Chapter 1: That rainy autumn day

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Third person's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Amelia looked at Felicity. She gulped but nodded. "This is the only way I'll ever get to know my father."

Felicity nodded. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Amelia said before opening her mother's diary.


- 16 years earlier -

Cassandra's POV

I remember that rainy autumn day like it happened yesterday. I remember what I was doing right when they told us. I remember what went through me as they had told us. I remember what happened afterwards. And I'll remember forever how my life changed after that day...


The day had started out like any other day in our lives. We'd have breakfast together, we'd talk about our plans and duties, and then we'd all go our separate ways. 

Father would usually go to the council room, to talk to the Crown. Over there, they'd discuss our country's needs and problems. Father could spend hours in there.

Piers and I usually went to our rooms. I don't know what he would do there, but I would use that time to inform myself. I'd read up about our history, as knowing one's history is the way to move forward.

Though, Piers and I often hung out together, in either one of our rooms. We wouldn't do much, he'd usually lay on my bed and asked these annoying questions about our history: Why did we do that? Why didn't we go there? Why did that law get passed? And stuff like that. Normally, I'd agree and think that those questions are indeed great things to wonder about, but he didn't care to read up on it himself. He only asked it so he wouldn't have to read it himself, I assumed.

"Hey Cas?" He said as he was wiggling his foot up in the air. He was laying on his back, his arms behind his head.

"Hmm?" I said without actually paying attention to him. I wanted to finish this book today.

He took a while to respond. So long that I almost had forgotten he had to say something. "What do you think will happen when father dies?"

I put my book down then. "I don't know," I closed it as I thought this was an important topic to discuss. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugged. "I'm just wondering."

I raised an eyebrow.

He seemed to notice as he sighed. "Father isn't doing well," He said to which I nodded. "Ever since mother died, he seems lost and broken."

"He probably is," I looked down then. It was horrible how father had lost his wife. She had been killed by a Northerner. At least, that's what the press claims... "I couldn't imagine losing the love of my life that way."

He looked at me. "Yeah."

I looked at him then. "Father is a smart man, he'll have things arranged," I said, going back to his original question. "I'm sure of that."

"Well, there's not much to arrange, is there?" He smiled then. "I'll be king."

I smiled as I shook my head. "What a king you'll be..."

"I know," He sat up then. "The best king the Southern Kingdom has ever had!"

"I'm sure you will be..."

He smiled and nodded, seemingly confident with his decision.

From there, it was the same again: I would read and he would ask questions occasionally. And this was fine, this was ok for me to spend my day. But today wouldn't be a normal day.

Piers and I both looked up at the door as we heard a knock on it.

"Enter." I said to which a servant entered and bowed.

"Prince and Princess, the Crown has requested your presence in the council room immediately." The servant said, bowed and left again.

Piers and I looked at each other, as we knew this wasn't normal. This was odd. We weren't allowed to be in the council room unless something had happened, something bad.

We got up and rushed to the council room where we saw the Crown seated, though father's throne was empty.

I looked at the Crown, at Lord Gregory, the leader of the Crown. "Where's father?" I looked around and noticed them all seemingly being upset. "What's going on?"

"Cas," Piers said, gaining my attention. "Come, sit down." He patted the seat next to him.

I sat down but couldn't help shake off this feeling that something bad had happened. Where was father? Why was he not on his throne?

"Prince Piers," Lord Gregory said before bowing for Piers. "Princess Cassandra," He then bowed for me before sitting down. "We have very upsetting news for you two," He sighed, clearing his throat. "Your father has passed away today," He looked at us. "In his sleep."

I don't know about Piers, but I was baffled. Father seemed well last night, he seemed ok.

I sighed as I looked down. Suddenly, father not being present at breakfast today was a much more sinister thought...

"How did he..." Piers gulped. "How did he pass?"

"In his sleep," Lord Gregory showed him an apologetic smile. "He passed away peacefully, he didn't suffer."

"That's good," Piers breathed out. "That's good." He repeated.

I gulped as I looked down, this all seemed so unreal. Father was the last brick of safety Piers and I had of our family. With father gone, it's just Piers and I. How will we go on?

"We should think about the next ruler," Piers said calmly. "Our people need to know our kingdom won't sit back."

I looked at him and wondered how he could go over father's passing like that. But, maybe that was needed? He's right, our people did need a leader at a time like this.

"We know," Lord Gregory looked at Lord Ernest. "Do you have King Richard's last wishes?"

Lord Ernest nodded and handed them to Lord Gregory. He, in his turn, opened the scroll. He cleared his throat before saying: "As King Richard would have wanted," He then looked up at us. "The next ruler will be his daughter," He looked at me. "Princess Cassandra."

"What?" Piers seemed shocked. "But what about me? I'm his son."

"Princess Cassandra is his firstborn, he wants her to be his successor," He then rolled the scroll again. "And so she will be," He looked at me. "If you're willing to follow in his footsteps?"

I gulped. What was I supposed to say to that? I knew Piers wanted this position, I knew he longed for it, I knew it was his life goal. Not mine. But, I was father's firstborn, and it was his dying wish... "Yes," I said confidently. "I'll be the next ruler."

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