Chapter 12: I'm Such An Idiot I Can't Lose Her

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"So,is she alright?"

Miriam's four word sentence did not help Paris to forget the stone-tragedic scene back at the school rooftop during this rainy season,it constantly brings her more worry and awareness to see how her best friend had been doing. If it were for Paris,she would stay up all night and check on Harriett every 5 minutes an hour to make sure she didn't try anything stupid. Or something that could be more worse than a suicide attempt.

Paris sighs again and again as she uses her bath towel to dry off the shower water from her dark brown tresses,the aroma of the fresh strawberry shampoo slowly occupying her whole dorm,connecting to where Miriam was already breathing the good smell in and out.

It was already night and dark outside,but none of the two girls has had dinner. Miriam was busy with some other stuff throughout the whole evening,and they have no idea where Genevieve had gone. Probably leaving the school area for a while to buy some food.

Paris huffs out a struggling-sound like breath as she flop down on her bed,combing her hair neatly without even looking into the mirror. There is literally a mirror in her dorm but there was not really a single chance she could use it. In fact,she only looks into the mirror if there was some changes in her demon form.

"She's alright,of course. I managed to stop her just in time before she can fall to her death at any moment. It's pretty hard to console her actually but hey. I did it."

Miriam nods repeatedly in relief,biting her bottom lip. "Thank god,dude. I don't see the reason why she's trying to commit suicide. I mean,she didn't do anything wrong, that's for sure. Maybe it's because she was too ashamed."

The dark brunette raise her eyebrow in confusion. "Ashamed of what?"

"About that dangerous telekinetic thing she does,duh! You know she nearly kill anyone with that and the fact that you try to interfere...I mean,you could almost fall into her dark crisis."

"What kind of crisis?"

"Like...She almost wanted to kill you." Paris scoffs and looks away rather stubbornly,muttering a sentence that annoys her the most. Crisis by killing? Hell,what is in those cookies Miriam had that morning?

"But that's impossible,Miriam. How can she kill her best friend? And after all,I had a mutuate form so I couldn't be dead in a minute."

"You could though."

Paris rolls her eyes before throwing her comb on the table, it landed right inside the hairbrush holder. Miriam widens her eyes,gob-smacked by the talent that she has in throwing things. Even an average person can't do that.

"Nice energy," she comments,using only two simple words as a compensate praise. The dark brunette smiles with the end of her lips turning up a little in the corner, adding an extra sway in her smile.

That is until a small massive knock was heard from behind the door. Both girls look at each other,aware and curious. "I guess Genevieve is already back," Miriam said propping up her shoulders. Paris stands up and hold on the doorknob before turning it and the white barrier opens, revealing the familiar blonde-haired girl with jade eyes.

"Hey," Genevieve speaks,with a wave of her right hand. Paris only gets to stare at her,her mind frozen on the spot. "How exactly do you know where my dorm was,Stanley?"

"Miriam told me,duh," she replies with a slight roll of her eyes. "So,are you going to let me in or not?"

Paris move to the side for Genevieve to make an entrance. The blonde grins as she glances towards Miriam before saying hi,the ravennette returning the same gesture. Paris genuinely close the door before eyeing something Genevieve was carrying in her left hand. It's a plastic bag, filled with some stuff that not even Paris or Miriam knew about.

"Did both of you already have dinner?" She ask,gazing at them both warily. "No,we don't have time," the dark brunette explain,brushing her long bangs to the left before securing it with two black hairpins. Genevieve rolls her eyes tentatively and shrugs,raising the white plastic bag a little bit higher.

"Well,me too. Then that means we three can eat together."


Soon,the three girls sit in a circle still in Paris's dorm,only this time they try to keep their voices as quiet as possible while having a conversation. Hell,everyone in the school knew how Paris was like,she became so well-known among them and heroicly famous,stopping school crimes, rescuing students here and there,and made her future enemies envy her. The problem is,Miriam and Genevieve knows she is a mutuate demon hybrid,but Harriett is the only one who doesn't know. Unfair,isn't it?

Miriam kept on a straight curious looking face as she still eyed the stuff in the plastic bag. "What have you got for our dinner?"

Genevieve smiles as she takes out the food out one by one. "I bought soup,mashed potatoes,french fries,korean instant noodles and containered salads. I also bought macaroons and some few bags of chips but let's save those for a couple more days." Paris nod her head in glee before picking up the korean instant noodles in her hands, gazing at the words imprinted in korean. She didn't know how to read those or what it meant,but by cooking it,it sure looks delicious.

The several minutes went by with them cooking up their dinner,before setting down together at the table near Paris's bed.

"So,how's everything going for Harriett?" Genevieve ask. The dark brunette slurps on her noodle food before replying, "She's okay. I already stopped her so everything should be good. But she worries me too much though."

The blonde female tilts her head slightly in question. "Worry about what?"

"If I were myself,I would stay up all night and look after her. I know what she's always going to do cause she's my friend,and anything I see her does is stupid."

Miriam eats a spoonful of her porridge soup before saying out a sentence. "But dude,you know she is Harriett Osborne. She can do things her own way."

Paris sighs. "Is she Harriett Osborne when she tries to jump off the roof? No,that'll only make her look like an idiot." She secretly takes back what she said,never realizing that she almost badmouth her best friend. You're the idiot here,Paris. You are!

She takes a second fast bite of her noodles,as though trying to distinguish every regret in her oh-so strong cold heroic heart. This is embarrassing for her,especially when she said it in front of her two best friends.

"No,I think I'm the idiot here. I feel like a worn-out fool I don't want to lose her," she spits out,quirking her eyebrows in guilt. But at the same time,she felt at fault that she doesn't remember her long-time best friend,too stupid to notice that they are in the same tormenting institution together. Harriett must've thought that Paris forgot her, that's why she grabbed the chance to commit suicide. But look,her life had already been rescued in the warm embrace of the older girl's arms. Does that prove that Paris never forgot her? It sure does.

"She's all I have..." the dark brunette mutters out,earning a questionable glance from Genevieve and Miriam.

"I mean,I can't get her out of my head. I can't dump her away from my heart. My heart,my whole soul is the only safe home for her to live in."

Miriam takes another spoonful before asking, "You mean, she's only safe around you?"

Paris nods. "Yes. She's not used to seeing new people. But if it were you guys,I think she will be fine. She just...needs some help."

Genevieve smiles as she takes another bite of her salads. "Then we'll help."


"You knew Harriett,we knew Harriett. So if you're her best friend,she's our best friend as well. How does that sound?" The blonde ask cheerily,lighting up the mood in the dorm. Miriam grins as she claps both her hands in unision. "Brilliant!"

"If we have a problem,we can gather around and discuss it together. It'll be like a friendship group. Super smart and intellectual. Who's in?" Genevieve ask as she raise her hand,Miriam tagging along with her. They both look at Paris waiting for her response. She looks back at them and smirk. "Fine,I'm in."

Both of them smiles.

As long as Harriett is okay,everything will be okay. Paris just needs to be the one to prove it.

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