Chapter 17: Friction

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Cassandra's POV

I left that council room and made my way back to the back of the castle, where the horse and carriage were waiting for me.

"You're really going back there?"

I sighed deeply before turning around again.

Piers walked to me. "Cas, they committed a crime on our land."

"I know," I reached for his hand and held it in mine. Even though Piers was loud and in your face, it was just a facade. And I could see right through that. He was scared, he was afraid. I knew that, since mother was murdered, he feared for his life and mine. "I'll protect our people, I promise."

He seemed to calm down and looked down. "I just don't want anything bad to happen."

"I know," I walked closer to him before caressing his cheek. "I'll deal with it. I've got a great connection to the Northern rulers, they'll stop the crimes too."

He looked me in the eyes and I could just see how worried he was. And I wondered why. I knew he was worried about us, but we would always be safe. We were guarded 24/7.

"Just trust me," I then leaned in and hugged him tightly. "I promise that those responsible will get punished."

"Thanks, Cas," He hugged me back tightly. I knew something else was going on, but I didn't want to force it out of him. "You're the best."

I pulled back a little. "If there's anything, Piers, just tell me, ok?"

He nodded and smiled a little.

"Good." I smiled too then.

"Are you really going back there?" He repeated.

I nodded.

"Why?" He seemed upset all over again. "What's so special there?"

I looked away a bit. I couldn't tell him that I felt more at home over there, I knew it would hurt him... "I just feel like I'm just Cassandra over there," I looked at him. "It feels nice to be normal for a bit."

He nodded but I could see he disagreed.

I smiled a bit. "And I know the kingdom is in good hands while I'm gone."

Then he smiled. "Of course, it is."

I chuckled.


"Thanks," I said to the driver as I closed the carriage. "Have a safe trip home."

The driver nodded and started his way back towards the Middledes Woods.

I turned around to face the castle again and sighed. I walked into the castle and knew I would have to talk to Alden and Louisa about an upsetting matter.

I assumed they were still in their room, with the little Felicity, but I did check the living room first.

"Your Highness," Carl bowed as he saw me enter the living room. "How was your trip?"

I smiled a bit, though it was clearly forced. "It was ok."

Carl cocked an eyebrow. "I think you can use a cup of tea, can't you?" He served me a cup before I even agreed on it.

I smiled and nodded, before sitting down. "Thanks," I took the cup and took a sip. "It's good."

Carl smiled before sitting down too. "Is everything alright, Your Highness?"

I sighed as I looked down again. "Things are just difficult," I paused, thinking back at the discussion Piers and I had had. Lately, all we talked about where the Northerners. "My people think Northerners are disgusting human-beings," I sighed. "I just don't understand how they can't see what I see."

"When you're not informed, your view on things will remain closed."

I looked at him.

"Your people don't know anything about our kingdom, just like our people don't know anything about yours," He shrugged. "The unknown is a threat, it's very human."

I sighed. "I hate people."

Carl chuckled a bit. "That's not what a queen should say."

"I know," I leaned back. "It's just hard to keep balancing between two sides. I really don't see any bad people, on either side..." I then thought about it. "Though I do prefer the Northern side," I looked up at Carl and saw him look at me. "I mean..."

"It's alright, Your Highness," He smiled at me. "I'm sure that being a ruler is a very difficult profession, I admire you for maintaining peace between both our kingdoms."

I smiled at him, and somehow felt better after that talk. But I didn't expect anything else, Carl knew what to say. He had a lot of wisdom for his young age. And he made the best tea.


After my drink with Carl, I made my way to Louisa and Alden's room. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and waited.

Soon the door opened, and Alden was there. "Hey Cas," He smiled as he let me in. "How was your trip?"

"Good," I looked at Louisa, who was rocking little Felicity. "How are you?"

Louisa looked at me. "We're doing alright." She then looked at her daughter and smiled. She was so in love with her daughter, it warmed my heart.

"How are you?" Alden asked.

I sighed as I went to sit down on their bed, in front of them. "I had to go back to my castle because of an emergency meeting with the Crown."

They both raised their eyebrows.

I looked down, fidgeting with the sheets. I didn't know how they'd take the news I was about to tell them, I really didn't want to create friction between us...


I looked at them. "4 of my people were attacked, robbed and raped by Northerners," I looked up at them and already saw their faces change drastically. "I don't know much about it but I did launch an investigation into the crime."

"Are they sure that Northerners were responsible?" Alden asked, he was clearly getting defensive. And I knew I was walking on thin ice.

"That's what they told me," I paused, trying not to accuse their people too much. "I don't want to judge anyone until we know for sure what has happened."

"So they're blaming our people without knowing for sure what has happened?" Louisa asked, her voice raised.

I gulped as I looked away.

"And you're believing them?" Alden asked, his voice was also raised.

"That's not what I'm saying - "

"It is," Louisa said. "Of course, they're blaming our people, why wouldn't they? They hate us."

I looked at them. "Look, I just wanted to inform you two about the crime and about the investigation, I - "

"I think it's best you go." Alden said, interrupting me.

I stopped and gulped. I looked from him to Louisa, who looked away. They were clearly upset and felt personally attacked by what I had said.

"Ok." I got up and walked to the door. I looked at them one last time but noticed they weren't even looking at me. I looked down and left the room.

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