Chapter One

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"Why isn't she opening her eyes yet?" Asked a voice that made Nightkit's ear twitch. "She should've by now."

"Calm down, Marigoldscar," scolded another, calmer voice. "She's a few days old, she'll need all the time she wants to open her eyes."

Marigoldscar? Who are these cats? Nightkit wondered, her eyes refusing to open. What did the nursery look like? What about the camp? Was it as big as Honeykit, Littlekit, and Aspenkit said it was?

"I'm only asking because my three opened their eyes just a day after they were born." Marigoldscar sniffed, sounding smug. "Littlekit even has my eyes!"

"StarClan forbid one of your kits doesn't have your green eyes, Marigoldscar." Mewed the other cat, sounding exasperated. "Nightkit will open her eyes when she feels it's time."

StarClan! Nightkit felt excited, feeling her eyes open at the word. The light in the den blinded her, making her eyes quickly close and slowly open once more.

"Look, Voletuft, she's opened them." Marigoldscar teased. "Guess she thought it was time."

Voletuft scoffed and looked down at Nightkit, who was blinking to get used to the bright den. "Good afternoon, Nightkit." She purred, licking her on the head.

Nightkit gazed up at the she-cat, eyes wide with awe and wonder. Is she related to me or something? She thought. Is that why she's being so nice to me?

"She's a fine kit, Voletuft." Meowed a warm voice. A large blue tabby tom pushed his way into the nursery, eyes gleaming. "Where are Songkit, Reedkit, and Dawnkit?"

Voletuft looked at Nightkit, who was staring at the huge warrior. Who does he think he is? She thought indignantly. I'll show him not to storm in here!

On stubby, wobbly legs, Nightkit trotted over to the intruder and shakily swatted at his large paws. "Take that, you intruder!" She squeaked.

Voletuft purred with amusement as the tom crouched down, hissing playfully. Nightkit let out a squeal and launched herself at him, paws outstretched.

She landed on his muzzle, making him grunt softly. Nightkit narrowed her eyes and batted at his face, all the while being watched by Voletuft and Marigoldscar.

The large warrior stood up, taking Nightkit with him. She looked down and wailed at how high she was off the ground. He's so tall! She thought, uselessly flailing her hind paws.

"Put me down!" She screeched, eyes screwing shut. "Voletuft! Help me!"

Something grasped her scruff from behind her and Nightkit felt Voletuft lift her off the muzzle of the warrior and gently put her on the ground. Shaken and trembling, Nightkit let out a cry and buried herself in Voletuft's fur, trying to get as far away from the warrior as she possibly could.

Voletuft chuckled, her tail twitching in amusement. "It's okay, Nightkit." She meowed soothingly. "Gorsewhisper was just playing with you."

Nightkit wanted to believe her, but Gorsewhisper was so huge! He could eat her in one bite if he wanted to! Still unsure of how to feel about the large tom, Nightkit pressed herself closer to Voletuft.

"What if I show you around the camp?" Asked the voice of Gorsewhisper, making Nightkit perk up. "Songkit, Reedkit, and Dawnkit have already seen it."

Nightkit fought her way out of her mother's fur and tumbled to the ground, quickly scrambling up to gaze at Gorsewhisper. "Yes, please!" She squeaked.

From her nest, Marigoldscar let out a snort of contempt. "You're only a few days old, you shouldn't be out of the nursery." She meowed crushingly.

Nightkit winced, lowering herself to the ground slightly as Marigoldscar looked at her with distaste. Why doesn't she like me?

Voletuft shot her denmate a glare and nudged Nightkit to her paws, eyes gleaming encouragingly. "Don't mind her, Nightkit." She purred. "Marigoldscar has a thorn in her rear end, she always does. Run along, now. I can't wait to hear all about your adventure when you come back."

With a final glance at Marigoldscar and her mother, Nightkit and Gorsewhisper padded out of the den and into the OakClan camp.

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