Part 19

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Renata almost collapsed in relief the minute Tina and Credence stepped out of the room.

"I'm so sorry, Tina, the acolytes were smarter this time, they camouflaged themselves and snuck past me, and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to go in so I didn't-" she mumbled, but Tina cut her off with a small hmph.

"It's fine. We just have to get out of here as quickly as possible," Tina said, adopting her professional, commanding auror voice.

"Follow me, then," Renata replied, setting off at a brisk pace. Tina grabbed Credence's hand and followed. Soon enough, they reached a door. Opening it, the threesome were hit -rather, slapped in the face- by a burst of fridged wind. Tina had forgotten for a second that they were in the Austrian mountains and not in London or New York. This is the worst possible place to not have a coat, Tina thought, as she shivered in her sleeveless dress. Renata didn't have it much better, what with her skirt.

"We're going to have to apparate. Renata, can you do side-along apparation?" Tina asked.

"Yeah, I can," Renata answered.

"Apparating hundreds of miles isn't ideal, but there's no other way since we're trapped on the top of a mountain. We should be able to do this but prepare for splinching. Okay?"

"Got it," Renata replied. Credence nodded.

Tina held out her hand. "Credence, take my hand, and take Renata's-"

"How do I know she's not on Grindelwald's side?" Credence interrupted.

"Because she's been vetted by my sister, who is a legilimens. Anyway, take Renata's hand, and hold on tight. Have you done side-along apparation before?"

"Once, with Grindelwald."

"Good. Then you know what to expect. Ready?"

"Ready," Renata and Credence echoed. Ice crunching beneath their feet, freezing wind ruffling their hair, Tina and Renata raised their wands.

Three, two, one...

The three disapparated in the blink of an eye.

Tina would never forget the experience of apparating hundreds of miles, still recovering from the Cruciatus Curse, while using some of her magic to also make sure they didn't lose Credence mid-way. Apparating normally felt like being squeezed through a tube, but with practice, the squeezing sensation lessened. Not this time. In fact, it felt even worse than when she had first learned to apparate. It didn't feel like being squeezed through a tube, more like being crushed through a tube. She'd done side-along apparation before, successfully, but only over short distances. It took most of her strength to hang on Credence, though she knew Renata was doing it too. Hopefully, they would all arrive uninjured, but Tina knew that was unlikely. That's why she wasn't surprised when-

They landed in London. Rain drizzled around them, and of course...they had landed in a puddle. Tina released her grasp on Credence's wrist. She looked him over; he seemed fine. No cuts, bleeding, or missing limbs. Same with Renata. She was about to walk over to Newt's home, which was across the street, when Credence said,

"Miss Goldstein? You might want to look down."

Tina looked down.

A long, thin gash bled on the side of her right leg, from mid-thigh to her ankle. How she didn't notice it before, she didn't know, it hurt like crazy.

Renata grabbed her arm. "C'mon. Let's get you to your boyfriend's house and get your leg fixed."

Tina shot her a look. "He's not my boyfriend."

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