Chapter 13: James's tasks

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Cassandra's POV

James was busy in the kitchen. He, alongside the kitchen staff, was preparing everything for lunch. 

"Why do you need to help them?"

He glanced at me before going back to his task at hand, which was cutting vegetables. "I don't have to," He looked at me. "I want to."

I looked down then. "That's nice of you."

He shrugged.

Carl came in then and, when he saw me, he was clearly surprised to see me there. "Your Highness," He bowed. "Can we help you?"

"No, dad," James answered before I could. "Queen Louisa and King Alden have appointed me to show Queen Cassandra my tasks for the day."

Carl raised his eyebrows. "She has to follow you around the whole day?"

James nodded and I sighed as I realized how embarrassing that sounded...

Carl nodded. "Enjoy your day, Your Highness." He bowed before taking the plates with the entrees and headed to the living room, to serve it to Alden and Louisa.

"When are we eating?"

James looked at me. "We usually eat after you have eaten, Your Highness."

I sighed once more before looking around. I didn't know what I was supposed to do here. I get why Louisa tasked him with this, I get that it was her way of showing me how nice he is, but I was bored. He was working while I was just standing around.

"You can help us too," James said, gaining my attention. "If you want."

I looked at what he was doing. He seemed to be preparing some sort of stew. "I wouldn't know how to make these things."

James smiled a bit, and I didn't know if he was laughing at me or with me. "I can show you, Your Highness." He motioned me to get closer.

I sighed as I walked to his side. "Ok, so what do we do?"

He took some vegetables. "These are cut, we'll put them into this cooking pan so they can soften."

I nodded.

"Go on," He motioned to the sliced vegetables. "Put them into the cooking pan."

"Oh," I took them and put them into the pan. I watched the steam come out of it and suddenly smelled a familiar smell. "That smells good."

He smiled. "It does," He started putting in other ingredients while also stirring into the pan. "It's our King and Queen's favorite dish," He looked at me then. "So we prepare it often."

"I see," I then looked at the pan and noticed a familiar-looking scene. "That looks like the stew I know."

He nodded. "It has to set for a bit though."

I looked at him. "Why?"

"For a better taste," He smiled before taking off his apron. "Shall we go to our next task?"

"What?" I was confused then. "Don't you have to serve Louisa and Alden?"

"No, dad does."

"What about lunch?"

He smiled. "We'll eat after our King and Queen," He then started walking towards the door. "Shall we?"

I sighed. "Lead the way."


I was watching as James was cutting and weeding the plants in the royal garden. There were so many plants, so many different kinds too.

While he was doing that, I was seated on the grass not too far from him. I couldn't help but observe him. And I noticed how focused he was on his work. All his attention, all his care went into the work he was doing at that moment. It was touching to see someone be that passionate about something.

At some point, he looked at me to which I quickly looked away.

"Do you want to try too?"

I looked back and noticed he had walked to me. He was kneeling next to me, presenting me his hand.

"I won't bite," He smiled. "I promise."

I couldn't help but smile too. I took his hand and he pulled me up. "How do we start?" I asked as I folded my sleeves up.

"You have to be careful and gentle," He took a plant. "Look for any branches or leaves that have died and pull them off," He looked at me. "Be careful though, you could cut yourself on the branches."

I nodded.

A few minutes later, we had made great progress. While we were working, James and I talked. We talked about random things really.

"Favorite place to be?"

"Hmm..." I stopped working for a bit to think. "I think I'd have to say the living room here," I looked at him. "It feels like home here, you know?"

"I do," He smiled. "This is my home too."

I nodded.

"Your turn."

"Right," I pulled a dead branch off a plant before looking at him. "What's one thing you wish you could do but you can't?"

He stopped and seemed to think.

I kept working while I waited for his answer. Though when nothing came, I looked at him. "I can ask another question."

He shook his head before looking at me. "I guess I'd have to say being able to get Chandler into a school."

I stopped working and gave him my full attention.

He seemed to notice that. "I'd love for Chandler to have more fortune and success in his life so he could make something of himself."

"But you're not doing bad," I turned to look at him. "You're a personal butler to the King and Queen, they don't select just anyone."

"I know," He looked down. "But there's more in life than being someone's servant, isn't there?"

I looked down then.

"I mean, I love this work, and I'm very grateful for what Queen Louisa and King Alden are doing for me and my family," He sighed. "But, at the same time, I am locked up in this castle as long as I choose to do this work."

I looked at him again before looking down again. I didn't know he felt this way. I didn't know any of the servants felt this way. I guess it makes sense. I could go whenever and wherever I wanted, but butlers and servants couldn't. Somehow, they were imprisoned throughout their life...

"What's one thing you want to accomplish in your life?"

I looked at him and noticed he had clearly moved on from the subject, perhaps he didn't want to talk about it anymore... And I'll respect that. "Children," I smiled. "I want to have children."

He smiled too. "Me too," He nodded. "How many?"

"2 or 3," I looked at him. "So they can rely on each other, like you and Chandler."

He smiled more. "It's a blessing to have someone who'll always have your back," He sighed. "Yeah, I'd take 2 or 3 children as well."

"Sons or daughters?"

He looked at me. "Honestly, I don't care," He paused. "My children are my children, they're all welcome," He said to which I nodded. "How about you?"

"Same," I nodded more. "Though I'd really like to have at least one daughter."

"And I'm sure you'll get that."

I looked at him and noticed him smiling at me. I could see he was genuine about everything he was saying, and I appreciated that a lot. "Thanks."

He nodded before looking at the plants. "We best get moving if we want to be finished before dinner."

I nodded and started working alongside him on the last row of plants.

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