Chapter Thirty-One

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Nightshrike flicked her tail as she waited for Thorntail to exit the medicine cat den, paws shuffling. He'd gone inside for a second, promising her they would go on a hunting trip alone, but he started to cough and that made Nightshrike tense in pure fear.

She could hear murmuring from inside the den, what was going on? Was Thorntail okay? Deciding to see what was going on, Nightshrike poked her head inside the den. "Everything okay?" She asked, looking at Timberskip and Shellfur as they stood over Thorntail's sleeping form. "Is he alright?"

Timberskip looked over his shoulder while Shellfur slid by and began to gather a jawful of herbs. "He's got whitecough, Nightshrike." The tom meowed and Nightshrike tensed her shoulders. "If we don't treat it quickly, it'll have a chance to turn into greencough."

Nightshrike could scarcely breathe for a moment. "And if it does evolve into greencough?" She whispered, tail flicking.

Shellfur twitched his ear. "Then he'll get worse and worse without catmint. If he does and we don't have the precious herb, he'll join StarClan faster than we can blink."

Nightshrike felt nauseous at the thought of Thorntail dying and she stumbled. "Y-you'd better make sure he survives." She whispered and met Timberskip's soft yellow gaze.

"We'll do what we can, Nightshrike." He meowed uncertainly and turned away, shuffling through stacks of herbs. Unable to bear the sight of her sick lover, Nightshrike hurried out of the den, tail streaming after her. She darted into the clearing, vision blurred with fear and worry for Thorntail. What if he doesn't make it? Her head swam with so many dark thoughts. I live without him!

"Nightshrike?" Robinfire's worried mew sounded far away. "Are you okay?" Nightshrike felt fur brush against her side as Robinfire sat down next to her. "What's the matter?"

"Is it Thorntail?" Asked the voice of Larkflight. "Did you guys have an argument?"

"Larkflight!" Stormbird's scold made Nightshrike look up to see Larkflight cringing away from the gray tabby. "Don't say that!"

"W-we didn't have an argument," Nightshrike's voice was small and fearful, making her curl her claws into the ground in disgust. Warriors fear nothing. "But, Thorntail has whitecough."

The silence between the four cats made Nightshrike squirm, tail curling around herself for comfort. Stormbird and Robinfire shared worried glances while Larkflight looked at his paws, ears flattened. "What?" She meowed, looking at her friends.

"Well," Robinfire meowed but Stormbird flicked her tail over her mouth quickly, shooting her a glare. Robinfire seemed to get the message as she directed their attention to Leafkit and Jaykit. "Would you look at that! Leafkit and Jaykit are learning how to pounce!"

Nightshrike narrowed her eyes and lashed her tail, abrubtly rising to her paws and beginning to walk away. "I'd better get on a patrol," she meowed over her shoulder as she padded towards Echospeck, who was organizing the next couple patrols. "Can I join a border patrol?" She asked, twitching her tail to where Leopardcoat, Sparrowflower, Shadeheart, and Lichenstorm were standing at the camp entrance.

Echospeck turned to her, surprise flashing in her blue eyes. She let out a purr and nodded. "Go join Shadeheart's patrol. I believe they're heading for the NightClan border. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you joining."

Nightshrike nodded and dipped her head, heading for the four warriors were standing. "Echospeck told me to join your patrol," she meowed as she neared them.

Shadeheart nodded. "Let's go, then," she meowed and kinked her tail to the camp entrance. She trotted out of the camp, her patrol following in suit as they left the safety of the camp walls.


As Nightshrike followed her Clanmates through the Whispering Fields, unease made her fur prickle. She had never seen a NightClan patrol in her life, let alone one that could tear her to shreds in a heartbeat. Shaking out her fur and hopefully her worries, Nightshrike trudged on.

As they neared what looked like the border, Shadeheart froze without warning. "Stop," she whispered, tail erect and flicking. "Get down."

Nightshrike crouched awkwardly next to Lichenstorm and Leopardcoat, watching as Shadeheart sat perfectly still as though she were a stone. Then she heard the voices coming from their side of the border. They got closer and closer until Nightshrike had to flatten her ears from the noise of loud talking.

"DawnClan better have a good excuse for what they did last moon," growled a rather deep voice that startled Nightshrike slightly. "First they steal our prey and kill one of our warriors out of spite."

A lighter voice spoke this time. "Don't be so mean, Snakefang. They didn't mean to kill Toadtail, you know that."

Nightshrike saw Shadeheart flick the tip of her tail and she nodded, shifting to the right and flanking the right of a calico she-cat with blue eyes. Cloverheart. She knew the name instantly. I remember some of my former Clanmates throwing that name around often. She sounded fierce at the time but maybe she's just soft like a kittypet.

As Nightshrike unsheathed her claws, a yowl split the air and she surged forwards, tackling Cloverheart and locking eyes with her. A cruel smile worked its way to her lips and she bit down on Cloverheart's paw, pleased at the shriek of pain that followed.

Claws slashed across her cheek and Nightshrike hissed, throwing her opponent to the ground and snapping at her tail. When her jaws clamped around a sleek tail, Nightshrike dug her claws into the ground and pulled with all her might. Cloverheart let out a yowl as she was tossed into the nearest thorn bush, wailing as she was impaled by thorns.

Nightshrike watched with pleasure as Cloverheart tried to free herself from her prickly prison. That's right, Nightshrike. Purred the voice, soft and malicious. Make them suffer. Take your anger out on them. Without a moment's hesitation, Nightshrike whirled around on her heels and bounded towards a brown she-cat that was snarling at Lichenstorm. Within a few bounds, she was locked in battle with the she-cat.

"You're an OakClan cat!" The warrior snarled, sinking her claws into Nightshrike's side. "This is not your battle!"

Nightshrike reared on her hind legs and slashed her face, a grin plastered on her face as she watched the blood spray the forest floor. "I was sentenced to exile," she smirked as she saw shock on her enemy's face. "I murdered Tawnywillow in hopes of becoming deputy, but that failed. Guess it's time to kill you, though." With a leap, Nightshrike sank her teeth into Brownfoot's neck, blood pouring into her mouth, bitter and sweet at the same time.

Brownfoot gasped and fell to the ground, Nightshrike still hanging on. Once she was still, Nightshrike let go and glared at her body, a cold satisfaction rising in her body and seeping into the ground as the battle ended and victory was theirs. 

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