Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Nightshrike padded alongside her Clanmates as they made their way towards the Gathering Hollow, her entire body rigid with tension. Spiderstar is going to exile me, but for what? He has nothing he can use against me. Sure, Goldenfire and I weren't in camp when Tawnywillow died, but that could mean anything! Her black pelt burned with anger but she managed to hide it from her Clanmates.

She hadn't talked to any of them since she overheard Reedfrost and Spiderstar's conversation about her. Nightshrike's heart burned with the need for revenge and she felt a strong urge to slaughter any cat that looked at her as though she were a rogue or an outcast. Control yourself, Nightshrike. Purred the menacing voice. Keep your anger inside until the right moment to let it all out.

A chilly breeze ruffled the pelts of Nightshrike's Clanmates and she saw many of them shivering or pressing against their mates to keep warm. She stifled a snort. Weak.

"We're here," meowed Spiderstar as he descended into the Gathering Hollow, his Clan following in suit. Nightshrike didn't hesitate to plunge after him, her paws tingling as she looked around for a special cat.

She finally spotted Thorntail in the middle of a cluster of NightClan, GlacierClan, and DawnClan cats. Nightshrike slowly made her way towards the tom, tail and chin high in the air as she padded towards the handsome tom. As their eyes met, warmth flooded through Nightshrike, making her feel as though she were floating.

"Hi, Thorntail." She purred once she made it to the tom. She sat down right next to him, gazing up at him with warm eyes. Thorntail gazed down at her, a big dumb smile plastered across his lips.

"Hello, Nightshrike." Meowed the large tom as he licked her head sneakily. Sparks shot through Nightshrike as his tongue rasped over her head, making her dizzy. "What's new in OakClan?" He asked, tail flicking around her.

"Reedpaw got his full medicine cat name," she meowed, dazed. "He's now Reedfrost." Thorntail purred, encouraging her to go on. "We have so many new kits in the nursery. Voletuft gave birth to three, Frostgaze had three, Iceleaf had two, and Ivyheart also had two."

Thorntail chuckled. "That's a lot of hungry mouths to feed for your Clan," he commented, shaking his head. "Anything else?" He stared into Nightshrike's eyes, which differed in color. While his were an icy blue, Nightshrike's were a burning amber that melted when he looked at her.

"W-well," she stumbled over her words, trying to pull herself together for his sake. "Deerstripe and Gorsewhisper died, so did Tawnywillow. In her place for deputy is Halfthroat."

Thorntail was quiet for a moment before slowly nodding. "Losing cats you love is hard," he meowed softly. "But in time, the pain will slowly release its grip on you." He pressed closer to her until their pelts brushed ever so slightly.

Nightshrike couldn't breathe, not wanting the tom to pull away as fast as he did. Thorntail looked up at the leaders, who were waiting for the attention of their Clans in order to start.

"Cats of all Clans! Let the Gathering begin!" Meowed Blackdust. "I shall begin with some sad news. Duststar has joined StarClan after a deadly fight with a badger earlier this moon." The clearing fell silent as a tribute to the fallen leader. "But in the wake of his death, I have better news. Eeltail is the cat I have chosen to become my deputy and Dusthawk has become a full medicine cat thanks to Timberskip's training and patience."

Purrs and cheers of congratulations rumbled in the throats of the cats around Nightshrike, who felt uncomfortable. Thorntail nudged her and winked, making her fur blaze with embarrassment.

"Also," continued the new leader. "Otterflower is back in the nursery and is expecting Lionstorm's kits once more." Chuckling could be heard from the older warriors and Nightshrike shook her head.

"I shall go next," declared Snowstar as she rose to her paws. "GlacierClan is doing rather well since Leaffall has started. We are well-fed and we welcome three new apprentices to their first Gathering. Please welcome Sandypaw, Duckpaw, and Frogpaw!"

"Sandypaw! Duckpaw! Frogpaw!" Cheered the Clans, their voice echoing off the trees and reaching the cold stars.

"That is all I have to report this moon," concluded Snowstar as she sat back down and gestured for Clearstar to begin his report.

The ginger tom dipped his head and faced the cats. "It is with a heavy heart that I announce the retirement of our deputy, Hollowstream. Sadly, he became too old to serve the Clan as deputy but we wish him many moons of hard-earned rest." He bowed his head and went on. "Echospeck is our new deputy and Fennelfur gave birth to two healthy kits last night."

Spiderstar rose to his paws and flicked his tail. "I have a lot to announce, sadly." He meowed, sounding sad and pained. "However, we have a bunch of new kits in the nursery this Leaffall. Voletuft, Frostgaze, Iceleaf, and Ivyheart, gave birth to so many kits, we've had to expand the nursery to fit them all." Purrs of amusement filled the clearing. "Tawnywillow, the deputy, has sadly joined StarClan. Halfthroat is our new deputy in her place. With loss brings new life and Reedpaw has earned his full medicine cat name and now goes by Reedfrost."

The tom looked around the cats, brushing over Nightshrike and resting his gaze on the medicine cat. "That is all I have to report this moon. Please go to your respected leaders and leave."


"Nightshrike!" A paw jabbed Nightshrike in the side and she groaned, lifting her head to see Littlewing standing in front of her. "Spiderstar has called a Clan meeting." He explained quickly and dashed off.

Nightshrike grunted and followed him, yawning as she exited the den. Clouds covered the sky and she saw Littlewing returning to his spot next to Honeyheart. The Clan seemed to be waiting as they turned their heads to face the black-furred warrior.

"Nightshrike," Spiderstar's tone was pained and she looked up at the leader. "Come here, please." She nodded and padded towards the Sky Tree, nervous about what may occur. "I, Spiderstar, leader of OakClan hereby sentence Nightshrike into exile for suspicions of killing Tawnywillow."

Nightshrike heard cats gasping all around her and she did so as well, just for the act. She forced her eyes to widen and she looked up at the leader. "I had nothing to do with her death!" She wailed, looking at him in the eyes. "Goldenfire and I were patrolling the border with Tawnywillow and we were attacked by a fox!"

Spiderstar shook his head, eyes flashing. "I don't believe you, as there was no fox scent anywhere near where Tawnywillow's body was found." He glared at Nightshrike. "Leave now and never return. If you do, you will meet the same fate Tawnywillow did at your claws."

Anger boiled her blood and she snarled. "This is not the last you hear of me, OakClan!" She glared around at each of her Clanmates, who hissed and hurled insults at her. "I will be back, that is a promise!"

"Nightshrike..." Voletuft's meow made her turn her head to her mother. "What has happened to you? Blackheart and Specklewatcher will be so disappointed that their only surviving kit killed one of her Clanmates."

Nightshrike hissed. "I don't care what they think!" Voletuft flinched. "I don't know who Specklewatcher is and I don't care! They're dead! StarClan doesn't exist and neither does my family!"

"Blackheart and Specklewatcher were your family, Nightshrike." Meowed Toadpad, stepping up. "They are your parents. Gorsewhisper and Voletuft helped raise you when your siblings and your mother died. They tried so hard."

Nightshrike lashed her tail. "Not hard enough," she snarled and raced through her Clanmates until she burst through the thorn barrier and exploded into the forest.

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