Chapter 5: Two Years Later

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•Chloe's POV*

I woke up hearing Nash screaming at his little brother. I have no idea why Nash has to be so childish sometimes. I take that back. He's always childish!

I looked out the window to see 14 year old Hayes, Nash's brother, run into the house. I'm guessing he wanted to get away from Nash. Well, I can't blame him.

Nash then looked up to my window and saw me. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. I turned around and ran back to my bed to get my phone. 4 missed calls.

"I wonder who it could be." I speak, my voice laced with sarcasm.

I knew who it was, it was my best friend of two years, Shawn.

I opened the notification and decided to call him back.


"Shawn!" I yelled into the phone.

"Woah. No need to yell. What are you excited about?" He asked laughing at me.

"Well I don't know really but I was rudely woken up this morning." I said clearly aggravated.

"Nash again?" He asked, already aware of my response. 

What I found funny was that Shawn has known Nash longer than I have but I hated him more.

"Yep as always, but ever since I moved here, I have been on time for school because of him." I laughed.

"Well that's the only good thing about the guy. He's a complete jerk for what he does and says to you." He said clearly annoyed at Nash's existence.

"Well I have you here to protect me." I said making him laugh.

"Oh man, you need to start getting ready for school in about five minutes and I have to call Bella to wake her up." He said as I hung up.

Bella is Shawn's girlfriend of one year. He went to a party last year and found himself falling in love with Bella Garza. They have been a happy couple ever since.

I would have thought considering that Shawn and I are really close that she would try to keep us away from each other, but instead, she was happy that we had such a good, stable friendship.

I finally decided to get out of my bed and get ready for torture.

It seems I never get a break from Nash. He never takes a break from bullying me.

He made me his target after Alicia Barns moved to a new school.

I usually just ignore him, but sometimes it really gets to me. What he does and says really gets to me, crushing me on the inside. 

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my Arctic Monkeys band tee and my white and black checkered skinny jeans. I never bother getting dressed up for school anyway. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my outfit for the day and slid on my socks and white converse. I grabbed my straightener and turned it on to let it start heating up.

I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush, then continued to get ready.

Once I had my hair straightened and my teeth brushed I decided on no make-up today. I usually wear mascara and eyeliner but I had my days that I never wore any make-up at all.

I slip my backpack over my shoulder and make my way down stairs.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to see Shawn calling. I answered the call and let him speak.

"Hey Chloe. I already picked up Bella and I'm on my way to get you. I am about to pull into the driveway so be ready." He tells me.

"Alright I'm almost ready I just have to grab my hoodie just in case it decides to rain today. Or you know, if Nash decides to pour soda on me again." I said.

"Chloe I'm pulling in." He said, clearly trying to change the subject.

"Alright, I'm coming." I said, before hanging up.

I rush towards the door, grabbing my hoodie from the counter.

Once I got outside, I see Shawn and Bella making room for me in the small, rustic truck. The truck Shawn has doesn't have a backseat so we all ride in the front.

This was pretty much our group of friends other than Abigail Templeton. Abigail is dating Matthew Espinosa, but we don't talk to Matt because he hangs with Nash. She understands that I can't be around him because of that though.

We finally arrived to school and the group standing by the door just made me want to run away immediately.

The group consisted of Nash, Jack G, Matt, and JJ.

Shawn looked over to me as if asking if I wanted to go in there.

"Shawn I have to go in there. I have to face them." I whispered and he just nodded.

I opened my door and let Bella out on my side of the truck. I walk around to the other side of the truck, only to be accompanied by Shawn and Bella on my left side.

As we got closer to the group, I noticed Abigail walking towards Matt, she just waved at us and smiled.

I smiled back and focused on Nash. I wasn't in the mood to be messed with today. Nash noticed me and immediately nudges Jack G to look. They both smirked and walked up to me.

"What do you want Nash?" I asked.

"Don't get a temper with me!" He barked at me making his group stare.

"C'mon, don't do this today." Shawn whispered to Nash as he pushed him away from me.

"Or what, pretty boy?" Nash asked laughing.

He turned to Jack G and noticed him trying to hold in his laughter.

"Are you going to say something or not?" Nash asked Shawn.

"No I'm not saying anything because you're not anything I want to waste my breath on." He finally spoke.

I grabbed Bella's arm and pulled her away from him so that we could just get to class.

I noticed Shawn being pulled with her because their hands were locked together.

Thankfully, their lockers were right next to mine so I had them by me most of the time.

The only time I don't see either of them is when I'm in A&P or Algebra 2. Of course I have A&P with Nash, and I have Algebra with Nash and Jack G.

Jack J and Matt never really spoke to me mainly because their girlfriends were my friends. Ashley is Jack J's girlfriend. She isn't as close to me as Bella is but she's still one of my best friends.

Not the best chapter, I know. It's just a filler chapter. It should get better within the next few chapters. Also, I added a few characters to the story because a few girls I know asked to be in it so I added them.

Comment and vote babes.💕


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