Chapter Fifty

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"Nightstar," meowed a far away voice that was unfamiliar to Nightstar. "Nightstar, open your eyes." The voice grew impatient. "Nightstar!"

The black she-cat's head shot up, blinking as a StarClan spirit stood in front of her. "About time," the spirit grunted and looked around. "Come with me, we don't have a lot of time."

Nightstar scrambled to her paws and examined the cat in front of her. "Who are you? Why am I here?" She asked, tail flicking behind her.

The multi-colored calico huffed in annoyance and held up a paw to stop the questions. "My name is Dapplefern and I need to speak with you." She meowed briskly and strode away with Nightstar scrambling after her.

"About?" Nightstar prompted as they headed through a lush green forest. She looked around, the ground feeling oddly familiar beneath her battle-worn paws. The trees loomed higher than the clouds and reached to the stars where the land of StarClan resided. It was around sunhigh as Dapplefern led Nightstar further into the thick forest. "Where are you taking me?"

Dapplefern didn't look at her as she replied, her starry pelt shimmering. "To where you will die," she meowed darkly and Nightstar stiffened. The spirit noticed and shook her head. "I can't kill you in your dreams, Nightstar." She explained and pressed on until a bramble wall came into view. Just in earshot was the sound of screeching, making Nightstar recoil and flatten her ears.

"Who is making that awful sound?" She asked, looking at the calico she-cat. Yellow eyes locked onto hers and Nightstar felt uncomfortable as Dapplefern twitched her ear.

"You," she meowed simply and ducked into the wall of brambles and thorns that clung to Nightstar's pelt. When they emerged on the other side, Nightstar nearly gasped at what she saw. Cats, all hissing and snarling, surrounded a black pelt, backing away from what awaited them. With a jolt, Nightstar realized that the black shape was her. This cat was backed up against the Towering Oak in the Gathering Hollow, surrounded by hissing and angry cats.

"What are they doing?" Nightstar demanded, looking at Dapplefern, who looked ahead. "Why are they turning on me?"

Dapplefern looked at her, eyes unreadable. "Isn't it obvious?" She asked, jerking her muzzle around her. "You've made their lives a nightmare to live. You took control of their Clans and now, they want the same blood you do now. However, the only blood that will be spilled is yours." She waved a cream paw.

Nightstar stood in front of her, teeth bared. "What I'm doing is for the good of the Clans!" She protested but the she-cat ignored her. "By making them one, I'm saving lives!"

"But taking countless others in the process, Nightstar," Dapplefern growled and shoved the she-cat towards the group of cats Nightstar called her Clan. "Watch what will happen to you."

Nightstar obeyed and saw a familiar gray and white pelt advancing towards the Nightstar backed against the Towering Oak. Mosskit. She thought, watching as her daughter snarled at her.

"You made our lives horrible, Nightstar." Spat the she-cat that suckled at Nightstar's belly. "You take over our homes and say it's the will of StarClan!"

A tortoiseshell she-cat stepped forward, as did an identical tom. Nightstar recognized them both immediately as Hollykit and Emberkit. What are their warrior names? She wondered but a hiss broke into her thoughts.

"Would our father go along with this, Nighstar?" Asked her son, eyes flashing with hurt. "Thorntail would never let you do this to his Clan."

Nightstar watched herself arch her back and lash out with a paw, slashing her son's cheek. "Thorntail died before you three were born!" She snarled, eyes wild and crazed. "This is my Clan, not his!"

"He would've led it better than you could ever!" Yowled a familiar voice and Nightstar saw Lichenstorm baring his teeth. "You came here, boasting about how you ran away all those moons ago. When in reality, you killed innocent cats and got exiled!" His fur bristled and Nightstar stiffened. "You are no leader who follows StarClan!"

Dapplefern said nothing as they watched the Clan advance forward until they pounced on the leader, who let out a deafening shriek as they tore her apart. Nightstar shut her eyes and looked away, cringing at the yowls and wails of pain filled her ears. "This is what will happen in the future, Nightstar." The spirit meowed, staring down the she-cat. "And there is nothing you can do to prevent it."

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