Chapter 32: A normal life

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James's POV

"Do you really have to go back?"

Cassandra took the marriage document and a smaller bag. "Yes," She sighed then. "I have to prepare everything for our child, James."

"What's left to prepare?" I took her hands in mine. I really didn't want to let her go, I just wanted her to stay here at our home. "I thought everything was arranged the moment we got married."

She smiled. "Of course," She dropped the bag and document before wrapping her arms around my neck. "But I need to hand the document back to Gregory so it can be written in our history books and I need to inform the kingdom and the lords."

I gulped. "Does that mean I'll be crowned as king?"


I looked down for a bit.

"You don't want to?"

I looked at her and slowly shook my head. "I don't know how to be a king, I don't know anything about the South, I don't know how to be anything else but a butler."

She sighed. "You are so much more than a butler, James."

I smiled a bit.

"So what do you suggest then?"

I shrugged.

Cassandra looked away a bit. "I've noticed how you don't like the South," She nodded as if remembering something. "I don't want to force you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with," She looked at me then. "And the North is such a friendly place, perfect for our child."

I smiled. "He or she will love both kingdoms."

Cassandra slowly nodded. "He or she belongs here."

"He or she will be the Southern ruler one day though."

She then looked at me. "Unless I resign."

I looked at her, I was speechless. I wanted to say something, anything, but I didn't know what. Would Cassandra really give up her whole life for me? For our child?

She smiled a bit before caressing my cheek. "I've been thinking about it and it just makes sense," She smiled more. "Piers wanted to be king anyway, he could lead that kingdom while we spend our lives here."


She nodded. "Only if you agree."

"Of course," I smiled then. "That sounds perfect."

She nodded again. "And that's what I'll arrange over at the other kingdom."

"Shall I go with you?"

"No," She caressed my cheek again. "I'll do it and then I'll get back and I'll stay here."

I smiled, I couldn't help but smile. This was all perfect, this was all I ever wanted for us. "Ok," I pecked her lips. "Promise me you'll hurry."

"Of course."

I helped her carry her bag to the carriage. 

Before she'd get in, she turned to look at me. "I love you."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. "I love you too, I'll wait here for you two to return and when you do, we can finally have our own lives."

"Sounds perfect." She smiled before leaning in to kiss me.

We let go of one another and I helped her get into the carriage. "I'll be counting down the minutes until you return."

She smiled at me. "Me too, James." She looked me right in the eyes and I could see she was a bit worried.

I walked closer to the carriage, to be near her face. "When you get back, everything will be better. You just have to get through this final meeting, ok?"

She slowly nodded. "I just wish you could be there too."

"Cassandra," I took her hand in mine. "I'll always be with you. Remember, I'll support you all the way."

She smiled and nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Cassandra's POV

As the carriage started moving, I was watching James. The further we moved away from him, the more worried I got. I felt lonely without him, I felt weak, I felt empty. I hated this feeling though I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd be reunited with him.

As the North vanished out of sight, the Middledes Woods appeared. I looked outside the carriage, to the dense woods and remembered the conversation I had had with James. This truly was a beautiful forest, but so dangerous. It was certainly a spot I wouldn't let our child play in. Maybe a fence on either side of the road would be a good idea, to keep people safe.

I sat back in my spot as I went over all the things I'd have to talk to the Crown about. I'd have to discuss my marriage, moving to the North and handing the crown over to Piers. I hope those things won't take too long to take care of. I just wanted to go back home.

Home... Home is where you make it, James would say. And he's right. I've been born and raised in the South, I'm the queen of the South, yet that's not my home. It should be, but it isn't. The North was my home, the place my child will grow up.

I'd love for my child to play with Felicity and Chandler. They are good people, true and honest people, unlike the Southern people. I wouldn't want my child to grow up inside the castle and adapt their whole lives to what the Crown wants. No, I want a normal life, with James.

As we arrived in the Southern Kingdom, my mood was much calmer than before. I guess the woods helped me relax and rethink everything. I guess I needed it to clear my mind.

"Here you go, Your Highness." The rider said as he helped me out of the carriage.

"Thank you." I then walked into the castle and sighed deeply. Before I'd go to the council room, I went to my own room. I opened the drawer of my nightstand and put the marriage document in there, in my diary.

I smiled and got up. Good, now all that was left to do, was dealing with the South.

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