Chapter 6: The Truth Behind The Wall

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The grey metal doors slide open,making an entrance for Miriam and Paris to get through. A woman,probably a security guard,scans her eyes on the girls before stepping forward from her desk,blocking their way.

"Excuse me. Minor students are not allowed to be in the major section. If you want to go in-"

Paris stubbornly cut the guard off cause that's how she's like. She hates security lectures and not wanting to claw her nails at the woman would be an understatement. Miriam didn't want to die pretty quickly.

"Can't you see I'm carrying the young heir of the Osborne Future Tech in my arms? She's knocked out unconscious, and I believe she belonged in the rich students' dormitory, which is here. So if you want to continue living,you better let us in."

The female security guard was taken aback,but she knew Paris was right. Just by seeing the younger girl in the other's arms had gotten her senses to work.

"Oh,I-I see. Run along then." She press an intercom where the second door slides upwards,and Miriam and Paris went in,now in the empty hallways. "Wow. So this is the major section." Miriam rolls her eyes. "Of course. You've never been here,demon dork." One second later,they were silenced by footsteps.

"Harriett,you're ba-" Another guard. Great. Not a woman this time. She's a fifteen year old dressed as a bodyguard. She has black hair tied into a ponytail,and hazel eyes. Not to mention that this girl is hella serious.

"Who are you guys? And what happened to her? Do you know who she was?" Her voice was a bit stern,and quite annoyed.

"I'm Miriam Davidson,and that's my friend,Paris Parker. We're here because-"

"Your client,Harriett Osborne. She had fainted from a trauma,so...we want to bring her to her dorm. You're her assistant,aren't you?"

The teenager was speechless. Like,how come a normal girl like Paris knew about OFT,and she's carrying the heir,bridal style in her arms?

"Yes,I am. So she fainted." The dark brunette nods. Miriam ask, "So,do you know where her dorm is?" The older ravennette female nods,still keeping that same serious face. "Follow me."

The three of them starts walking down the hallway, passing each dorm and the other. The major section was less merrier than the minor,cause rich kids need their privacy. But what privacy is that?

They finally stops. But Paris looks unpleasant.

"Why is her dorm located at this end? She is an Osborne heir,so her dorm must be at the middle."

The young bodyguard opens the security code system. "She said she wants it. It's her choice. Students here knew she loves isolated. You can't push her for that." Paris looks down at the younger female in her arms. She then gazes back to the bodyguard who is inserting the code.

9932875,got it.

The doors slid open automatically,and the older girl gestures for Paris to step in. The room was huge,especially when the bed is a luxurious queen sized.

"Miriam,the sheets."


"The bed sheets,Miriam. The blankets." She was starting to lose her patience.

Miriam hits her head as realization before lifting off the white blankets,and Paris slowly sets the girl down,making sure her head is positioned well on the pillow,before the blankets covers her body again. Now she can rest peacefully.

"That's it. Let's go. She'll wake up sooner."

"You don't want to stay and wait?"

"She will not recognize me,okay?"

Miriam quirks her eyebrows in confusion. She must've known that Paris sounded like she met the girl before.

The dark brunette walk out the door,her eyes setting on the young bodyguard again. She had her head down a little, as though trying to avoid eye contact.

"What's your name?"

"Fauniel. Fauniel Halloran."

She then feels a pat on her right shoulder. She looks up to see Paris smirking. "Nice to meet you then,Fauniel. Look after the girl,okay?"

She then walks away,Miriam following behind her like a slave. Fauniel just watches as the two girls disappear from her sight,shakes her head and press a button to let the doors slid close.


"Okay,dude. You better tell me the truth," Miriam said, tossing her bag on Paris's bed as she drag a chair to sit on. The dark brunette just slumped herself on the floor,head leaning back by the edge of the bed. The two were currently back at Paris's dorm,Miriam refuse to leave until she had known the truth.

"Did you know that rich girl? I mean,is she the soon-to-be heir to OFT? That girl is Harriett Osborne,is it? So she must be."

Before she could babble on any further,Paris rubs her face with her hands before bringing up her own voice to speak. Hell,she doesn't even know why she's carrying an unconscious girl who caused the riot in the chamber lounge room just a few moments ago.

"Fine. Yes,that's her. That's the Osborne daughter you're talking about."

Miriam was straight on dumb struck.

"But why do I feel so stupid? After three years being trapped in here,I never knew she was in Damsel Pressure as well. I can't really believe it!" Paris slam her hands on her knees,her face reverting back to the stunned expression. "I should've known she was here all along..."

The ravennette girl questionably narrows her black orbs. Her eyes were bouncing around her friend's expression that's already plastered like a poster on the wall. She couldn't help it. Her curiosity was off the peak.

"Don't tell me you've met her before?"

Paris looks at her friend,before a certain nod takes over. "Yeah. We' friends. I was nine at the time I met her, and she was eight. But it's just for one year and we didn't see each other again. Sad,right?"

"So,does that mean you're friends with the Osborne heir? Hah,eureka!" Miriam exclaims,clapping her hands,already smiling gleefully. For this time,she was out of her sarcastic character.

Paris brings a finger to shush her friend down. "But it's not a big topic to talk about. Don't tell anyone else about this, okay?"

"But everybody already saw you passing by carrying her body and they're whispering out of it. Can't you see that? Now another issue is going to swim around the whole school!"

"I mean,our previous friendship."

Miriam nods. "Oh,okay."

She believes just everything Paris said,cause the look on her face was all serious about it.

Yes,that's right.

Paris Parker and Harriett Osborne were friends behind the wall.

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