Part 15

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Tina sat perfectly still on her bed in the tower as Renata applied makeup to her face. Renata had graciously offered to help her get ready; the offer graciously taken, as doing hair and applying makeup wasn't Tina's strong suit. Renata had chosen the navy dress with gold beading for Tina and straightened out her hair into a sharp, neat bob. Tina essentially went along with everything Renata did.

Tina looked in the mirror and smiled. Her face was mostly scarce of makeup, except for a bit of blush and a swipe of red lipstick. Queenie would approve. Red lipstick wasn't something she wore, probably ever, but sometimes it was nice to get dressed up. But this is the exact wrong occasion, Tina thought, sobering up.

Renata looked up, sending the products she was using back to her room with a flick of her wand. "Are you okay? Do you not like it?" The look on her face was one of immediate concern for Tina.

Tina shook her head as if to shake away the thoughts. "No, I love it. And I'm fine, Renata. It's okay."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Renata asked, standing up to walk over to Tina. She took Tina's hand and led her back to the bed. The two sat down.

"I know this is a silly question, but can you promise not to tell anyone?" Tina asked.

"Of course," Renata replied, sincerely.

Tina took a deep, quiet breath. "I love this, this makeup and the hair, and the dress, and it's beautiful, I just wish...I wish I was wearing this for something else. A dance, maybe." She shrugged. It was halfhearted, as if she didn't quite mean it.

"With someone special?" Renata asked, but it wasn't a pressing, prodding, question, like the ooh, Porpentina, who do you like?'s from the girls in her dorm when she was still in Ilvermorny.

"Yeah. Um, his name is Newt, and I..." Tina trailed off. There was so much more she could have said, but those things she liked to keep hers. For now. The two sat in companionable silence for a little while, until Tina asked,

"It's okay if you don't say anything, but is there anyone? Special, for you, I mean. I don't want to make this all about me." Tina reddened, embarrassed at the question.

Renata bit her lip, hesitating. "Uh...I don't know if I...I don't want to be hurt again." She instantly looked on the verge of crying.

Tina's expression immediately softened. "It's okay. We don't have to talk about it."

Renata shook her head. "No. I haven't told anyone in a long time, I've been scared and cowardly and I need to stop." It seemed like she was partly talking to herself. She rubbed her eyes, steeling herself, and said, "Back in Spain, there was a woman, and I- I loved her. We couldn't really, you know, do anything because we were two women. Not even go out on dates. But one day, we were- we were sick and tired of hiding. So we decided to go to a little restaurant, and we could just pretend we were friends. But she walked me home - I just got out of school, and was staying with them for a little while- I thought my Mama and father were asleep. As it turned out, my father was up. She kissed me goodnight- and my father saw, straight through the window." Renata looked on the verge of crying again, so Tina put her arm over Renata's shoulder, drawing her closer.

Renata took a shaky breath. "He came out, furious. He almost killed her, that's how upset he was. He never expected his perfectly behaved, only daughter, to be attracted to other women. In his eyes, I was sinning. He hated it, tried to convert me. It didn't work. He was powerful in the Spanish government and had my love arrested. Painted me to be the victim. And then, when Grindelwald stormed the prison for recruits, she got caught in the crossfire." Renata looked Tina straight in the eyes, dead serious. "Her name was Marisa. I joined Grindelwald with the intent of stopping him, if not for the safety of the world, for her." Renata aggressively rubbed away a stray tear that had found its way to her cheek.

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