☼ D I R T Y

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We got kicked out of the first costume store we went to.

We - 'we' being Cody, Doug, Chris, Adam, Jace and I (Parker hadn't shown up, at least, not yet and Matthew didn't come because he didn't need a costume) - had been scouring the racks for costumes when Chris found a fake spider and threw it on me. Me, being a huge arachnophobic, had screamed bloody murder and ran into a shelf of jewelry and hats, knocking it down.

I had yelled incessantly at Chris, who just laughed his ass off. The cashier came - a teenage boy with greasy hair and more acne than stars in the sky - and kicked us out of the shop, threatening to call the police if we didn't leave.

Of course, we flipped him off, except for Adam, before exiting the store. We climbed into Doug's truck and began the search for a new costume shop.

The truck was cramped, seeing as there were only five seats for the six of us. Doug drove while Cody sat in the passenger seat, leaving Chris, Adam, Jace, and I sandwiched in the backseat.

Chris was on the left, Adam was in the middle, and Jace was on the right with me on his lap. Chris had argued with Jace saying that since I was 'dating' Adam that I should sit on his lap, but Jace countered with 'she's been my best friend since we were seven and this wouldn't be the first time that she's been on my lap'. Of course, neither Adam nor I minded, so in order to keep Jace calm, I sat on his lap.

The seatbelt was stretched over the both of us, so I was being pressed against Jace. His chin was on my shoulder and he was tapping a random rhythm with his fingers against my waist.

I wasn't that uncomfortable by our close proximity because we had been even closer before. What made me internally squirm was the fact that if I move my head just slightly to the right, we'd be kissing.

Relaxing thoughts, Lex. Relaxing thoughts.

"Is that one open?" Cody pointed to a huge building with an orange banner that had Halloween! scrawled across it.

"Yeah, I think so." Chris told him. Doug turned into the parking lot and stopped the truck. We all got out and stretched, seeing as we had been stuck inside the compact space for about fifteen minutes.

"No more fake spiders." I glared at Chris and he just let out a hearty chuckle. Upon seeing my fiery gaze again, he stopped, lifting his hands up in surrender.

"Fine, fine. No more plastic spiders. Does that mean I can use plastic snakes, though?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I sighed, shaking my head.

Jace, Cody, and I walked ahead of Chris, Doug, and Adam. I heard Adam and Chris talking about something and I mentally cheered.

Adam laughed at something Chris said and I could literally feel my brain begin to form plans to get them together. Cody nudged my side with his elbow and glanced at Adam and Chris behind us, raising his eyebrows in a silent question. I nodded and told Jace I had to pee, while Cody just said he was going to look for a costume on the other side of the store.

Cody and I made our to the kids costume section, knowing the other boys wouldn't look for us there.

"So, Parker texted me about a Halloween party they're having on Friday." He said, leaning against the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So?" I was clueless.

"You're such an idiot, Lex. We take Adam and Chris and truth or dare. It's bound to spark up something." He stared at me expectantly and I bit my lip worriedly.

"If they say truth, we're not allowed to ask them if they're gay." I replied, at least I'm making one rule.

"Duh. I wouldn't even think about doing that. I'm a douche bag, but not that big of one." He snorted and I rolled my eyes. "So that's the plan?"

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