Chapter Forty-Eight

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Blood was everywhere in OakClan's camp. Nightstar spotted Frostgaze and Lichenstorm brawling not far from Larkflight and Honeyheart. All four cats looked terribly exhausted and Nightstar willed her Clan to keep fighting. If we win this, it will begin at last. She thought as she looked around for Vixenstar.

The OakClan leader was nowhere in sight. Movement caught her attention as she saw Robinfire and Sparrowflower slipping out of the elder's den, their paws bloody and eyes glowing. They've killed Toadpad and Mistyflake. She mused and saw Vixenstar taking on Dewpath and Stormbird. Nightstar smirked and bounded towards the three, letting out a snarl as she reached them.

Vixenstar fixed her with her blue glare. "Nightstar," she snarled and lashed out with a paw, slicing open the other leader's cheek. "How wonderful you show your face here again."

Nightstar sneered. "Just how I remember it: weak and too feeble to defend themselves." The black leader lunged at the leader and forced her to the ground, hitting her head on a rock. Vixenstar glared up at her, blood trickling out of her mouth and painting the stone crimson.

"Stronger than you," she retorted and Nightstar sank her claws into the fur around her neck. "What will Spiderstar think?"

Nightstar leaned towards the leader, her breath brushing her cheek. "He would be thinking about how horrible of an idea it was by exiling me." She snickered softly and raised her head, nodding to Dewpath. "Kill her."

The tom looked shocked but nodded and raised a paw, claws glinting in the weak sunlight. He brought down his paw and slashed open the she-cat's throat. Vixenstar gasped in pain but the light faded from her eyes and she fell limp beneath Nightstar's bloodstained paws.

She smiled evilly and turned to the clearing where her warriors were winning the fight. "Kill them!" Nightstar yowled. "Kill them all!"

As the cries of battle ceased, she saw many of her warriors standing over injured or dead warriors. Nightstar smirked and flicked her tail as Vixenstar returned from the dead. She threw her towards the edge of the rock. "Look at your Clan, Vixenpool." She sneered as the she-cat saw with wide eyes the bloody scene. "You've lost."

Vixenstar looked down and Nightstar grinned. "Then what, Nightstar?" She asked softly, looking up at the she-cat. "You won the battle, what now?"

Nightstar slashed her cheek, grinning wildly. "Now, you are under my command." She flicked her ear to Stormbird. "Rally up the rest of the warriors and escort them to DawnClan camp. Those who fight back, kill them on the spot." She meowed and watched as her ally dipped her head and started barking out orders.

Vixenstar bowed her head, eyes closed. "StarClan will not like what you are doing, Nightstar." She rasped. "This is the end."

"That's where you are wrong, Vixenpool." Nightstar put a paw of unsheathed claws under her chin and forced her to meet her gaze. "This is only the beginning."

"Of what?" Vixenpool asked, eyes glinting with defeat and exhaustion. "The beginning of what, Nightstar?"

Nightstar raised her chin and pointed her nose to the sky. "The beginning of my rise." She meowed and looked down at the she-cat. "And if any cat dares stand in my way and stop me, they will meet the same fate of Blackheart, the kittypet, Tawnywillow, Rowantail, Volepelt, Voletuft, and countless other cats."

Vixenpool's eyes widened and she lowered her head as Nightstar padded past her. Nightstar strode towards the camp entrance, feeling mighty and proud. She now had control of two Clans instead of one. That's the path she will walk until she is ready to die. This kit walks a dark path and no cat can stop her. 

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