Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nightshrike stalked through the forest, claws unsheathed as she headed away from camp and towards no cat's land. If I want my revenge, I'll need followers. And if I need followers, I need to find cats willing to die for a cause that is not relevant to their lives. Her heart pounded in her chest as she walked farther and farther away from where she grew up but she shook her head. I need to do this without my Clanmates holding me back.

As she stormed through the forest, the brunt of Gorsewhisper's death hit her harder than she thought. The blood gushing from his neck, the last words he spoke, the way he fought Rowantail to save Nightshrike made her double over and let out a wail of grief and sorrow.

What are these feelings? I'm a warrior, not a soft-hearted kittypet! Forcing herself to keep moving, Nightshrike felt her pelt prickle with unease as she arrived at a small Twolegplace, filled with foul smells and loud Twolegs and huge red dens that were taller than the Tall Tree in OakClan's camp. I don't like this. She was tempted to turn back but her paws kept moving.

"Hey, you!" A voice made Nightshrike jump in surprise and she saw a brown tabby tom with green eyes lounging on a fence. "Where are you from, stranger? I've never seen you 'ere before."

Nightshrike swallowed and unsheathed her claws, allowing them to scrape against the stone. "My name is Nightshrike," she meowed, glaring at the tom. "Who are you?" Her tail lashed and the tom seemed nervous but answered in a smooth voice.

"My name's Dew, m'lady." He meowed, rising to his paws and leaping down from the fence. Dew was skinnier than a kittypet and did not have a collar around his neck. Unlike the kittypet I killed to get my warrior name. She shuddered. "What're you doin' here?"

Nightshrike straightened. "Do you have a leader that you follow?" She asked, trying to size up the semi-large tom. He studied her and flicked his tail.

"Follow me, Nightheight." He meowed and turned towards a narrow strip between two large Twoleg dens and stopped in front of a Thunderpath. What is he doing?

"It's Nightshrike," she corrected sharply and watched him roll his eyes. Dew watched the monsters roar by until he sprinted into the middle of the Thunderpath, Nightshrike on his heels as they streaked to the other side, panting and breathing hard. "What was that?" She growled.

Dew didn't look bothered. Instead, he trotted towards a bunch of large, dark green rectangles and climbed up one, waiting for Nightshrike. "Come on, Nightshrike." He called and disappeared over the top. "This way."

"Slow down, why don't you?" She retorted and pelted after him, leaping up the smaller thing and landing on the other side next to Dew. "What are we doing here?" Nightshrike glared at the tom. "I thought you were taking me to your leader?"

"Oh, he did, Nightshrike." Purred a familiar voice and she turned her head to see Apple lounging on a pile of garbage. "What do you want, Clan cat?" Amusement danced in his eyes and Nightshrike glared at him.

"I wish to challenge you, Apple," she meowed, standing up straight. Nightshrike saw surprise flash in the eyes of her former leader and she drew her lips back into a sneer. "Unless you're too much of a coward to fight your former Clanmate." She taunted and saw rage flare in his eyes.

A dark brown tabby tom next to him arched his back in a hiss. "How dare you challenge my leader like that?" The tom looked far less than friendly and Nightshrike smirked.

"Stand down, Dusk," mused Apple. He had risen to his paws and was glaring at Nightshrike. "I accept your challenge, Nightshrike. But what have you got to gain?" He asked, eyes narrowing. "Don't you like being in a Clan with Gorsewhisper and your family?"

"Gorsewhisper is dead," she spat. "Deerstripe and Gorsewhisper died at the claws of Rowantail." Nightshrike watched as Apple's eyes roared to life with anger. "If I defeat you," she went on. "I will command every cat and gain followers to destroy GlacierClan for Rowantail's sins." Nightshrike saw Dusk and Dew glance at their leader, waiting for him to reply.

Apple flicked his tail and leaped down in front of Nightshrike. His eyes gleamed with an unknown emotion and shook his head. "You do not belong here, Nightshrike." He spoke softly, as though speaking to a troubled kit. "Go back to OakClan."

Anger boiled inside Nightshrike and she unsheathed her claws, letting them scrape against the stone ground. "You don't deserve to be called a leader!" She screeched as Dew and Dusk gently pushed her back. She fought back, shoving them away but two more cats flanked her, shoving her away. Tears streamed down her cheeks as Nightshrike spat at her former leader. "We hate you! You should've left OakClan long ago! Vixenpool and Redstripe deserve a better mate and father than you!"

Apple looked hurt but he shook his head and flicked his tail, sitting down and watching as his former Clanmate was escorted away, screeching. 

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