Chapter 3: Ancient books

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Cassandra's POV

I don't understand why Piers wanted to be king so badly. Perhaps for the status you'd get. I honestly don't see any other reason. I somehow had expected a ruler to have many duties, yet I haven't had anything to do.

I was in my room, reading ancient books, as I would do before the coronation. It's as if nothing had changed. It didn't feel as if anything changed.

Maybe the only difference was that everyone addressed me with 'queen' instead of 'princess',  and that Piers wasn't here.

Since the coronation, 4 days ago, Piers hadn't talked to me. We saw each other during breakfast, lunch and dinner, but we wouldn't speak. I tried, occasionally, but he remained silent. It pained me to see how a stupid title has driven us apart. Especially since it didn't mean much.

Apart from reading these ancient books, I had decided to start writing my own. It wouldn't be a book to inform other people or other generations, it would be my personal diary. A book I would pass on to my successor, a book that would help them in this new life.

I sighed as I thought about it: successors. My successor would be my child. Or one of my children. It's weird how since I became queen, I thought about my successors. Maybe it was a natural thing, to wonder who'd replace you when you no longer are there. But it was also a morbid thought...

I was startled by a knock on my bedroom door.

I sat up, to look at the door. "Yes?"

The door opened and in came Lord Gregory and Lord Ernest, the two most important lords. "Queen Cassandra." They both bowed then.

I sat up, as I felt it would be better and more respectful. "Lord Gregory and Lord Ernest," I nodded at them to which they stood up again. "What can I do for you?"

"It's our duty to report you anything that's going on in our kingdom, Your Highness," Lord Ernest started to which I nodded. "We've heard, through some commoners, that the Northern Kingdom has exciting news."

I raised my eyebrows. "The Northern Kingdom? What do we have to do with them?"

"Nothing," Lord Gregory nodded, seemingly agreeing with me. "But perhaps it would be in our best interest to try and form an alliance with them."

I slowly nodded as I understood where he was heading.

"King Alden will marry Lady Louisa," Lord Gregory said, making me look at him. "If we go there, to show our support for their marriage and thus their kingdom, we could create an alliance between our kingdoms."

"Why don't we have an alliance with them?" I thought out loud. "I read somewhere that we used to have an alliance, what happened to it?"

Lord Gregory sighed as Lord Ernest looked from him to me. "Your grandfather thought it was unnecessary to waste time on Northerners, so he ended the alliance."

I nodded before looking away at nothing in particular.

"Maybe this event could re-establish an alliance." Lord Gregory went on.

"Ok," I said confidently. "When's the wedding?"

"Tomorrow," Lord Gregory said to which I gasped. "We know it's short notice but we hope you'll consider it."

I nodded before they both left. I then went to lay down again, on my bed. I went on reading the ancient book I had been reading before but I couldn't seem to focus.

I sighed and closed the book. The Northern Kingdom. How would that be? How would the people be? And why would my grandfather break the alliance that had been in place for centuries?

I got up and walked out of my room. I walked to the library we had in the castle, it stored all the ancient books we had in our kingdom.

I walked through the library, on the hunt for a special book. A book about our northern neighbors.

"Your Highness," The librarian bowed for me. "Can I help you?"

"Maybe," I said to which he got up again. "I'm looking for a book about the Northern Kingdom. I'd like to read up on them."

The librarian seemed surprised to hear my request, but nodded. "I'll go get it." He then left.

I waited, in the middle of the library, for him to return. In the meantime, I looked around at my immediate environment. I noticed some books which seemed interesting to read.

"Here you go, Your Highness," He said as he showed me the book he had found. "It's the only one we have."

I took it from him and looked at it, I went through the book. "It seems alright," I then looked at him again and smiled. "Thank you."

He nodded.

I then went back to my room, with the book. I laid down on my bed and opened the book. And I started reading. I started immersing myself in their culture, in their history, in their way of life. And it intrigued me.

After a couple of hours, I closed the book and sighed. That was a good read. That was what I needed to convince myself to go tomorrow. I wanted to see what I had just read.

I got up, put the book away, and walked to my closet. I should have something for a formal gathering, I thought. So I went through my clothes. One by one, trying to find the perfect outfit. An outfit that wouldn't steal the show, as I would be a Southerner in the midst of Northerners, but an outfit that would still show I'm a queen now. 

When I finally found an outfit that I believed was good enough, I put it aside and smiled proudly at it. That'll do.

I then went back to bed and took my first book back, and continued reading the ancient book.

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