Chapter 11: Old Friends

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Paris grab hold of her friend's hand as they went to the left end of the rooftop where the stairs were located.

"Where are we going?" The younger ask,quite confused as Paris lead her down carefully. The air was getting way more colder outside even if the rain stopped,but hey,it was worth it than getting the whole school flooded.

"We're going to my secret place where we can have our conversation. Plus,I think you might remember," Paris respond,confident and friendly tone in her voice. There was an open field park with a pathway where students can walk along it,located not far from the school building.

The short green grass was a bit wet,but not harming the shoes much. Harriett realize that both of them are heading towards a huge tree next to the pathway.

Paris lets go of her friend's hand before trotting forward and started climbing up the tree. Harriett just watch the older girl doing her sarcastic thing.

"Ah! Now that's perfect." The dark brunette had set herself sitting on a huge strong trunk,her legs dangling down,swinging back and forth like a little kid. "You still remember how to climb trees,Har? Don't tell me you forgot."

Harriett bits her lower lip,still looking up. "Of course I remember," she says quietly,before carefully doing the same thing that Paris do. It was a bit awkward since she's wearing a dress,but look. She's an Osborne,alright?

She lets out a sigh as she brushes a tint of dust off her dress, already sitting next to Paris,together on the tree trunk. She was feeling a bit unexpressive,and on the other hand, Paris was smiling.

"You still remember where we first met? It's in Valleytown Park where I saw you with your injured knee."

The semi-brown haired female nods slowly,tugging on a small unnoticable smile across her lips. Paris gazes around the tree,leaves of different sizes,giving her a little flashback of her memory.

"Everytime I go here,it would remind me of you. This tree looks similar to the one we always climbed on and talk,right?"

She nods again. "Yeah."

Both girls look away from each other,not daring to see eye to eye for a few minutes,silence engulfing around them. They're still drenched from the rain,but it doesn't matter as long as Harriett's fine.

"I thought you hated getting your hair dyed," she said all of a sudden when her sapphire orbs landed on the ends of Paris's long dark brown hair,where she touches her mane afterwards.

It was not only plain dark brown,there was maroon fadings near the bottom which perfectly contrasted to her style. Paris chuckles as she touches the back of her head, a bit tint of nervousness starting to erupt.

"Yeah. Well no,this one was natural. It...It just came on at some random time,and I didn't even noticed it myself," Paris explains,trying to keep her answer neutral by shrugging her shoulders. She knew the reason why the coloured trademark appeared at the bottom of her hair, but she just wants Harriett to know that it's always natural. "I was okay with natural hair dyes though,so I never think too much about it."

"So you don't want to cut off your hair?" The younger ask again,narrowing her eyes in sarcasm. "No. I never want to. It's a kind of trademark that shouldn't be wasted."

Paris turn to see that her friend was looking away again, back to her unexpressive mood. To tell the truth,Paris was curious of what she's doing after a year of their sudden separation. Where has Harriett gone when Paris wants to say goodbye?

"You gotta explain everything to me,man. You're not there at the park when I wanted to say goodbye. I really thought of having to spend some last time with you before I go. But you're not there,what's wrong?"

She knew she shouldn't have asked that question cause the younger girl's face started going serious again,with a dark hint of fear in her ocean eyes. She clutch her hands together to prevent herself from shaking any further. God,Paris. Seriously?

"It...It's complicated."

Paris tilts her head a little forward,raising an eyebrow in utter curiosity. "Why is it so complicated?"

Harriett tries not to look at the other in the eye and attempts to just focus on the ground. She was uncomfortable by the sentences.

"My family is a mess. I can't really explain it. I'm sorry," her voice mutters,sounding broken and quiet. Paris looks down towards Harriett's hands then back at her again. "Is your telekinesis out of control again? Really bad this time?"

Harriett shakes her head. "Only when I was scared." The older girl can't just leave that be. She knew there was something abnormal about her best friend's extraordinary power. She didn't hear the explanation fully when they're still kids,that's cause she forgot or less interested. The only thing she knew is that this type of telekinesis is a genetic kind,where it would pass down from generation to generation,on and on till the end of their legacy. And that's what makes the Osborne family very special.

"But shouldn't your mother teach you how to control it?"

"My parents are different to each other,Paris. My father's already dead and my mom is taking over the company, and she thinks that I'm good-for-nothing. Why did you think she send me here for?"

Paris nodded her head,concern filling up her face. She's so selfish that she probably hates you,Harri. Your mother only likes to think about herself.

"I know about your mother like you do."

Harriett stares into the older girl's dark brown eyes,who had tugged on a small smile contrasted with her fair face and her wet hair. This girl on her left could make her day better.

"Par,you're kidding,right?"

"No,I'm serious! Come on,I'm always gonna support you, whatever your problems are! We're best buds,aren't we? Helloooo??"

The younger couldn't help but loosen up a giggle, finally having to express happiness for the first time. Of course, Paris's joking antics will always bring her back to the old days. Four years. Random.


The girls chuckle anonymously,finding themselves becoming their past selves again,running around and playing together,sometimes both sprawled on the grass looking into the sky. Paris remembered that she said to Harriett that her eyes were beautiful as the sky,but she was more beautiful to her.

"You were so cute back then,but now..."

Harriett glances to her friend with a gentle expression.

"I've never knew you would be this beautiful. You had grown up,Har."

Eventually,that resulted in the younger female to blush shyly and had her head down,her bangs dangling forward. Paris can't resist herself but to smile sheepishly. Damn,this moment was sensational.

"What should I say in return then? Thanks for your compliment,Mrs Parker?" Harriett ask,turning her head again to stare at her best friend. She can see her smiling widely her mouth could end up being teared apart.

"You're most welcome,Mrs Osborne."

A light punch was striked on her arm after that,but it only resulted in her laughing. Harriett looks around worried that anyone might've hear her,because this was meant to be a private conversation between only the two of them. If Genevieve and Miriam saw them together,Paris never want to see their reactions.

But at least,she was happy to finally reunite with her best friend. And this time,she will make sure to never lose her again.

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