Chapter 16: The Northerners

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Cassandra's POV

I knocked on the bedroom door of Louisa and Alden. I did it gently though, as I didn't want to disturb the baby or them.

The door soon opened, revealing Alden. He looked better than yesterday, but he still looked exhausted.

"You didn't get much sleep?"

He shook his head. "Our little girl was screaming throughout the night," He rubbed his eyes before opening the door more. "Get in."

I smiled a bit before entering and smiled when I saw Louisa breastfeeding their little daughter. That beautiful sight of the most natural thing warmed my heart.

Alden went to lay back down in bed, next to his wife. He did look at them though, and I could see he was proud. He should be, he has a beautiful family.

"Hey," Louisa said quietly. "Come here." She patted the spot next to her.

I went to sit down next to her and her newborn baby. I smiled as I gently rubbed the baby's cheek. "She's beautiful."

"Yes, she is." Louisa smiled, she was glowing with happiness. It almost made me feel jealous: she had a husband, a baby girl and happiness. I longed for that too. 

I looked at her. "Do you have a name for her?"

"Of course, we do," Louisa smiled at her daughter. "Felicity."

I smiled too. "That's a beautiful name."

Louisa looked at Alden, they shared a look before looking at me. "Cassandra," Alden started, gaining my attention. I somehow expected bad news, maybe they wanted me to go... "We need to ask you something."

I gulped but nodded. I was ready to face a possible request to leave.

"Would you like to be Felicity's godmother?"

But nothing prepared me for that question... "Godmother?" I blinked a few times. "Me?" I was perplexed.

They both nodded and had the biggest smile on their face.

"We couldn't ask anyone else but you," Louisa smiled at me. "You're my best friend and you mean a lot to us. We want no one else to be Felicity's godmother."

I smiled and felt tears of happiness form in my eyes. This request basically was the confirmation I really was part of their family, I really could stay here, I really had a home. "It would be an honor."

They both smiled even more. "Would you like to hold her?"

I gulped but nodded. 

And so Louisa moved closer to me to gently hand her baby to me. "Careful for her head," She said as she guided the baby into my arms. "There you go."

I looked at the baby I was holding and felt all warm inside. I wanted this too. I needed this.

"You'd be a great mother," Alden said. "That's clear."

I smiled at them before looking back at my beautiful godchild.


"The child's beautiful," I sighed happily. "I could get lost in her beauty."

James smiled at me. "Isn't every child beautiful?"

I looked at him. "Maybe," I shrugged. "I just..." I sighed happily again. "It felt perfect, I want one too."

He raised his eyebrows. "A child?"

I nodded, I looked at him with a serious expression on my face. "I just want a future, a child, a marriage, the things everyone wants."

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