☼ T E S T

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I really shouldn't have agreed to let Sarah make me up. I wasn't prepared for all the poking and prodding she was doing.

"Hmm, I think I'm going to straighten your hair." She bit the tip of her tongue in thought before nodding to herself and pulling a straightener out of her bag.

She plugged it in and while she waited for it to heat up, she gently brushed my hair. The boys were downstairs in the living room watching TV while they waited. Sarah said she wanted to surprise them, so they couldn't be in the same room.

Once the flat iron was hot enough, Sarah began taking locks of hair and straightening them. "Just wait until he sees you. Is he picking you up or are you meeting him there?"

"He's picking me up. I texted him my address after lunch." I informed her and she made an 'oh' sound.

It was quiet for several minutes before Sarah spoke up again, albeit hesitantly. "Can I ask you a serious question, Lex?"

"Shoot." I gave her a smile through the mirror.

Although Sarah and I weren't close, she was probably my best girl friend. I didn't really talk to many girls on a daily basis and Sarah was sweet. I trusted her to not ask anything too personal.

"Um," she accidentally tugged on my hair too hard. When I yelped, she apologized. "Sorry! Anyway, I wanted to ask about Jace."

I sighed, but humored her anyway. "What about Jace?"

"Well, are you sure you don't like him, Lexi?" When I opened my mouth to protest, she continued. "Wait, just hear me out. I know you can't see the way you two look at each other, but I, along with everyone else, do. You guys are always touching and you understand each other more than anyone else. I can think of a thousand and one reasons why you two should date, but I can't think of one why you shouldn't date. So answer this, Lex. Why don't you like him, romantically, I mean?"

"I..." I shut my mouth, processing her words.

I know these same thoughts have been running through my mind for a few weeks now, but I needed to seriously consider her words.

"Are you going out with Adam because you like him, or to prove that you don't like someone else?" Sarah stared at me, but still continued doing my hair.

It was as if she poured a bucket of cold water on me. Her words were repeating themselves in my head, over and over and over again.

"Um, so what am I going to wear?" I ignored her questions and dropped my gaze to the table. She sighed but answered me anyway.

"I know you hate dresses, so I was thinking some dark wash skinny jeans and a floral shirt with a white cardigan?" She seemed unsure of my reaction but I smiled. Sure, it wasn't something I'd usually wear, but it was nice and feminine. Good for a date.

"I love it." I replied honestly and she grinned with a thousand watt smile.

"Now, for your makeup, I'm going to go with a simple, natural style."  She told me and I nodded. "Don't do that, I'm trying to straighten your hair."

"Fine, control freak." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hey, I'm not a control freak!" She gasped and we laughed.

"You so are." I teased and she scoffed.

"Okay, whatever." She said, but it was clear she disagreed. We chatted lightly until she finished straightening my hair and she moved onto my makeup.

"Please don't poke my eye out." I begged and she laughed. Jeez, I wish I had a laugh like hers. It sounded like chiming bells, while mine sounded like a dying seal.

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