Chapter 10: Personal butler

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Third person's POV

"I'm happy you accepted the job, son," Carl said to James, smiling afterwards. "I know you'll do well."

James smiled too. "Thanks to you, dad," He sighed. "If it weren't for you..." He paused before saying: "I'm very thankful for what you're doing for me. I really appreciate it."

"I'd do anything for you and Chandler," Carl then reached for James's face and caressed it with one hand. "You two are all that matter to me."

James nodded as he put his hand over his father's.

Then, Chandler entered the room. He had a big smile on his face, a smile James or Carl couldn't ignore.

"What made you so happy?" James asked, though he was happy to see his younger brother smile. He wanted nothing more than for Chandler to get out of the shadows and show the real him.

Chandler looked at his father. "I practiced the plants."

"That's really good of you, son," He kissed Chandler's head. "I'm very proud of you."

Chandler nodded. "The Southern Highness helped me."

Carl and James raised their eyebrows. "She helped you?" James asked, he was very intrigued by how the Southern royal was acting compared to his royals. "Like how?"

"She looked for the plants with me," Chandler opened his book, he went through some pages and pointed at a plant. "We found this one, for example."

James smiled. "She helped you look for that one?"

Chandler nodded.

"That's very kind of her," Carl smiled. "I hope you thanked her."

Chandler nodded once more.

"That's good," Carl then walked to the door of his room. "We'll talk more about that later, Chandler, when I'm done for the day, ok?"

Chandler nodded again, and that's when Carl left.

James went to sit down on his dad's bed and looked at Chandler. "So, how is she?"

Chandler looked at James. "She's nice."

James nodded.

"She tries to make me feel comfortable, I like that."

"Of course," James smiled. "That's good to know."

Chandler tilted his head to the side. "Why?"

James got up then. "Well, I've been tasked to serve her," He then walked to the door too. "So it's good she's nice."

Chandler smiled and nodded, and that's when James left the room.


Cassandra's POV

I sighed as I got up from my bed. I walked to the window and looked outside. I would be heading back to the Southern Kingdom later today, as I was requested to attend a meeting with the Crown.

Sometimes I wished I could simply step down and spend my life here, at peace. I could help Louisa and Alden with their child, I could help the butlers too, I could practice with little Chandler, I could be free...

But I couldn't. I needed to fulfill father's last wish. He wanted me to take over, so I will. I couldn't just step away, even though Piers would love that...

Sometimes I wondered why father didn't want his only son to take over. In history, sons take over from their fathers. Never their daughters. Never women. I'm not complaining though, I feel very honored but I did wonder.

I shook those thoughts away and took my bag from underneath the bed. I put it onto my bed and started packing my clothes again, only the dirty ones though.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

Without looking at the door, I said: "Come in." I heard the door open but didn't look up. I suspected it to be Carl to assist me with my bag.

"Your Highness," James said, making me look at him. "I'm here to serve you."

I shot up, and I gulped. "James," I gulped once more. "W-what are you doing here?"

He got back up to look at me. And, when he looked me in the eyes, I looked away. I couldn't look at him. "I'm here to serve you, Your Highness."

I gulped and looked away. "Where's Carl?" I asked as I looked at my bag, and started packing it. "He's supposed to help me."

"Queen Louisa and King Alden have appointed me as your personal butler," He said to which my head shot in his direction. "From now on, I'll be the one serving you."

Oh God... I looked back at my bag. "Well, I'll call you when I'm done."

"I'll wait, Your Highness." He then simply stood there, like a sculpture. He didn't say anything, he didn't move a muscle, he didn't do anything but look at me. And it tore me apart.

"There," I said. "All done," Even though I wasn't done at all, I just needed to get out of here. "I'll be fine, I can carry my bag."

"It's no bother, Your Highness," He came to me and took my bag out of my hands. As soon as his hands touched mine, my hands flinched away. James cleared his throat before taking the bag. "Let's go, Your Highness." He started walking towards the carriage.

I let out a deep breath but followed after him.

We walked to the carriage and, for some reason, it seemed to be taking so long to get there. As if the walk was taking twice as long.

When we arrived, he got in the carriage to place my bag in. He then looked at me, and smiled. "Your Highness." He said as he extended his hand for me to get in.

I smiled awkwardly. "I'll be fine," I said and got in without taking his hand. "Thanks."

He once again cleared his throat and dropped his hand. "Anything else I can do for you?"

"No," I closed the door. "Bye." As I closed the door, the driver started the carriage and we were heading back to the Southern Kingdom.

When we left the Northern Kingdom, I let out a deep breath. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes. Finally, I was out.

It occurred to me that this marked the first time I was desperate to leave. I wanted to leave fast and I felt relieved to be gone. Why?

Well, I didn't have to look that far for a reason... James... Why did he make me feel like this? I don't like it. Why can't he leave? Everything was better without him. Everything was nicer and more relaxed without him.

Well, at least I'll be at peace at my castle. Or so, I thought...

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