Chapter Four

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"Dawnkit, hold still!" Scolded Voletuft, licking her daughter with a paw holding her in place. "You need to look your best when you go see the elders!"

"I can clean myself!" Dawnkit argued. "I'm old enough to go to the elders without my mother cleaning me!"

"Deerstripe and Cloverleap will be the judges of that, Dawnkit." Sneered Songkit. "You look like a badger!"

Dawnkit glared at her brother, eyes glinting with annoyance. "And you look like a hedgehog!" She retorted.

Nightkit watched her mother groom her sister, her eyes trained on Voletuft. She had just got cleaned and she was ready to see the elders. Reedkit was standing next to her, watching with narrowed eyes as Songkit stuck out his pink tongue at Dawnkit.

At two moons old, Reedkit held a strong grudge against his brother and sister for hurting Nightkit. The black kit never knew why he would stand up to her, even if he was her supposed friend.

A squeak from Russetbriar's nest made the two kits turn around. A quarter moon ago, Russetbriar's kits had been born. Nightkit and her siblings had been shoved out of the nursery to give the queen, Mottlesong, and Blackheart space.

The senior warrior had quite the litter of kits, despite her being older than Spiderstem, the Clan deputy. Swiftkit was born first, followed by Volekit, named after Voletuft, Pinekit, and Wrenkit.

Apparently, Pinekit was named after the previous deputy, Pinewhisker, who had died when Greencough took over his body. He had died before Nightkit and her siblings were born, but Nightkit still felt bad for Pinekit.

The apprentices had been named warriors a few days ago. Nightkit and Reedkit got permission from Voletuft to watch while Songkit and Dawnkit were punished for putting thorns in Nightkit's nest.

Scorchpaw had become Scorchtail, much to Nightkit's confusion. What a strange, unlikely name for the she-cat. She'd thought. Nightkit had never seen Scorchtail before, probably because she was busy training, patrolling, or hunting for the Clan.

Flightpaw had become Flightclaw, which suited the tom. He was always ready to attack a patrol when they so much as left their scent at the border. Nightkit, of course, never saw outside the camp walls but she believed what the warriors said.

Bluepaw became Blueheart and Nightkit didn't like it. She doesn't seem to put a ton of heart into what she does for her Clan. She'd observed in the rare times she saw the she-cat.

Shimmerpaw was now Shimmergaze, Nightkit liked that her name the best. Her light blue eyes gleamed like stars whenever she returned to camp or was looking around.

Redpaw was Redstripe now, Nightkit never knew why he was called that. He doesn't even have any stripes! Nonetheless, he'd gotten his warrior name.

Owlpaw got a better name than his siblings, besides Shimmergaze. Owlflight suited the tom very well, as he was jumpy and timid of the cats he didn't know too well.

Finally, Primrosepaw had become Primrosefur. Because she's so patchy and red. Nightkit decided that was the reason Applestar gave her a plain name.

Nightkit felt a paw poke her in the side and she let out a squeak of alarm, but relaxed when Reedkit looked at her. "Are we going?" She asked.

The tom nodded eagerly, bouncing up and down. "I can't wait to hear the story about Deerstripe chasing off a dog!"

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Tall Tree for a Clan meeting!" Applestar's voice cut into Nightkit, making her whirl around.

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