Chapter Fifteen

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"Nightpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Applestar asked, looking down at Nightpaw as he spoke the words.

"I do," she answered boldly, pushing her weight onto her hind legs so she could hold her leader's gaze. All around her, Nightpaw could hear the soft whispering and muttering of her Clanmates.

"She's too young to become a warrior," murmured Iceleaf, who sat with Mistyflake and Rosespring.

"Back when I was an apprentice," Deerstripe was muttering to herself. "We became warriors when we were old enough to have kits."

Nightpaw flattened her ears to block out the sound of her Clanmates whispers, but when Applestar raised his head, they fell silent.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I grant you your warrior name." Applestar leaped down from the Tall Tree and loomed over Nightpaw. "Nightpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Nightshrike. StarClan honors your strength and skill and we welcome you as a full member of OakClan." When he finished speaking, he rested his chin on her head. As tradition, Nightshrike licked his shoulder and raised her head, gazing around at her Clanmates.

Voletuft was gazing at her with pride in her green eyes and Gorsewhisper was nodding approvingly to her. When Nightshrike looked at her former denmates, she tensed.

Dawnpaw had a look of envy in her eyes and Songpaw was glaring directly at Nightshrike. Honeypaw and Littlepaw were smiling from ear to ear at Nightshrike and so was Reedpaw, though, jealousy was clear in his eyes.

Her heart broke when she didn't see Aspenpaw, who had joined StarClan a few days ago when she had fallen ill. With no medicine cats, the Clan hadn't been able to keep her alive long enough to get stronger.

From the nursery, Ivyheart was gazing at her with a skeptical look in her green eyes. Her kits who were born a day ago were behind her, sleeping on top of each other.

Goldenkit was the biggest and the only tom in the litter of four. He had broad shoulders, a broad muzzle, and stripes that ended in sharp points.

Amberkit was smaller than her brother but not by much. She was ginger and white and she had broad shoulders, small hips, and small paws. Her spots were much softer than Goldenkit's stripes.

Applekit was different than her siblings. She was a dark ginger tabby with jagged stripes like her older brother. Like her mother, Applekit had smaller paws but a longer tail and large ears.

Snowkit was the odd one out of the other three kits. She was a light brown tabby, different than all of her siblings. Nightstrike never knew why Ivyheart thought of snow when she looked at her youngest daughter and she didn't care.

"There is one large ceremony that I have to perform," continued Applestar, snapping Nightshrike from her thoughts. She quickly ducked her head and headed for her mother and father to watch. "Swiftkit, Volekit, Pinekit, and Wrenkit come forward."

Nightshrike felt her mother and father straighten beside her but kept her gaze on Applestar. They want to be mentors so bad, I can't understand why. She thought, seeing Gorsewhisper's eyes glint.

Aspenpaw used to be his apprentice before she died, Nightshrike assumed that he felt grief during the ceremony. Grief only shows weakness, and that is what you don't want.

"Swiftkit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Swiftpaw." Applestar meowed, nodding to the tom. "Blueheart, you are a kind and patient warrior and I know you will pass on everything you know onto Swiftpaw."

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