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"DOES THIS SHIRT make me look fat?" Doug pondered, twisting his body to look at himself from different angles in my mirror

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"DOES THIS SHIRT make me look fat?" Doug pondered, twisting his body to look at himself from different angles in my mirror.

I rolled my eyes and dropped another handful of popcorn in my mouth. Jace reached into the bowl, but I slapped his hand away. His expression morphed into a scowl as he rubbed his reddening skin.

"Doug, I don't understand why you're freaking out. It's just a date with Charlie Craine. Didn't she sleep with a teacher last year?" I questioned, earning a glare from Doug's reflection in the mirror.

I knew Doug was only going out with Charlie because she was easy, but seriously, he was putting too much effort into it. She had expressed a desire to sleep with him for weeks now and he had finally noticed, despite her blatant efforts to seduce him for so long.

Doug, coincidentally, happened to be quite charming with his dimples and chocolate brown hair. However, what he made up for in looks, he lacked in brains. He usually said the most inane things that would result in either laughter or concern for his mental state. There really was no inbetween.

The whole group was gathered in my room tonight. Our Saturday night movie ritual was about to commence. Doug was bailing for his date with Charlie, but him ditching the routine to enjoy his sexcapades wasn't particularly unusual.

The group consisted of my dearest friends since childhood - Doug, Jace, Matthew, Cody and Chris. Sometimes, being surrounded by only teenage boys felt sort of suffocating - literally and figuratively - but my life would surely be boring without them. We were all different individuals, but our shared similarities made for the best bunch of friends I could ever ask for.

"Charlie Craine is hot, Lex." Doug replied, finally tearing his gaze from his reflection.

"Not as hot as you though," Jace winked, causing me to shove his shoulder. I was well accustomed to Jace's perverted side, but it didn't mean that I wouldn't continue to put him in his place. He used his charm on any girl that crossed his path - not even excluding me, no matter how close we actually were. Nonetheless, I knew he was just teasing.

I could see how most girls fell susceptible to Jace's flirtation the majority of the time, though. His blonde hair was always styled perfectly and he had the most gorgeous shade of cobalt eyes. His good looks definitely contributed to his arrogance, although it was part of his charisma in all honesty. Him and Doug were tied for the biggest flirts of the group, with Cody falling behind in a close second.

Cody, unlike the other boys who were popular strictly for their looks, was high up in the social hierarchy for his appearance, personality, and the fact that he was a talented athlete. Cody was practically a star at any sport he tried.

He, unlike Jace and Doug who just hump and dump, tended to date a girl for about a month before splitting up with them. Girls knew about his reputation, but couldn't resist his curly brunette hair and emerald green eyes.

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