osborne girl from another ongoing impact.

And it's a cause for that.

Paris's mind was boggling with thoughts and concerns,and having to have that in her brain isn't going to help her concentrating in the lessons the teacher teaches them.

Miriam was a little bit of no help at all. Sometimes,she wouldn't let Paris copy her homework,and when she caught Paris daydreaming,she would crumple a piece of her notebook paper and strike it towards the dark brunette, right on the head. Waking her up from whatever fantasy she was in.

This day was different though. Paris spaces out into her flood of thoughts and pretends to pay attention to the class so Mrs Fuentes isn't going to snap out on her,making it easy to give her time.

It wasn't long when the school bell dings out,giving out that same technology ding-dongs where students would fill up the corridors and hallways chatting away and helping teachers with some stuff.

The two girls left the classroom,done fumbling with their schoolbags after checking with some work in their books. "Hey,I'll see you after remedial class."

"What? Why's that so special? Can't you just skip it so we can hang out more?" Paris ask,her expression turning into a frown. Remedial class,the two words that she was feeling tired of just by hearing it. Especially when her friend mentioned it before bidding her a see-you-later look. One time when Miriam skipped the class,she was punished by the teacher,being told to write an essay about the importance of remedial lessons. And she blamed Paris for that.

"Na-ah,not this time,man," she rejects,waving her left hand. "I ain't gonna suffer writing essays no more. Unless you want me to tell Mrs Porter that you are the one who told me to skip class."

Paris gives the ravennette's shoulder a light punch. "Okay, fine. Meet you at the dormitory."

Miriam quirks out a smile as the two girls wave goodbye, before she walk away completely out of the dark brunette's sight.

A thought came to Paris's mind.

I feel bored. Maybe I should check what's inside the technology creation room.

It's a one place that she really loves,probably her most favourite room in the school that she likes to go and visit. Whenever a student invent something and it works automatically,it would always bring glee to Paris's face. She loves future technologies,but thinks that the creators are the most wanting credits.

Her dark chocolate eyes meet once again with the swarm of tech gadgets flying around her and making sci-fi noises as soon as she entered the technology creation room,after a voice from the mini intercom said some welcoming sentences that permitted anyone to go in.

The more days she visited there,the more it gets cooler. Like,come on. These genius students could work at Osborne Future Tech someday or anytime.

Paris loves science too,of course,but it was only with simpler things like hacking and hologramming but overall, being a demon hero could be her part-time job.

She watch as the machine-like robot carries every broken object into the dustbin in a swift motion,without even having the person to throw trash out.

"Hey. Cool robot you got there. You're giving yourself a pleasant amount of time,do you?" The hazel haired girl smiles at the dark brunette's compliment. "Thank you. Yes,I am."

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