Chapter 15: Just You And I,In One Place

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Paris knows everything is gonna be fine;she just knew it.

She let out an exclaim of relief just after the bell release that automatic ding-dong again,informing all students that class is over for today and they can do anything they want.

Paris's first intention was to get out of the school grounds for an hour while to get her mind off of the negative thoughts that invade her for the past few days. Of course,she didn't blame Harriett for it,it just feels like she was one minute late to the rescue. Or is it the evil threats that get in her way?

Miriam's off to remedial class again,and Genevieve has an extra-curricular activity to attend. She could've wish she join in something interesting other than the student tolerance council,but none seem to amaze her. The so-few members in the council assist her with some things while she's away,so Paris doesn't need to worry too much.

She walks to the library to return the book that she had finished reading,and like usual,was welcomed warmly by the librarian,Mrs Barness.

Mrs Barness is a woman in her mid-twenties,with long light brown hair,clear black eyes and was always seen in long-sleeved shirts and long dress skirts. Her smile is always perfect as any other young woman,but to be honest,she is the only nicest teacher in this school that anybody can look up to.

"Hi there,Mrs Barness,"Paris greets,placing the book on the desk as the librarian came to have it re-scanned. "Well hi, Paris. So,how's everything going? Any students doing some trouble?" The teacher ask.

"Nah,everything's fine." The dark brunette cocks her eyebrows before looking away. "But still,I gotta keep an eye on them,though." Mrs Barness let out a kind chuckle as a response. "Yeah,that's your job eventually."

Paris was busy staring at the racks full of library books of each different section and to the tables and chairs where students would sit and read,when her dark choco orbs suddenly landed at the sight of a familiar small figure sitting at the right corner,at one of the tables. She grins heartedly,excusing herself as she casually walks to the sublime girl who chills calmly all by herself.

Of course,she has to be Harriett Osborne. Who else would it be?

Paris pulls a chair and sit across from the younger girl,who happens to look up with speechless wide eyes,thinking how the heck did Paris find out she was here. The dark brunette couldn't help but smile cheekily,knowing she would always surprise her friend.

"Hi,Harri," she said first,still maintaining that cheeky grin before looking down at the book Harriett was studying. " did you know I was here?" The semi brunette ask dumb-struck,completely lost in Paris's presence. "I just came to return a book and I saw you here,so..." Paris shrugs her shoulders,cutting off her own explanation. Harriett just shakes her head,revealing an adorable smile that slightly caught the older girl's attention. "So,what's that you're reading?"

"Oh,not reading,Par. I'm studying."

Paris quirk her eyebrows in confusion. "Studying about what? Heavy homework that the teacher gave you? Can I help you with it?"

Harriett shakes her head again,a little aggresively followed by her bangs swaying side to side. "Neither of that. It's business lessons. I have to train myself to be the new CEO to Osborne Future Tech,as my mother had told me."

Paris couldn't believe it. This girl is too young to take the place as a CEO! Isn't this like still too soon?

"But Har,none of us can leave the school for permanently even if there were reasons. You have to wait until you're sixteen,then you can get out. That's the only way," she bellows,concern filling her face. "Plus,you're way too young to sit in a CEO's office,as a matter of fact." Harriett can only smile.

"I know. But what choice do I have? I'm studying for the years to come. I have to impress my mother for real,after all these years. That's the only way we can start...a parentive relationship." Paris bits her bottom lip stubbornly. "Har,your mother is an evil ass woman. Not only she neglected you because you're nothing to her,she put the whole company under evil control. She's giving OFT bad vibes and it might harm others."

The dark brunette jabs an accusing finger towards the book laying in front of the younger's sight,as though trying to take it for a blame.

"I think she wants you to manage the company...Her way." Harriett was still calm even after she heard those offensive words coming from her best friend's mouth,tattering about her awful goddamn mother. She did look a little sad,cause she wanted to manage the company just the way her father, Emanuel Osborne,had done. Proper and smooth.

"I don't want to be like my mother too,Paris. I don't want to create something that kills peoples' lives and put the whole world in danger. I never want something like that. I want to follow in my father's footsteps,cause he's the only one who cares for me." The atmosphere in the library had died down to muteness,with only the sounds of ceiling fans making fast spinful movements,and Harriett flipping to the next page of her book,looking away from Paris's stern eyes.

"So,how's class?"

The younger looks up again,questioningly. "What?"

"You've been enjoying in luxurious classroom lessons,do you? Tile floors,air conditioners,comfortable desks and chairs with a huge whiteboard that can switch to a tv where you guys can relax after all those schoolwork. Man,I'm jealous," Paris said with a sarcastic smirk,only to her surprise,Harriett gently shook her head. "What? What is that suppose to mean? Don't tell me you never enjoyed it at all?"

It was silent for a second,then...

"I've never been to homeroom lessons,Paris. Not even once."

The dark brunette was beyond speechless. "Wha-...I don't-"

"I'm not used to being around other students. Not even with classmates. That's why I always go to other places that was quiet and nobody is around. I just prefer studying in the library,I've never step foot in one single classroom. And I'm a bit uncomfortable around teachers as well. Except for Mrs Barness,of course."

"Really?" Was all Paris could ask,feeling pity in her best friend's situation. The semi brunette nods a little slowly.

"I told you. My life is complicated."

"I don't mind if it's complicated," Paris smirks,a slight wave of her right hand. Harriett let out a small chuckle,staring down shyly with her cheeks a bit flushed. The older girl must be thinking inside madly now.

God,you're so beautiful that I'm in love. Harriett,must you do this to me?

The younger gazes at her friend before snapping her fingers in a single click. "Paris,your saliva's gonna flow out." Paris manage to snap herself out of her small fantasy before eyeing the angelic girl sitting across from her,a shit-eating grin slightly plastered on her face.

Harriett continues to read the page she's currently halted at, quite knowing that Paris was a distraction since she's here,but it would be a disappointment if she pushes her away. They've just reunited and now,what's next? Great depression?

"Hey,you're free this Saturday?" Paris ask,much curious tone this time in her voice. Harriett makes a thinking expression,before replying, "I'm always free on the weekends,Par. Why do you ask?"

Paris leans back on the chair she's sitting on. "Let's just hang out. You know,friendship reunion kind of stuff. Let's get out of the school grounds for a good while and go somewhere." The younger girl smiles adorably,brushing away her right fringe from getting it context with her brows,which Paris finds pretty cute.

"I'll think about it." Paris grins as her face lit up in joy by hearing her best friend's response. "Cool! Let's save each other's numbers in our contact lists so we can keep in touch. Whatever's time!" Both girls giggle in slight happiness,Harriett doubting that suicide maybe will not be the best option for her. She still got her long-time best friend,so at least she'll be okay if she gained enough trust.

"I like the way you think,Parker," she said in between her chuckles,her wide smile structured perfectly. "I'll bring my other friends too. Don't worry,there's just two of them so, please don't get paranoid." Harriett's smile fades into small, but still overly happy.

Paris realizes that there is more affection bottling up inside her,giving her a different vision of her best friend,not a vibe of friendship,but a strong vibe of love.

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