Chapter Thirty-Five

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Nightshrike watched as Leopardcoat, Halfsnow, and Tumblewatcher padded up to her. "Greetings, you three. Wanting to join a patrol?" She asked.

Tumblewatcher nodded. "We wanted to go hunting since the prey was ruined by the storm this morning." He meowed, angling his ears to the empty pile where the prey used to lay. "We can mark the OakClan border while we're out if you'd like."

The deputy nodded and pointed her tail to Leopardcoat. "You can lead them." She meowed. "Take Jaypaw and Goldenpatch with you. The more prey the better."

Halfsnow opened her mouth. "What about Leafpaw?" She asked, motioning to the apprentice den. "Should we take her with us so she can see the border and hunt?" Her tone was tense and Nightshrike shook her head.

"I'll be taking her out for some hunting practice and then some battle training." She meowed, leaving no more room for argument. Halfsnow got the message and simply nodded. "Off you go," the deputy meowed and turned away.

"Nightshrike!" A friendly call from Larkflight made her turn her head to see her friend waving his paw. "Come over here!" Poppybee and Robinfire were laughing about something and Nightshrike's curiosity got the best of her and she padded over.

"What's up?" She asked and flicked her tail. "I've got patrols to organize." Nightshrike sat down and looked expectantly at Larkflight, who was giggling like a kit.

"Y-you should've s-seen the look T-Tumblewatcher gave you!" Laughed Larkflight as he fell on his back, cackling with laughter. Nightshrike tipped her head to one side, amused at how her friends were acting.

"What look did he give me?" She asked, holding back and laugh as Larkflight snorted. "What am I missing?"

"Tumblewatcher obviously likes you, Nightshrike!" Robinfire exploded in laughter, as did Poppybee. "Haven't you noticed?"

Nightshrike blinked at her friends, appalled and pleased. She shook her head and stood up. "I'd better go get a border patrol out so we can feel a bit safer." She paused, looking at Larkflight. "In fact, why don't you three go? Larkflight'll lead it. No distractions." She meowed sternly.

"Yes, ma'am." Teased Larkflight as he caught his breath and stood up, tail flicking in the air. "Let's go, you two. We haven't got a moment to lose!"

"Bring back some prey while you're out!" She called as they started to leave. Nightshrike shook her head and chuckled. "What has my life come to?"

As Nightshrike padded towards the medicine cat den, Leafpaw bounded up to her. "What are we going to do today?" Her apprentice asked, the events of the previous day forgotten. "Hunting? Fighting? Exploring?"

"Slow down," meowed Nightshrike as she flicked her tail across Leafpaw's mouth. "Right now, you will be checking on Hollowstream and helping around the camp. After that, we'll work on hunting and move on to battle practice." Leafpaw's eyes lit up. "Go on, I'll find you when sunhigh comes."

"Okay!" Chirped her apprentice as she scurried off to the elder's den. Nightshrike chuckled to herself and padded into the medicine cat den. Her heart grew heavy as she saw Thorntail's shape sleeping alone in a nest in the corner of the den.

"He's gotten worse since yesterday, Nightshrike." Meowed Shellfur as he rose to his paws and shook out his fluffy fur. His eyes were sad and sympathetic as he padded quietly towards her. "His whitecough turned into greencough overnight, he may not survive the end of Leafbare."

Nightshrike's breath caught in her throat and she looked at Shellfur, who dipped his head and turned away. Thorntail's dying! Nightshrike stepped on the tom's tail, making him turn his head over his shoulder. "Heal him," she growled, her voice cold and wavering. "Please heal him."

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