Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Jagged Stone for a Clan meeting!" Clearstar's voice shook with tension as Nightshrike and Leafpaw left the medicine cat's den. Timberskip and Shellfur were shocked at what they had heard from Nightshrike's explanation but they gave the two some thyme and chamomile to soothe their minds.

It was nearly sunset and Clearstar most likely decided the new deputy. Nightshrike nodded to Leafpaw and padded to Larkflight, settling down next to the black tom and looked up at the leader with tense shoulders. Larkflight leaned over to her and nudged her, gesturing to the medicine den where Thorntail was lying on the ground and propped up as he watched Clearstar. He looked sick still, but he did look a bit better.

"Following Echospeck's expecting litter of kits, the role for deputy is empty and it cannot be empty any longer." Clearstar looked at the cats beneath him, tail flicking behind him. "The new deputy of DawnClan will be Nightshrike."

The entire world froze around Nightshrike as Larkflight turned to her, eyes wide and shocked. She stared up at her leader in complete shock and surprise. When Clearstar nodded and jerked his muzzle, Nightshrike rose to her paws and strode towards the tom. She felt eyes following her as she stood next to Clearstar, expectant and encouraging.

Nightshrike looked over at where Thorntail was grinning at her and gulped. "I-I would be lying if I said I expected this." She meowed nervously but went on nonetheless. "I will never be half the deputy Echospeck was but I vow to serve DawnClan to the best of my ability."

"Nightshrike! Nightshrike! Nightshrike!" Cheered Leafpaw and Thorntail who were joined in by the rest of the Clan.


Nightshrike groggily opened her eyes, the sky still dark and cloudy as rain pelted down on the camp. Her nest was as warm as could be and she let out a small sigh. Reluctantly, the new deputy rose to her paws and picked her way out of the warrior's den. Her fur was soaked by the time she reached the center of the clearing. Shaking out her pelt, she sat down and simply waited.

The rain was annoying but she didn't bother trying to get to shelter while she was drenched and already wide awake. The clouds were dark and almost black as the storm raged on. After a few moments of waiting, Nightshrike rose to her paws and padded towards the fresh-kill pile and looked at the ruined prey. With a sigh, she took what was left. Two mice and a vole used to be enough to feed kits and one of the queens during Greenleaf but in Leafbare, it'd only feed maybe the kits and one other cat.

"You're up rather early," commented a voice and Nightshrike jumped. Timberskip padded towards her and sat down next to her, his fur dripping wet.

"The early bird catches the worm," Nightshrike smoothed her fur. She glanced at the sky, which was turning pale as the sun began to rise. "What can I help you with, Timberskip?"

The medicine let out a dry laugh despite the moist morning. "You're going to get sick if you're out here much longer." He meowed, nodding to her fur. "The longer you wait, the sicker you'll get."

Nightshrike shrugged her soggy shoulders. "You could get sick too," she pointed out. "You aren't exactly immune to sickness." Timberskip scoffed.

"The Clan needs a deputy more than two medicine cats." Nightshrike narrowed her eyes and looked away, neck fur bristling slightly. Suddenly, Timberskip's tone softened. "Nightshrike, why are you really out here?"

"To think," she replied tensely, tail flicking over her front paws to hide her unsheathed claws. Nightshrike caught Timberskip's eye and narrowed her own.

The medicine cat didn't speak for a moment but when he did, it chilled Nightshrike down to the bone. "You were there at the Moonpool when the other medicine cats were killed, weren't you?"

Nightshrike scoffed and glared at the tom. "Of course not!" She defended herself. He knows I'm lying. "I was curled in my nest in the apprentice's den."

Timberskip thrusted his muzzle close to hers, making her let out a low hiss. "Then why do you all of a sudden get defensive? You killed one of the most precious cats in a Clan. Tell me, why did you do it? Which innocent cat did you slaughter for no rhyme or reason other than throwing the Clans into total chaos?"

Timberskip's eyes were intense and dangerous, making Nightshrike uncomfortable. "We had a plan to cause chaos for reasons that are unknown to me." She growled through gritted teeth. "I'm pretty sure you know who I killed that night. Blackheart's blood was salty and bitter, just how every cat's blood should taste." Timberskip's eyes widened and she went on. "He wasn't the first cat I've killed, and he wasn't the last. Why do you think I randomly joined DawnClan? I was exiled for the murder of the former deputy, Tawnywillow. The border scuffle the other day? I killed Brownfoot out of pure anger." She took a few threatening steps towards the tom, who backed away. "And I'll kill again and again and again until every cat in OakClan and GlacierClan is bloody beneath my paws."

"You're insane," breathed Timberskip, eyes glazed with fear. Nightshrike chuckled and raised her head, staring right into his yellow eyes.

"Perhaps, or maybe I just have my priorities in order." She meowed silkily and slid under the tom with her tail curling around his muzzle. "Run along, medicine cat, or you'll be the one I kill next."

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