Chapter 4: What Are You Gonna Say About It?

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It's raining heavily cats and dogs. Sure,just to mention that seasonal rain had already started,but the fact it just pours down in the afternoons. Right,it said so in the weather board forecast next to the student tolerance council room.

The bell starts ringing- no,not ringing. It gives off an almost deafeaning digital alarm ding-dongs throughout the whole school,easy enough for the students and teachers to hear. Classes dismissed,as always at 12:30 pm.

All of the girls started occupying the hallways and corridors,chatting with their friends of what they want to do next. It's after school,of course. They can't just stay in their dorms all day.

For Paris and Miriam,they just chill out in the school lounge area,where there are tables,chairs,snack stalls and vending machines and a super huge holographic television in the air,the screen wide as ever.

"Do you know why this school makes us look like we're in the year 3000 or something? Cause I don't know half of the world anymore," Miriam explains,making hand motions as though she's in a company meeting.

Paris quirks an eyebrow as she takes a sip from her favourite canned soda,reading a novel that she borrowed from the library. "I don't know. Why is that?"

The raven-haired girl mentally facepalms. "You don't know anything,Parker."

"Oh yes,I do."

She glares with her black eyes, "What?"

"First of all,this school's in Las Vegas. We're in Las Vegas. You know how much I missed New York."

"Is that it?!" Miriam's always at the end of her ropes. Paris didn't know what to do. She just shrugs. "That's all I know."

Miriam reaches for something from her schoolbag. And throws a small object on the table. It's a round-shaped hologram projector,with a black button in the middle. Paris had no idea what her friend is up to.

With a slight press,the projector lightens,forming a hologram of a city-like building,like a business company. The dark brunette smirks.

"Osborne Future Tech. How could I completely forgot?" She knows it when it comes to this thing. Miriam was sarcastically amused.

"You studied about this company-"

"Look,I know what you said about this school being futuristic but that company has nothing connected to here. Their technologies were godly it couldn't be compared. And it's the most famous one ever said in New York."

Miriam narrows her eyes. "I really don't know where your mature words come from. We're only thirteen,you know."

"So you want to escape and work at OFT at this age?" Paris asks,laughing as she folded her arms together. But her friend is serious. "I didn't say that. It's just that,y'a know, that company is slowly going downhill,since the CEO,president had died four years ago."

"His wife is taking over it,but she's opposite from her husband."

"Shit,you knew?"

Paris huff out a small breath. "Noreen Osborne. Quite greedy and just thinking about herself. It's just that she wants to change the way her husband manages it. The company."

"So you're saying that they're going to create stuff that'll destroy the whole world? Or maybe just to criticize the humanity?"

"We hadn't know yet,but just pray for yourself that people in America won't be turned into those hideous creatures like you see in movies and shit. We don't want a real life apocalypse to happen,right?"

Miriam's gaze bounce towards her friend. "But you're a demon hybrid too,okay?"

"Not the type of demon to crave for flesh,blood or soul. I'm the type of demon who craves for the souls of evil. And I'm just the total opposite from hell,more like a satanic hero for the world."

"But they don't know yet."

"Only this school does." Paris was right. The whole school knew she was like a hero,even if with those fangs,demon nails of hers,but they see her as a demon commanded by God to save the world from danger. But she was born with an inner demon,so that makes her a human mutuate. Naturally.

"Oh yeah. Didn't they had a child? What's her name again?" Miriam scratches her head,back to the conversation about OFT.

Paris bits her lower lip,suddenly feeling a thin of adrenaline going up her body. Something's not right,she can feel it.

"What is it again,Miriam?"

"I said they had a daughter. What's her name? Surely she must've been the next heir to the company but I heard that she's still too young. Like still younger than us."

There it is again. Paris can feel it. She knew the girl Miriam had mentioned,but she don't want to let it out. She won't believe her,right?

"You knew everything about Osborne Future Tech,so why don't you tell me who the daughter was? What she's like?"

Paris felt like she was getting forced. Her mouth was quivering. The adrenaline was getting stronger and stronger she could end up falling from the chair. Until...


Apparently,some girl starts shouting all of a sudden to alert the others,and guess what? Everyone starts running to see what the commotion is. A fight,maybe?

"Hey,Parker! You might wanna see that!" Soon,everybody empties out leaving a few girls walking around probably confused,including Miriam and Paris who were left dumb- strucked.

"Her name is Harriett Osborne? Hey,is that true or it's just someone with the same surname?" Miriam desperately wanted to know. But she soon realize the look on Paris's face. She was stunned,a little bit horrified and paralyzed.

"Paris Parker!"

The brunette turns with wide eyes. "I was so stupid I didn't even realize!"

The ravennette looks confused. "What? Don't tell me you've met her before?" Before she could continue,Paris starts jolting away.

"Sorry,I gotta go!"

Paris run as fast as lightning,only heard Miriam yells some words but she doesn't care. She has to go and calm that girl down.

Who is Harriett Osborne,and did Paris knew her?

She storm up the stairs leading up to the fourth floor,bumping some several students in the way,apologizing to them in a rush,just saying 'sorry'.

Many of the girls are already standing outside,whispering about the commotion they witnessed in that room. Paris was feeling a little dizzy after all that running,not to mention that this school is super huge. She clutch her hands onto her knees,panting,trying to catch her breath. One girl notice she's there.

"Excuse me. Sorry." Paris kept saying those words as she pushes herself into the crowd,in a slight rush. The door was opened,and her dark chocolate eyes widen at the sight of the wrecked mess.

"HARRIETT THEODORA OSBORNE!!" Her voice echoes through the room,and the girl...

Turn to face the long-haired dark brunette,whose eyes already maroon red with slits,fangs showing,red veins popping out and her demon nails shoots upwards.

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