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"Then, Nightstar grasped Voletuft by the throat and bit down until the brown she-cat stopped moving." A white she-cat was meowing to two kits, eyes wide and eager. "Nightstar killed Voletuft but not before telling her to say hello to Gorsewhisper, Blackheart, and Specklewatcher."

One of the kits, a dark gray patched she-cat, gasped. "Then what happened, Iceleaf?" She asked, scooting closer to the she-cat.

The white she-cat purred with amusement and went on. "Then, moons later, she gave birth to Thorntail's kits." She paused dramatically and looked at the two kits. "Do you know who her kits are?"

The cream pointed tabby she-cat bounced up and down, squeaking. "Hollyfire, Emberburn, and Mosspelt!"

Iceleaf purred and nodded. "Very good, Meadowkit." She meowed and looked around. "Some cats say that Nightstar haunts the dreams of naughty kits who don't listen to their mother and don't tell the truth." She whispered.

Meadowkit shrieked in fear and shrank in her fur, trembling. "That's horrible!" She cried. "I promise I'll always listen to Dawnflame and I'll always tell the truth!"

"That's a lie," chuckled a soft voice from behind the two kits. "Good afternoon, Iceleaf." Meowed the black and white spotted warrior as he dipped his head. "Telling these two about Nightstar again?"

Iceleaf nodded. "It's the only story they want to hear, Swiftsoul." She let out a gentle laugh. "Alright, kits. Don't tell your mother that I told you the story again. Otherwise, I'd be picking out my own ticks!"

Meadowkit and her sister nodded in unison. "We won't!" Chirped the cream tabby she-cat as she nudged her sister. "Come on, Hailkit. I'll race you to the nursery!"

Hailkit narrowed her sparkling eyes, excitement bubbling beneath her paws. "I bet I'll win!" She declared, racing towards her father and through his paws.

Meadowkit let out a complaint and hurled after her, nearly making Swiftsoul trip. The warrior let out a purr of amusement as they hurried to the nursery where Dawnflame was waiting. "They're a pawful sometimes." He meowed, looking over at the elder.

Iceleaf purred. "All kits are at some point," she meowed and pointed her tail at him. "You were a pawful when you were a kit."

Swiftsoul just chuckled and dropped his ears. "I've been meaning to ask you about Nightstar. Considering you knew her longer than I did."

The elder nodded. "I'm listening."

"Well," he began and laid down beside her. "I know she had kits with Thorntail, but did she ever love any other cat?"

Iceleaf was silent for a moment before she answered. "She did. In fact, she loved many cats." At Swiftsoul's surprised gaze, she went on. "She loved Lichenstar but they didn't work out. Then there was Redstripe and that was a horrible match from the start. They never had any kits together, but they hardly interacted with each other up to her death."

"Did she ever love her foster family?" Swiftsoul blurted out, unable to hold back the question.

"Yes, and she loved them very much." Iceleaf's voice dropped to a whisper. "But when she found out Blackheart was her father and Specklewatcher was her mother, she lost all love she felt for her foster family and then she became the tyrant she was."

"Do you ever feel bad for her?" As soon as he said it, he wished he could take it back. Swiftsoul let out a small sigh. "You don't have to answer that." He added in a murmur.

Iceleaf nodded, tail flicking. "Of course I did." That surprised Swiftsoul but he said nothing and nodded. "I felt sorry that she had to live in a nightmare, not knowing who her real parents were. But when she learned the truth, she took the lives of so many cats." The elder looked away, tears welling in her eyes. "But no cat is perfect. And in the end, we all die. Some more gruesome than others."

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