Part 5

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"Queenie!" Tina exclaimed, rushing forward to hug her sister. And then she stopped herself. She tapped her wand on her head, and she was visible again. Can you hear me? she thought, as loud as she could. As a precaution.

"I can hear you, Tina," Queenie said, softly.

"I-I love you, Queenie," Tina stuttered, trying to blink back the tears that had suddenly sprung up. It failed, though, as one lone tear travelled down her cheek, and then onto her coat. The same thing happened to Queenie, tears dripping on her coat, too. The salty droplets fell from their eyes, and they stood there, Newt and the now-visible aurors standing awkwardly behind the two silently crying siblings.

"I've missed you so much," Queenie said.

"I've missed you too," Tina said, hugging her sister tightly. Queenie hugged her back. Tina stepped back and studied her sister. Queenie was wearing a pink coat, and a loose, white dress. It was winter though, so that clothing choice seemed, well, quite chilly. It didn't seem like Queenie to wear summer clothing in the winter. I'm sure she has a reason, Tina thought.

"I'm really sorry to break up your reunion, but could you please tell us where the aurors are?" Mr Brighton said, matter-of-factly.

"Here's a map of the castle. It shows where all the people in the castle are at any moment, including yourselves. Just tap it with your wand and say, 'show me where to go' and the map will appear. When you're done tap it with your wand again and say, 'that's all for now' and it'll disappear. And these are some other things I've made that could be helpful," Queenie said, handing them a couple of pieces of wrinkled paper, the biggest being the map. They did as Queenie told them to the map, and it worked. A map of the castle spiderwebbed over the paper, and minuscule dots like flecks of ash appeared all over the page.

"Can I catch up with my sister while you plan? Preferably farther away from here. I'll join you when you've finished," Tina said.

"Sure. Where can we go?" Theseus asked.

"There's an unused storage room right over there," Queenie said, pointing to a door. Pixie peeked inside and gave a thumbs up. The others followed, leaving Tina alone with Queenie.

"May I?" Queenie asked, gesturing to Tina's head. Tina nodded. Slowly, Queenie drank the events of the past months out of Tina's head. Tina was silent, and Queenie, at different times, made little unintelligible noises.

And then she got to the part that Tina was dreading.

"OH MY GOSH YOU AND NEWT!" Queenie squealed. Tina shushed her. "Oh my gosh you and Newt!" she squealed, quieter this time.

"Queenie, really?" Tina complained, flushing.

"You two are adorable together," Queenie said, smiling. "You've found the right person. Finally. Achilles was a son-of-a-biscuit," she finished, except she didn't say biscuit.

"Queenie!" Tina said, slightly appalled.

"You agree with me," Queenie said, reading Tina's thoughts, and Tina rolled her eyes.

"Fine, now can we talk about something besides my love life?"

"Sure. I want to apologize."

"What for?"

"Every time I saw you, I had to keep up the illusion that I hated you. I could hear your thoughts every time I did it, and I- I am so, so sorry, Teenie," Queenie said, on the border of crying again.

"It's alright. I know why you did it, and I would have done the same thing in your position," Tina said.

"Thank goodn-" Queenie started, then stopped to lean on a small table that was flush to the wall. She was breathing heavily.

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