☼ D A T E

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Friday, two days after Jace and I went ice skating, I got a text from Adam. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make me smile a bit.

'Hey, Lexi.'

I was honestly a bit surprised that he remembered my name, but what can I say? I just have that sort of effect on people.

Just kidding.

I replied with a simple, 'Hey, Adam!' and continued getting ready for school. I had just finished braiding my hair in a fishtail braid when my phone beeped.

'Are you busy after school today?'

I grabbed my backpack and trekked downstairs while typing out a response. I entered the kitchen just as I pressed send.


"Morning, honey." Mom greeted while she cooked what smelt like eggs and bacon. I sat on the stool at the kitchen island and peeked around her shoulder. Yup, bacon and eggs.

"Morning, mom. Where's dad?" I questioned, noticing my father wasn't joining us for breakfast like usual. She shot me a grin and sighed.

"He had to go into the office early to finish filling out some documents." She informed me and I nodded. Dad was a lawyer and although he wasn't as serious as most lawyers are, he was great at what he did.

"So, are you going to visit Mel tonight?" I queried while taking an apple from the fruit basket. I couldn't wait for her to finish making breakfast, I was hungry.

"Yeah. Jeremy and Melissa wanted another night to themselves. Seeing as how I'm a new grandmother, I'll take any opportunity to see my adorable grandchildren." She explained and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, please mother. You have me, how much more could you ask for?" I teased and she chuckled.

"Who ever said you were adorable?" She retorted and I faked a gasp, clutching my chest.

"Oh, that hurts mom. That really, really hurts. I'm wounded, seriously." I joked, taking another bite of my apple.

"Shush with the acting, Ms. Drama Queen." She demanded playfully and I stuck my tongue out at her. She replied by blowing a raspberry at me and we both laughed. I seriously love my mom.

I was about to say something when my phone buzzed again.

'Want to go to the pier tonight?'

I grinned and sent Adam a 'Hell yeah!'

Way to sound eager, Lex.

"Someone seems mighty popular this morning. Quite chipper, too." Mom sent me a sly wink and I groaned.

"Remember that guy I told you about on Wednesday?" I asked and she bobbed her head in acknowledgment.

"The 'hot' ice skating guy?" She smiled.

"Yeah, him. He asked me if I could go to the pier tonight. I said yeah." I shrugged and she squealed in excitement.

"You have a date?" She clapped her hands after setting her spatula down. Almost immediately though, her face fell into an inquisitive expression. "What about Jace?"

"What do you mean, 'what about Jace'?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and it's not a date."

"Well, you two are da-, best friends, are you sure you don't have any plans with him?" She looked serious and I snorted. Nice save, mom.

"Mom, like you said, Jace and I are best friends. If I had a date, which I don't, it wouldn't be any of his business. And no, I don't have any plans with him tonight, anyway." I clarified and although she looked doubtful, mom bit her lip and cheered.

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