☼ W H I P P E D

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I close one eye and bite my lip in concentration. Currently, I'm attempting to draw winged eyeliner on Dougs sleeping figure, which isn't as easy as it seems.

Art is the only class all the boys and I share, and it's basically a blow off class. We get away with nearly everything, even things like this.

The boys suggested that since Doug was stupid enough to fall asleep in front of us lot, we should punish him. It was my duty to apply makeup and make sure the oaf doesn't wake up. Easier said than done.

Every time I had brushed eyeshadow on his eyelid, he had jerked and sort of giggled unconsciously at the feel of the brushes thin bristles.

No one else in class was paying attention, which was normal. Students and teachers alike were used to our antics, especially after spending four years with us.

"Alright, eyeliner is done. Matthew, hand me the lipstick." I demanded, holding out my hand. Matthew had objected at our idea of putting makeup on his friend, but he eventually warmed up to it. It was hilarious after all.

"Which color? You have like ten. 'Coral blush', 'Ruby red', 'Sweet Mel-"

"The brightest red, I don't know their names," I snapped, urging him to hurry up before Doug awoke. He dropped a tube in my palm and I began putting on the red lipstick. The other boys were all in a circle around me, stifling their laughter as they watched me.

I too was stifling a laugh as I knew perfectly well that Doug had a special 'date' planned in the janitors closet with Charlie Bailey after Art. I was excited. No, I didn't feel guilty at all because of the many pranks these morons have pulled on me.

"He's going to kill you." Matthew muttered, but I could hear the laughter threatening to escape from his throat.

Once I finished with the lipstick, I applied some mascara, blush, and even filled in his eyebrows. I was extremely happy that Doug was a heavy sleeper. Then again, what guy isn't?

Eventually, when the bell ring, Doug woke up, peering around the room drowsily. He smirked at us, most likely thinking about his plan to meet with Charlie. All of us were silent as we stared, but we all had large, goofy smiles on our faces.

"See you later, lads and lady," Doug winked, sauntering out of the room with his usual swagger. We saw students in the hall giving Doug strange looks and some even laughed. Doug looked confused as he snapped at a freshman. "What do you want, kid?"

What a wonderful way to start off a Monday.


"Lexi Isobel Hamilton, I swear to all that is holy that I'm going to rip your head off your shoulders and play basketball with it!" Doug bellowed as he entered the cafeteria. Everyone at my table laughed and I joined in. Of course, Doug wouldn't do anything crazy. He was just angry at the moment.

A few people in the cafeteria turned to look at him, but shrugged and returned to their meals. Doug stomped to our usual table and slammed his fists on the top.

"Hey Doug, you have a little something right there." I said, gesturing to the lipstick smudged on his lip. It was obvious Doug had tried to wipe off the makeup, but it hasn't worked very well considering the lipstick was still slightly visible and smudged around his mouth. Also, his eyes were circled by black, making him look like a trashy girl that wakes up on the floor of a strangers house after a night of partying.

"Yeah, I know! And I also know that you're the reason for it." He growls, clenching his fists tighter. I glance down at them before returning my gaze to his red, strained face with a smirk.

"Whatever do you mean, Douglas?" I query with a raised eyebrow. Doug's lips pull down in a sort of sneer as he explains why he's so angry.

"I went into the janitors closet and as soon as I got there, Charlie stared at me with fear but then laughing her butt off! I was so confused, then she told me to look in a mirror before she just walked off and started talking to John Richter. I really hate John Richter." Doug says and that's when everyone loses it - we all start laughing. I laugh so hard that a few tears spill out. Doug just stands there scowling at us for a while before after about five minutes of our nonstop laughing before he finally cracks a smile.

"That's-" laughter. "So-" more laughter. "Funny!" Chris manages to say. We all begin to laugh even harder while Doug just rolls his eyes, messing up my hair.

"I'll get you back for that, you know." He informs me once we calm down from our humor-high.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. As long as it's no more mayonnaise instead of toothpaste." I cringe, referring to a prank they pulled on me once. I had brushed my teeth with mayonnaise and it was disgusting. I despise mayo with a passion. It tastes horrible.

"No, no. We'll be more creative this time." Cody winks and I frown.

"Wait, you guys watched while I did his makeup. Shouldn't that make you guys just as vulnerable as me?" I ask desperately, not wanting to be ganged up on. These boys could do some crazy thing when they wanted to.

"Nah, Lex. It's a bro code sort of thing." Jace says, shaking his head. He slings an arm over my shoulder and I panic.

"No! I'm basically a bro too, why do I have to be alone in the torment?" I pout, giving them wide, terrified eyes.

"You're the best at pulling pranks so we need to finally one up you. Sure, it's a little depressing that it takes five of us to beat one you, but oh well. If that's what it takes..." Matthew gives me a sympathetic smile. I just glare.

"I like it better when you're girlfriend's here. She would defend me," I snap. I wish Sarah was here today. But no, she was sick with the flu. I look up at Jace and plead with my eyes. "Please Jace, don't help them. You're my partner in crime, not theirs."

"You do have a point." Jace nods to himself and the guys jump in.

"Whipped." Chris grumbles, eating a fry. I am slightly confused by that statement, but I ignore it.

"No, Jace! Don't let the devil mess with you." Doug intervenes, looking almost as desperate as me.

"Sorry, Lex. I think it's time I assist the boys." Jace smirks at me but I just narrow my eyes.

"You don't want to be my partner anymore?" I question offensively. Jace pinches my hip and shakes his head.

"That is definitely not the case. I'm just saying these idiots wouldn't be able to pull off an effective prank without me." He says as an answer.

"Exactly!" I exclaim with frustration. I just had to be born with a vagina. I was doomed.

Five to one did not sound good.

After the lunch bell rang, we all headed our separate ways. I bit my thumbnail as I headed to calculus. I wasn't a usually nervous person, but knowing five boys were out to get me, I had to constantly be on watch for myself.

I suddenly got an idea as I sat in math, bored out of my mind. I didn't have to wait for them to get me.

I could get them.


Short but important

By the way, I'm gonna try to upload two chapters each day. Not like EVERY day, but perhaps every other day. Can't guarantee they'll be long, but hopefully enjoyable :D

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