Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Cats of all Clans!" Meowed Spiderstar as he perched on the stone only used by leaders. "Let this moon's Gathering begin!" The conversations around Nightshrike hushed and the cats turned their attention to the leaders. Among the deputies was Sparrowsong, GlacierClan's new deputy since Snowstar died, Vixenpool from OakClan, and Eeltail from NightClan. Funny, thought Nightshrike, how two cats who are barely popular in their own Clan can become deputy. "I will start us off," Spiderstar went on and Nightshrike tensed as Vixenpool glared at her. "We mourn the death of one of our beloved warriors, Voletuft. She was killed in battle and her spirit rests in StarClan." A moment of silence was held for the fallen she-cat. Nightshrike held back a snort as Vixenpool's eyes flashed with sadness. "Our deputy, Halfthroat, also died and his spirit rests somewhere else. In the wake of his death, Vixenpool has been named as OakClan's new deputy."

"Vixenpool! Vixenpool! Vixenpool!" Called the cats from below as the new deputy straightened, drinking it all in whilst Nightshrike scoffed and leaned over to Sparrowsong.

"If she was any prouder, I'd be afraid of her exploding." She snickered and Sparrowsong smirked and whispered.

"She'd better watch out before all that pride gets shut down." Sparrowsong's eyes danced with amusement and Nightshrike giggled and turned her attention back to the leaders. Spiderstar was bowing his head and in his place stood Swiftstar.

"It is with great sadness that I announce the death of Snowstar, who died peacefully in her sleep early this moon." Swiftstar meowed and silence haunted the clearing. "I received my nine lives from StarClan and my name is now Swiftstar. For my deputy, I chose Sparrowsong."

"Sparrowsong! Swiftstar! Sparrowsong! Swiftstar!" Chanted the cats from below. However, Nightshrike noticed, the NightClan cats were shifting uncomfortably and Blackstar, Eeltail, and a few others were speaking quietly amongst each other.

Clearstar stepped forward. "DawnClan is doing well but we mourn the loss of our apprentice, Jaypaw, who was mercilessly slaughtered in a border scuffle with OakClan."

"'Border scuffle' says the prey-stealers!" Spat Scorchtail from her spot next to Flightclaw and Owlflight. She leaped to her paws and glared at Nightshrike and Clearstar. "Your patrol stole OakClan prey!"

"We did not!" Yelled a furious Sparrowflower, tail lashing as she rose to her paws. Nightshrike caught a glimpse of her unsheathed claws and grew interested in the she-cat's demeanor. "One of your squirrel-brained apprentices crossed the border and stole prey!"

Redstripe hissed. "Lakepaw is not squirrel-brained!" He lashed his tail and glared at the she-cat. Stormbird and Dewpath flanked Sparrowflower, hissing, and spitting. "Moreover, you tried to claw his fur off!"

Clearstar's eyes grew worried. "Settle down!" He meowed loudly but no cat seemed to listen to the tom. Nightshrike said nothing, just watched to see what her Clanmates may do.

Sparrowflower stalked towards the tom, who was accompanied by Scorchtail and Flightclaw. "You're the ones who killed an apprentice who was three days into his training!"

Redstripe let out a low growl and unsheathed his claws. He narrowed his eyes and his lips drew back into a snarl. "The cat responsible for the kit's death is not me." He growled.

"That kit was my son!" Yowled Dewpath as he rushed forward and thrust his muzzle close to Redstripe's. The tom's eyes glittered with anger and agony that his son was gone. I wonder if a fight will break out. Nightshrike looked at the moon, which was untouched by the gray clouds. Maybe this was supposed to happen. "You are a disgrace to your Clan! You would shed the blood of a cat barely out of the nursery and for what? A piece of prey that would fill two bellies at the most? Have you no honor and no knowledge of mercy?"

Scorchtail let out a growl. "We're not the cats who killed him." She sniffed and pointed her nose to the sky, her eyes gleaming.

Dewpath glared at her. "He's still dead! Now he will never get his warrior name or walk the path he wanted since he was at the curve of Fennelfur's belly. He dreamt of the days he would be a warrior and now thanks to one of your Clanmates that had to take a fight too far, he will forever have 'paw' in his name!" Scorchtail flinched and looked at Redstripe, who snarled.

"You do not want this, Dewpath." The ginger and white tom warned, stepping closer to the furious DawnClan warrior. "The blood of your son has already been shed, as have the blood of my Clanmates. Is this really a cause worth fighting for?"

Dewpath didn't answer him with words. Instead, he let out a yowl and lashed out with a paw of unsheathed claws and slashed Redstripe's muzzle. Blood sprayed the ground and Redstripe staggered, blood dripping from his muzzle. Dewpath glared at him and watched as the tom sprang, tackling Dewpath. The two toms rolled in a ball of claws and flying tufts of fur.

"Stop them!" Shouted a panicked Swiftstar from next to Blackstar, who watched in shock and awe. Clearstar was frozen in his place, eyes wide and fogged. When he was nudged by Swiftstar, he barely reacted.

Nightshrike glanced at the other deputies and leaped off the stone and rushed through the throng of cats to get to her Clanmate. "Dewpath!" She shouted and eventually made it to the two fighting cats. Dewpath had a strong hold on Redstripe's shoulders and the other tom had his scruff fastened between his teeth.

"Redstripe!" Vixenpool's voice had an edge to it as she brushed passed Nightshrke. "Get off him!" As she spoke, she leaped at the ginger tom and tore him off Dewpath. Nightshrike rushed forward and pulled Dewpath away from Redstripe by the tail while Sparrowsong had his scruff. As Nightshrike looked at Vixenpool and Redstripe, she saw Eeltail in front of Redstripe.

As Nightshrike peered passed them, she noticed a distinct yellow pelt behind a group of NightClan warriors. What's he doing here? She couldn't think about that, though. Dewpath was struggling to get free and leap at Redstripe, who was calming down with some nasty wounds.

"This Gathering is at an end!" Declared Blackstar and looked at the deputies. "Go to your respective leader and leave!" Without another word, he motioned to Eeltail and together they were flanked by their Clan and disappeared.

Nightshrike heaved a sigh as GlacierClan began to leave. Redstripe glared at Dewpath, who was being scolded by Stormbird. The tom glared right back and bared his teeth, but he looked away when Stormbird nipped his ear. Nightshrike turned to Redstripe as he began to leave. "Jaypaw's death was unnecessary." She meowed, tail flicking. "You of all cats should know that."

Redstripe hissed softly and got in her face. "Blackheart and Tawnywillow's death was unnecessary too, weren't they?" Nightshrike tensed. "But that didn't stop you from killing them in cold blood." Without leaving her time to retort, Redstripe whipped around and stalked after his Clanmates.

Nightshrike shook out her fur and looked around for Clearstar, who was speaking urgently to Shellfur. She looked at Dewpath, who was limping with Stormbird towards the direction of the camp. As her Clanmates left the Gathering Hollow, a cold, bitter breeze ruffled her fur. She turned her attention to the sky, where the moon glared down at her.

Suddenly, a voice spoke from behind her and she whirled around, startled. "You know what's coming," meowed the cat. Nightshrike tilted her head and took a step back, alert. "Don't remember me, Nightshrike?" With a sharp intake of air, she recognized Voletuft's brown fur, sleek and fluffy with a distinct shine to it. "The one born from darkness will divide and taint the Clans. The half-throated deceiver will rip one away and the Clans will never see the light of day." Was all her adoptive mother said before disappearing in a cloud of white and leaving Nightshrike all alone.

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