Chapter Forty-One

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It was really cold when Nightstar led her Clan to the Gathering Hollow. Behind her, the cats she chose were murmuring to each other and whispering about what they expected the other leaders would share. To her right, Lichenstorm was grunting with effort as they fought through the snow that fell between sunhigh and moonhigh. At her left, Shellfur was carefully but swiftly padding through the cold white powder. Timberskip had to stay behind since Petalkit and Rosekit started coughing. Sickness was common with young kits. However, when a few hours old kits start to show signs of illness, they have to be watched every second.

Nightstar raised her tail and stopped, hearing the snow crunch many times behind her as her Clanmates halted. She flicked the tip of her tail and plunged into the Gathering Hollow where the other Clans were waiting. Nightstar's Clanmates scattered before she could turn around as she headed for the Moon Tree; the ancient tree where leaders stood to announce their information to the rest of the Clans.

Swiftstar met her before she climbed up the tree. "Nightshrike," he meowed and dipped his head, seeing Lichenstorm join the other deputies. "Where is Clearstar? Is he ill?"

Nightstar shook her head and began to claw up the tree, the ginger and white leader at her side. "Clearstar was killed in battle." She meowed and saw the tom's shocked expression. "I'll announce more once the Gathering starts." Nightstar sat down and faced the cats who were chattering below.

"Cats from all Clans!" Blackstar's voice quieted the conversations and Nightstar's tail draped over the branch next to her, flicking off the wood. "Let the Gathering begin! I shall begin this moon's Gathering. We have three new warriors among our ranks. Please welcome Jaggedsong, Moonwish, and Shadowstream!"

"Jaggedsong! Moonwish! Shadowstream!" Chanted the other cats, surprising Nightstar at the amount of force from their voices.

"I will go next," meowed Spiderstar and he rose to his paws. "We have ten new warriors in OakClan. Please welcome Graywolf, Wolfstripe, Ferretflight, Poolheart, Lakefur, Wildwing, Sedgepelt, Silvershadow, Rowanflower, and Talonclaw!"

"Graywolf, Wolfstripe, Ferretflight, Poolheart, Lakefur, Wildwing, Sedgepelt, Silvershadow, Rowanflower, and Talonclaw!" Cheered the Clans.

Swiftstar glanced at Nightstar and nodded. Then, he faced the Clans, making Nightstar nervous. This was her first time speaking to the entirety of the Clans as a Clan leader. How did Clearstar make it look so easy? As Swiftstar said his report, he turned to Nightstar and dipped his head: an invitation for her to step forward.

Nightstar shakily rose to her paws and she felt the urge to leap down from the tree and sprint away as far as possible. No. She was a leader now. She dug her claws into the bark and took a breath. "Cats from all four Clans, I have a sad announcement to make. Yesterday, we were attacked by a group of rogues led by the exiled GlacierClan warrior, Rowantail." Gasps filled the clearing and Nightstar hurried on. "Thorntail sacrificed his life to save mine and Clearstar was slain in combat with another cat. I went to the Moonpool and received my nine lives and my name. My name is now Nightstar and Lichenstorm is my deputy." She didn't wait for the cheers to start and she kept going, wishing for the Gathering to suddenly end so she didn't have to carry on her report. "We have a shockingly full nursery with Echospeck and her kits, Halfsnow, Poppybee, Whiteblaze, and myself in the nursery expecting or caring for kits."

A loud purr erupted from Swiftstar and she looked at him, confused. "So many queens promises so many kits, it'll be hard for you to keep up with."

Blackstar let out a mrrow of amusement. "When they become apprentices, the prey in your territory better be careful and hide pretty well."

Nightstar lashed her tail, not realizing they were only teasing her. "This Gathering has come to an end." She declared, already leaping down from the branch. "Please go to your respective leaders and leave." As soon as her paws touched the cold forest floor, she was surrounded in her Clanmates and they began their freezing trip back to camp. 

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