Chapter Fifty-One

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Nightstar jerked awake, startled by her dream. She panted as her kits growled in protest and shifted. Shaking her head, she rose to her paws and exited the nursery. It was early in the morning, but there were cats already awake in the camp. Some were clustered the deputies, eager to get on a patrol. Blackstar, now Blackdust, named Squirrelsplash as his deputy when Eeltail was killed. Nightstar felt uncomfortable as she watched the Clan she ruled shuffle through the camp, which was even more crowded than it was sheltering two Clans rather than three.

This is what will happen in the future, Nightstar. Dapplefern had said. And there is nothing you can do to prevent it. The calico StarClan spirit was very flat in what might happen to Nightstar. That alone unsettled the leader as she recalled her own kits turning on her. Mosskit, Emberkit, and Hollykit would never do that. Would they? She shook her head and sighed, climbing up the Jagged Stone. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Jagged Stone for a Clan meeting!" This seems like something I have to do every day. She thought with a groan.

As her large Clan gathered, she couldn't help but glance over at the nursery and see all the kits poking their heads out to see what was going on. They're probably wondering why the meetings happen so often. Nightstar mused and flicked her tail.

"In naming apprentices, we show ourselves that we are always growing and getting stronger." Nightstar saw the kits straighten and she gestured for them to come forward. This is going to take a while. She thought, stifling a groan of annoyance. "Rosekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Rosepaw. The mentor I have chosen for you is Stormbird. She is a great hunter and talented fighter and I know she will pass on to Rosepaw."

The dark tabby she-cat dipped her head to Nightstar and crossed the clearing to her new apprentice. They exchanged a few words that Nightstar couldn't catch before touching noses and sitting down in the crowd.

"Petalkit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Petalpaw. The mentor I have chosen for you is Robinfire." Nightstar saw her friend brighten and she almost purred with amusement. "She is a playful warrior and firm cat and I know that she will teach you all she knows."

Robinfire let out a loud purr and padded towards her new apprentice, eyes gleaming with both pride and sadness. She was close with Petalfire before all this happened. She recalled but went on briskly.

"Dustkit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Dustpaw. The mentor I have chosen for you is Songscratch." The apprentice looked surprised and so did the golden warrior but Nightstar flicked her tail. "He is a fierce warrior in the heat of battle and quick to react. I know he will teach you how to be just that as your mentor."

Dustpaw looked at the golden tabby tom as he padded across the clearing and touched noses with the smaller tom. He looked excited as he sat down next to his new mentor, tail flicking eagerly.

"Mistlekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Mistlepaw. The mentor I have chosen for you is Swiftsoul." The black and white spotted tom looked surprised. "He is a swift and spirited warrior and I know he will pass those traits onto Mistlepaw."

The dark blue-gray tabby apprentice's blue eyes lit with excitement and joy as she bounded towards her mentor before he could stand up. She practically tackled him as she touched noses with him, the cats around them letting out purrs of amusement.

Nightstar locked eyes with Redstripe, where he was sitting next to Blueheart and Shelltail and held his gaze. "Stonekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Stonepaw." Redstripe's tail flicked behind him and Nighstar wondered if he could read her thoughts. "The mentor I have chosen for you is Redstripe." That got the tom to blink, breaking their everlasting eye contact. "He is a wise warrior and caring for those younger than him and I trust that he will teach you to be exactly that."

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